The divine NAME of THE CREATOR IS, YHH like a breath.
There were no numbers, letters, or spoken words, before the days of Satan.
The express way to The Kingdom is at, Gabryalmission.com.
Get The Book of Remembrance, This is The Book of The LAW.
It will help many to understand this blog much better.
YHH never gave the people any bible or instructions since Satan spoke to you in the garden.
YHH promised not to interfere during Satan's time with you. The bible is a book of Satan
first written in 1611, to deceive the whole world.
Read Revelations 12: 9.
Read 1st. Corinthians 2: 9 - 12.
The Son is referred to as, The Spirit of GOD.
Read John 5: 37.
Read John 1: 18.
Please study both the Blog and Videos so you can live in The Kingdom of YHH,
The land promised.
There are many mysteries revealed in the videos, the blog, and especially The Book
of Remembrance, that only THE true SON of YHH would know,
for I AM HE, THE ONE sent.
Notice; any time you read the names Jacob, and Israel in the bible, they are lies
written to deceive you, the readers!!!
Neither of these words existed back then, remember there was no J, until the 16th. century, and Israel is a new word.
Read Exodus - 23: 20 - 21.
Read Isaiah - 42: 1 - 4.
Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.
Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 11 - 19. This scripture is a fact!!!
only SON.
I AM THE Angel of YHH - calling you to wake up from this deadly sleep. I AM
Read Isaiah - 49 : 1 - 3. Notice; The name, Alvester is given to MY Mother while I was
In verse 3, the phrase, O Israel, is a human insert meant to mislead the readers,
This is what is going to happen to the martyrs, and all religious people, spoken of in;
Read Revelation - 14: 9 - 11.
In verse 11, you are told that the mark of the beast is, his name, and he has an army of
The mark of the beast is also the way of life that the whole world has accepted!!!
There is still more to come, the mark, to work, to buy, or sell, so beware!!!
Read Revelation - 18 : 8 - 10.
Read 2nd Peter - 2 : 1- 2 & 12. This is the fate of all preachers
The message I bring is far beyond the minds of humans. To understand this message
My book is available on Amazon.com.
The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel.Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065.
One can pay their ransom by pressing the donate button below each post in the blog.
Read Joel 2: 30 - 32.
Read Isaiah 10: 20 - 22.
I was asked about my numbers being verry low. The feds have MY numbers suppressed. I had over 300,000, followers in 2016 when I received a notice that the system is changing the way the counts are posted. I requested that they not show any followers at all, however they show low numbers to discourage you that can be deceived. I had over 3,000, followers on Facebook, now you check it out for your self.
Gabryalmission.com, is in over 250, nations as I write this message, so you figure this out for your self!!!
Read Psalms 86: 9 - 11, all nations.
Read Isaiah 60: 3.
Read Haggai 2: 7.
There are many more scriptures telling all of you to come to ME, THE Angel GABRYAL so you can live.
Get this book, read about the History of the Hebrews, and secrets that the world kept