



                                                IS THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR!!!  

                                        Pronounced, YA-HA, like taking a breath,

                                           How can one know if they aren't safe?   

Please share the address to this blog with people around you. Don't try to

explain the content, nor to defend it.

You paid no tribute to YHH, did not support this blog, nor paid your ransom to YHH!

Ransom Psalms 49: 7.

The warnings that I have given to you, the people of the world is, because, YHH and I love you. The warnings aren't optional, they are profound, and deadly. These catastrophes are timely, and they are written in stone from the Book of The Law. The clock started ticking from the beginning when Satan, took control of you, the world.
I, THE Angel GABRYAL AM THE only way out of this evil society alive.
As I have told you many times, come to ME and live forever.
You can stay with Satan and his, while you suffer and die horrible deaths.
These disasters will intensify, because, these are the days of, Armageddon.
Armageddon = The battle between good, and evil.
YHH and Alvester Samuel THE Angel Gabryal.
Against the world created by Satan.

Read 1st. John - 3: 1 - 3, you must become righteous.
Read 1st. John - 3: 8, & 9. Sinful people suffer and die.
Read Isaiah 1: 13 - 16. All that don't understand this are LOST.
This condemns all religions.

                                            How can you know?

You didn't OBEY MY voice, I GABRYAL AM THE voice OF YHH, and THE Messiah! 

You continue going to the houses of Satan, the churches, celebrating Easter, and celebrating 


Christmas is a world wide trap established to worship Satan, and destroy all souls.

Read Jeremiah 3: 20. Where the word Israel is written in the bible, it mean all nations.

     The destruction of humans shall not cease. As long as you serve Satan you shall be 

destroyed!!! If you want to punish Satan for the lost of your love ones, come back to YHH 


This book of Remembrance brings you back to THE LAW of YHH.

I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger, THE SON of YHH.

                          The Book Of Remembrance is written and sold by, Amazon.com.


I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger, THE SON of YHH.

                               The Book Of Remembrance is written by Alvester Samuel.

This Book is dictated by, GOD YHH.


                                                      This book is for sale on Amazon.com


                                                      Written By THE Angel GABRYAL

                   This is the most powerful book ever written, to warn all nations.

    This is the first and only book given to the world by GOD YHH since Satan came 

amongst the children of YHH in the garden.

   This book is the express way to the land promised by YHH. This is the road map to 

the Kingdom of YHH.

On your TV, go to your you tube channel, search for. Gabryalmission4700, to watch all my

videos on your TV. They will show you the way to the kingdom, the promised land.

Satan has made a lot of you afraid to read MY/YHH'S message of salvation to the world.

Many of you are fearful of knowing the truth.

You are still dyeing, many are sick, you are aging prematurely, and going six feet under in a box.

You aren't suppose to die, because, all of you are gods raped of your GOD/YHH given souls.

Get The Book of Remembrance so you can live forever.

Study post #50, in the blog.

Listen to the videos, all of them, and come alive.

I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger THE SON of YHH.

YHH breathed the breath of life into man, and man became a living Soul.

When did you lose your souls, and became spiritual - dead. Now you rejoice every day 

in Satan's temples your churches - over your own death!

Read Job - 12: 10.

      At this point all humanity has left YHH, and there is no need to breathe the breath of 

life into the air that you breathe. Remember; that life is given to man by YHH with every 

breath only, because, when man was with YHH man was a living soul. 

     The day that Satan became your leader all flesh died, and all souls are taken away!!!

Read Matthew - 18: 7, 8, & 11, only.

Now that humans has forsaken THE LIVING GOD, and all humans are dead for they are 

without the "living Soul" given to you by YHH only.

Read Matthew - 18: 11.

 Satan came to you, and told you that "HE said," and you did not eat of the tree of life as 

you were instructed by YHH. Man listened to the voice of Satan causing all to die!!!

Read Genesis - 3 : 22.

     Man believed Satan, because, he didn't realize that there are two deaths, the physical death, 

and the more important - death of the soul. By listening to Satan you became spiritual, and the 

spirit is satanic, thus you became like Satan, and you did die! The spiritual destroys the soul 

by separating you from YHH, and I GABRYAL. All people separated from YHH is already 

dead, so there is no need to refresh your air with the living Soul - which is "The Breath of Life."

I AM sent/come into this world to give back to all who obey MY voice, because, all the world 

has no soul, for you are only spiritual.

Because there is no renewal of the breath of life, it gets lesser every day until you expire, 

die physically the second death.

     By becoming spiritual the Soul is destroyed in you, and the soul has exited the body.

Read Jeremiah - 5: 23 - 26, is written below.  Now read this again this is a fact!!! 

Read it is written; "But this people hath a revolting, and a rebellious heart, they are revolted 

and gone." "None of them say in their hearts, let us now fear YHH our GOD who give rain in 

its season." "Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withheld good 

things from you." For among MY people are found wicked men, they lie in wait, they set snares, 

and they set traps to catch men.

Now read Jeremiah - 5: 27 - 31. is written below.  Now read this again this is a fact!!! 

Read it is written; "As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit; therefore they are 

become great, and grown rich.

They are grown fat, they shine, they pass over the deed of the wicked; They judge not the cause 

of the fatherless, yet they prosper, and the right of the needy do they not consider.

 Shall I/YHH not punish them for these things? Shall not MY soul be avenged on such a people 

as this? 

       An appalling, and horrible thing is committed in the land. 

The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means, and MY people love to 

have it so; and what will you do in the end on judgment day?" 

    Now you are worse than the beast of the fields, despising, and destroying your brothers!!!

Read Jeremiah - 3 : 21.

Read Revelation - 18 : 3 - 4.  YHH IS CALLING YOU, come out, come out!!!

     YHH sent ME to give you a last chance at life. Thus I AM sent/come to annul the death 

sentence raptured on every one by Satan, and His advocates. 

Read Revelation - 12 : 9.

Read it is written; And the great dragon was cast out, the old serpent call the devil, and

Satan who deceiveth the whole world.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 7.

Read it is written; YHH sent ME to open your blind eyes, and bring as many as will out of 

Satan's prison of darkness.

     This opportunity is conditional, for you must OBEY MY VOICE, and do all that I, 

THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL ask of you. 

     I have the power to resurrect, and save all that come to YHH, and I, THE Arch-Angel 


Read John - 5 : 20 - 23.

     For THE FATHER loveth The SON, and showeth HIM all things that HE HIMSELF does. And HE 

will show HIM greater works than these that you may marvel. For THE FATHER raises up the dead 

and giveth them life, even so THE SON giveth life to whom HE will. For THE FATHER judgeth no 

man, but hath given all judgment unto THE SON. That all men should honor THE SON, even as they 

honor the father. He that honoreth not THE SON honoreth not THR FATHER who hath sent him.

     All has disobeyed YHH, and violated YHH'S law by listening to Satan, and His advocates -

your preachers. Take a long hard look at the world around you!!! 

     "Did you think this evil would last forever"??? 

What people don't understand is - the human race is not a permanent fixture on the earth. 

Read John - 5 : 39. "You think you have eternal life."

The Exodus are those who come to ME, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, into eternal life!!!

     I know Satan lied to you, and fed all YHH'S children on earth from the tree of death, thus 

cutting you off from, THE LIVING GOD YHH. I know you weren't being disobedient when 

YHH call to you in the garden. Man did not answer because, Satan had beguiled, bamboozled,

and hoodwinked all of man kind with His lies, and you could not hear YHH.

Remember, "HE said."

                       YHH left THE instruction for you to "prove all things."

    Satan took your divine minds away so you could not remember the righteous Law Of YHH, 

which is to PROVE all things, by which you would have recognized Satan's lies.

Read Isaiah - 43 : 27.

      You are still listening to Satan's advocates your preachers, and not proving as YHH

 commanded you to - so you remain in the congregation of the dead!!!

      As I write this warning/message from YHH to you - all are without the soul given to you 


Read Jeremiah - 5 : 29. The whole world!

     On August 8, 1985, at 2;00 AM. I AM given THE ROD of Authority by YHH. THE ROD 

given to ME by YHH gave ME GABRYAL all power, and authority over every thing on the 


     THE ROD gives ME, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL the right to give life - the living Soul 

back to all that, OBEY MY/ YHH'S voice.

Read Jeremiah - 3 : 24 - 25. OBEY MY/YHH'S VOICE!!!

     As long as you continue serving Satan, in or out of His temples - the viruses shall continue 

to destroy any, and all of you that serve Satan.

Notice; people who wear masks are still dying! 

Notice; people who haven't been among others are still dying!

Notice; those inoculated, and uninoculated shall continue dying!!!

Read Jeremiah - 3 : 21 - 22. RETURN TO ME, THE ANGYL GABRYAL!!!

    You don't have to die, for any one can return to YHH, and I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL.

You must be sincere, and follow all the LAW of YHH, OBEY MY/YHH'S VOICE!!! 

Read Jeremiah - 5 : 18 - 19. "shall thou/THY answer them", I will answer you!!!                                               

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                        

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See videos on; gabryalmission.com)        
See also videos on face book.    

                         STUDY TO SHOW YOURSELF WORTHY TO YHH!!!

      Preachers, Satan's advocates, don't know the answers to the truth you should seek!


Some people are having trouble when trying to donate, please leave a message.                       

  To answer your question about a cash app, I don't have one.

However, one can send ransoms, or donations to this address.

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065

When you study. and donate, your name is written in THE BOOK OF LIFE.                                    

   The viruses will only attack, and kill those who are without the living soul of YHH. 

It will continue to mutate into uncharted strains while the former strain continue killing 

the unrighteous spirits in all nations!!!

Read Jeremiah - 5 : 7, & 9 - 12. now,

Read Jeremiah - 5 : 18 - 21.

  Come to me for I GABRYAL AM sent to save all that repent, and come to ME/YHH.

                                                        I SHALL RETURN!



  YHH YA - HA The greates...