



                                             Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.
                                                        THERE IS NO OTHER
                                                             WE ARE ONE

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

Read Revelation - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2 &7.

     Now you see why I AM sent for I AM THE Only ONE to deliver THE Message 

to the whole world!!!

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.

Read John - 5 : 20 - 23.

Read Isaiah - 59 : 19 - 21.

      I AM the guiding Light forever.

     The scriptures read, "LORD teach us what to say". To those of you who want to know

the real CREATOR, and DELIVERER. To save your souls - and have your request heard,

start your request like this. "In THE NAME of THE ONE that created me. In THE NAME

of THE ONE who created the sun ,moon and the stars. In the NAME of THE ONE who

created every-thing that is. What ever your NAME is, I call to you". Now continue your

request, and do not call on the name of a false god or you will remain in the congregation

of the dead. You must get to know THE NAME YHH so you can live. By saying this,

YHH will know that you are searching for the truth, and will bring you in to the knowledge


                            Pronounced- YA-HA - like taking a breath.

Read Psalms - 150 : 6. Every thing man, and animals. YA-HA like a breath.

Read Revelation - 5 : 13. Notice; YHH, And to THE SON. Lamb is a allegory!

Read Jeremiah - 29 : 9 - 12. Every thing!!!

      When you search, always study alone. For groups are a hindrance, when trying to reach

YHH, why? 

     No two people will rise at the same time, and those who remain in the dark will try to 

hinder you.

Read Isaiah - 27 : 12. Remember; when read LORD, and GOD  in capitol letters - YHWH

was there. 

      Lower cases are referring to ME, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL. 

     The word Israel represent all nations.

Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 23, When reading stop at order. The rest of  verse 23, is added 

by the writers, and will keep you in the congregation of the dead. "dead in Christ"

Now read the rest from 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 24 - 28.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 17, 22, 23, 27, and 30.  

Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.

Read Isaiah - 45 : 11 - 13.

    Read it again; I come at the end of the age, not two thousand years before. This is revealed

in the book of Hebrews. 

Hebrews - 9 : 26. 

     Satan, and I have no fellowship. Satan cannot approach the Messenger, for I AM death to

Him, and His work!!! 

     As I said earlier when MY mission began - Satan's era had ended, and His power is already 

taken away. I must destroy his teachings, and his image that is placed in your minds. 

     This is the Resurrection, and this is the dats of Judgment.



     Scroll down to the bottom, and click on older posts or newer posts. 

     Don't be discouraged if  you do not understand at first reading. As with anything the more 

you study the more you will understand. 

     Please study XIX - CROWN OF THORNS, and  VI - BAND OF THIEVES especially

you religious people.
Many of you are like the fish that got caught. You can't shake the

religious hook out of your minds.

     Come join MY FATHER YHH, and I, GABRYAL in righteousness, and eat the bread

of life forever. Come drink of the fountain that is always pure, and full of life.

Read John - 17 : 21 - 26.

     MY FATHER, and I are one. I AM THE MOUTH of YHH. 

No one from the beginning of human existence has ever known THE NAME YHH, or 

taught THE NAME YHH to all nations. I, GABRYAL AM teaching it to you now. 

      To those of you in the Nation Of YAHWEH. MY FATHER came to meet with ME, 

GABRYAL. While HE was here HE introduced ME to you, and you still didn't believe. 

HE, YBY taught you, and gave you much knowledge but you didn't hear HIM. To hear 

HIM is to understand, to understand is to apply what you hear. To apply what you hear is

to obey, and expand on HIS teachings.  

     Education is a good thing, however, only YHH gives one Knowledge, and only YHH 

makes one Learned.

    Notice; the difference in the spelling of THE NAME from YAHWEH to YAHWAH.

Now notice the revealing of - THE PROFOUND NAME, YHH, pronounced YA-HA

like a breath.
Lets say IT together with an open mouth, inhale and say YA, now exhale

and say HA.
Every time we breath call HIS NAME, yet the world do not know YHH. 

Every thing that breathes calls THIS NAME, YHH. Even you - all of you has called on 

THE NAME YA-HA, all of your lives, however, none of you recognize THE NAME.

Example; hallelujah, the spelling is changed by the enemy. 

Watch this carefully; Hal-le-lu-YA, not jah. You pronounce the phrase correctly, yet the 

spelling is altered to deceive all of you. HAL - LE - LU - YA is a phrase of praise to 


      The enemy has injected the J, to deceive you, and kill you. "the dead in Christ" The 

same is with a multitude of words in the bible.

Remember the conspiracy in Psalms - 83 : 1 - 5.

Read John - 16 : 12 - 14. Notice; this is written in future tense. When HE come!!!

Verse 15, is not included because it attempts to reverse the role as to who is speaking. In

verses 12, 13 and 14, YHH IS speaking to every one on the Planet - all Nations. Verse 15, is

a continuance of YHH speaking, however there are words injected as to mislead you the


Verse 15 should start like this,  "All things are MINE; therefore said I, that HE shall

take of MINE, and shall show it to you".

The Son glorifies THE FATHER as is written in verse 14. 

When verse 15, reads, "All things that the father has are mine;" the rolls as to who

is speaking in the previous three verses is switched.
The Bible is littered with verses like

this. It takes one who watched this being done, to undo this evil, and murderous plot. 

     With out  ME GABRYAL, you will not find your way, because, you are the sleeper.

Read John - 6 : 33 & 36 - 39.

Read Hebrews - 10 : 9, and 7.

In verse 9, it reads;
 Then said HE!

In verse 7, it reads; Then said I! There are two SONS, 1st. one is "THE FATHER come

as A SON." THE second one is AN Angel come - HE is the SON who finishes the work.

Now go back and read the rest of verse 9, where YHH tells you that HE is going to leave,

and why HE IS leaving. This verse is written as first person second.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1.

Read John - 17 : 21. 

                                   HE/YHH and I are both, YHH.

Now in verse 7, you are told that I, THE SON, will do the final work of YHH.

      No man has ever done the work that I GABRYAL AM doing now. Not since the

foundation of the world - nor will there ever be another.

Read; GABRYAL speaks in, John - 5 : 43, 44. 

YHWH speaks in, John - 5 : 39. 

GABRYAL speaks in, John - 5 : 37. 

Verse 37, alone tells you that the one you worship can not be GOD, but Satan in disguise!!! 

You are told that you have neither heard HIS/YHH'S voice at any time, nor seen HIS shape!!! 

A third person speaks of what is previously written in, John - 5 : 26, 27, 38.

Notice; verse 28; is written in future tense, "hour is coming." 

GABRYAL speaks in John - 5 : 41, 42, and 40, in this order only.

Read; start at John - 5 : 19, Start at, "The Son can do nothing". All before this is a third

party addition, written to deceive the reader. 

      Be aware of the third party additions.

      The true message is scrambled, and moved from one book to another.

Read John - 5 : 19 - 23, In these verses the third party is telling you what is written about, 


When you read the Bible, you are assuming that this person speaking is YHH, not so. In

many verses. the third party is intentional misleading, and destructive. I AM here, because,

MY brother Satan intends to destroy you all, by keeping you separated from YHH.

Read Revelation - 12 : 9, and Revelation - 13 : 9, MY brother - the bad son/angel. 

     There is only one that the whole world worshiped, and you - all of you know who it is.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21, I AM THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL the good son.

     Blogs 1, through 80, please go to number 1, and follow instructions.

                              Hope to see you at The gate to THE KINGDOM.

     Don't miss this train! The tickets are Free! However the reward is priceless

One must bear fruit to make it to the gate of the Kingdom.

                               The day of YHH come quickly.

      Remember the ten virgins - they represent all of you.

The five wise finds YHH, and waits for HIM. 

The five foolish, remains in the congregation of the dead. 

When the flood came it washed them all a way. The last flood ushered in a wicked society 

that despised all righteousness of YHH. This society lived by the rules, and regulations 

established by Satan, MY brother. 

    His main objective is to destroy THE NAME YHH, and every one that love righteousness. 

He and his advocates gave every nation a different religion, and a different God. This brought 

about division, confusion, hate, ignorance, fear, and restrictions on all people. A people who 

YHH created to roam free through out all nations of the world. This created the haves, the have 

not, and total chaos.

     Destruction and world wide wars are inevitable as long as religions last, and people 

remain unrighteous.

I believe that we all can agree, that the people of the world say there is one devil, Satan.

      I ask you how many Divine CREATORS do you think there are? 

     The next flood will usher in peace for ever to all that over come. The crown of life, and

righteousness awaits all of you. You will be crowned Kings and Queens for ever. I AM here 

to help you over come the shadow of death placed on you by Satan. 

      I will lead you to THE TRUE FATHER of all living, YHH.            
     This call is to all Nations. I AM pleading with you to come back to YHH, and live!

Notice; I AM not forsaken, nor have I ever been forsaken, and I will never be forsaken.

     Pay close attention to the following scriptures.

Read Matthew - 27 : 46 & Mark - 15 : 34. Only Satan is forsaken!!!

Now read; Psalms - 37 : 25 & 28. The righteous is NEVER forsaken!!!

Read 2nd. Timothy - 2 : 13. YHH can not deny HIMSELF!!!

Read Revelation - 13 : 8. You all will worship Satan first!!! "dead in Christ."

    Hear you can plainly see, that the one you worship is not GOD, or GOD sent, nor could

he ever be.

     I GABRYAL, THE Mouth Of YHH, say this to all Nations.

Read Psalms - 37 : 27, 29, & 31.

Read Psalms - 37 : 35, & 32.



                                                   Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.

                                     I, GABRYAL AM here to help you return!



Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to,

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065


  For more information see;

you tube @Gabryal Mission 4700





                                             Pronounced - YA-HA - like a breath.
                                                 IS THE FATHER OF ALL LIVING

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)
Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,
  Read 2nd. Peter - 3 : 9.



        I want you to consider this! 

      Will the Devil refuse you because of your color or nationality? 

      Why do you think that YHH, and I GABRYAL will favor or refuse you because 

of your color or nationality? It is a writers trick, and the whole world has fallen in to 

the trap. It doesn't matter what you look like in the flesh, all souls look the same. 

Now hear this - there is no holy land. There is not one grain of sand more bless then 

the other. All of the earth is equally blessed. If that were the case the United States of 

America would be the place. 

     Neither YAHWAH BEN YAHWAH nor I GABRYAL was born in Israel, Palestine, 

Africa or the Middle East. 

    The names of people, places, and many things has been changed to deceive you all. 

For instance, the Egypt spoken of in the bible in this chapter is actually America.

Read Deuteronomy - 28 : 15 - 20 & 68, & 47 - 51 and 46. In this order only.

     All though every nation has gone through this evil of slavery, and oppression at

some time. This message is a warning to all nations as to what happens when you

disobey The Law of YHH. One nation is singled out so the whole world will be able 

to identify the place that is written of in this scripture. 

                          The United States of America!

      Remember during Satan's rule the names of all Nations has been changed. 

All though Satan is chained bound, and in the dungeon, he still has his grip on you. You 

need to brake Satan's grip so you can live.

Read 2nd. Peter - 3 : 10,

    It tells you that every thing that man has done and is doing, will be destroyed, why?

Because all of it defies The Law of Nature, The Law Of YHH. Because this is a society

built on the principals of Satan, all is out of compliance. The practice of law, the practice

 of Traditional Medicine, some say Western Medicine. The manufacturing of goods, the

way they are priced and sold. The way people are treated - all violate the law of Nature,

and of righteousness. Satan has taken you off in to the wilderness of life, and left you to

be destroyed.

Read Ezekiel - 37 : 1 - 2.

Read John - 10 : 12 - 13.

Read John - 10 : 14 - 15.

   It is written, after the man of perdition leads you into the path of destruction, and abandon

you. It is written that afterward, the true messenger of YHH would come to lead all who

listen, and obey - to safety.

Read Mark - 1 : 2 - 3. Remember; To teach you the truth.

Read Mark - 1 : 8. and John - 1 : 26. These two scriptures are telling you that I/ONE is coming 

to correct the lies you are previously taught by your religious leaders!!!

The use of the name John is a allegory for your preachers. This tells you about the process

used by Satan's advocates.

Read Mark - 1 : 7, and John - 1 : 27, Tells you that some one is coming of whom you do not

know, nor will you be able to recognize him. He will cover you with the word of YHH'S

righteousness as should be written in Mark - 1 : 8. The Holy Spirit is a allegory for


     Holy ghost, and holy spirit are satanic phrases used to deceive the mases!

     Lets see who this person is that you wont recognize.

Read Hebrews - 13 : 2. Who is this Angel that you will not recognize? 

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21. IT IS I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL!!!

Read Mark - 1 : 2 - 3. I AM sent to correct the lies taught to you by the religious leaders,

before MY FATHER YHH arrives.

     I AM crying in the wilderness because, that is where I found you. 

    You are lost in the wilderness of life, and religions. You are slain by Satan, and his 

advocates - just taken advantage of completely.

You are all scattered among the religions of the world, because you believe in the

hireling and not The creator. You are taken in to the valley of dry bone and left to

die. The heat of lies and falsehood has signed your death sentence, and all the religious 

works of your hands are of the dust.

Read John - 10 : 13.

    The Messenger of YHH teaches ONE CREATOR YHH, one mind, one love, one action,

and one Nation.

Read John -10 : 11.

Read John - 10 : 14 - 15. Notice; lay down, not taken!!!

Read John - 17 : 24 - 26. Those who do not come to ME shall parish!!! 

     In John - 17 : 25. Tells you that YHH is righteous, not religious. 

     No one on earth has ever known THE NAME, YHH or IT'S meaning. 

In all the chapters and verses where the Son Of Perdition teaches notice, MY FATHER 

YHH'S NAME is not mentioned - not even once! 

In John - 17 : 26. Tells you THE true, and Righteous SON declares HIS FATHER YHH'S 


                                   Study - study - study, and research. 

Don't be caught out in the rain, you will surely drown. Remember the days of Noah, which 

is a allegory for these days. The days of the coming of The Angel of YHH, The Messenger. 

YHH'S love for you is so pure that he waited patiently, while you plaid the Prodigal son, for

twenty six thousand years.

      YHH'S love is endless, HIS love can not be contained in a building, in any book, nor
in any one race, creed, color or kind. 

     To be special to YHH you must be Righteous in all you do. 

     I have placed a LIGHT in THE TOWER so you might find your way home.

     Remember how the scripture read. 

It reads, "I heard a voice saying turn and come this way". 

You've heard the voice of YHH, and you've read about it, yet you did not obey the voice, 

nor the true written word of YHH.

Read Revelation - 20 : 12. & 15.

Read Revelation - 21 : 3. and 6 - 8.

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16, Stop at GOD.

                                                       Your name need to be in, 

                                                        THE BOOK, MY BOOK!

                                                       "THE BOOK OF LIFE"
                                                                   Come to



      Pay your ransom to YHH, even if you can only afford to donate one 1, dollar, for 

there is no specific amount required by GOD YHH. 

YA HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said 

"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-

bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood. 

      There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give

a dime, and save his soul.

"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; 

for God loves a cheerful giver."

Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and their name will be                 

written in MY Book Of Life.                                                                                                                

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
        Help ME reach out to others with this truth.                  

                                      Write To Me At:                                                                          
      Gabryal Mission                       

                                      Contact ME by clicking on the button below
        Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and your name will be

written in MY BOOK OF LIFE.

Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065


    For more information see;


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  YHH YA - HA The greates...