Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.
Read Revelation - 2 : 17, Notice; "HE that receiveth it."
I AM sent to reveal THE NAME, finish this society, and to populate The Kingdom
All nations you must wake up and obey MY voice!!!
No one enters The Kingdom without THE Book of THE LAW!
There are tricks, and traps that are written in the scriptures to destroy the children
of YHH.
Read Jeremiah 3: 20. Where the word Israel is written in the bible, it mean all nations.
The destruction of humans shall not cease. As long as you serve Satan you shall be
destroyed!!! If you want to punish Satan for the lost of your love ones, come back to YHH
and I GABRYAL. This book of Remembrance brings you back to THE LAW of YHH.
I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger, THE SON of YHH.
The Book Of Remembrance is written and sold by, Amazon.com.
Psalm - 49 : 7. You must pay your own ransom to YHH.
Read Jeremiah - 31 : 30.
Read Hebrews - 5 : 9. You must obey MY voice!!!
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
Matthew -24 : 27, is about the Internet!!! I will reach you by the speed of light!!!
Remember; "as LIGHTNING," "come from east, and shine to the west"
I understand where you are! I'M going to help you overcome the falsehood
raptured in you by Satan, and his religious leaders!!!
Do your work, and research this message so you can live.
Read John - 5 : 22.
I want to see you all at the gate to the KINGDOM of YHH.
As you read these scriptures please follow the instructions given to all nations.
YHH said "OBEY HIS VOICE" All who obey MY voice shall live for ever.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
Read Psalms - 49 : 7.
All nations are to seek ME. THE Archangel GABRYAL.
May all who enter this blog as guests, come to a quick understanding, and leave
as friends to YHH, and I, The ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL!!!
I AM THE ANGEL GABRYAL, sounding the trumpet to awaken you, the world!!!
If you attend any church please read this message from YHH.
Read Ezekiel - 13 : 1 - 10.
Read Luke - 14 : 23 - 24. I AM YHH'S Servant - singular.
Where ever you see the word Israel YHH is speaking to ALL nations.!!!
The word Israel did not exist when the original message was written.
Isn't it strange; how every one on the planet believe there is one devil, and every
nation, and tribe has a different God!!!
In as many years there has been over 300, Jesus Christs, however, there was not
one like ME.
Read Luke - 4 : 1 - 13.
Satan can-not approach THE Messiah for I AM death to Him.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.
Read Isaiah - 6 : 7 - 11.
Read Isaiah - 5 : 20 - 26.
Read Isaiah - 11 : 1 - 5, The mission, & 6 - 10, The result.
I did not come to tarry!!!
This Blog is written to inform people around the world, WHO THE TRUE DIVINE
However you must become righteous, and bear fruit, or you wont make the cut.
This is your lives that I AM speaking of!!!
Reading this, and doing nothing will not help you, because - Satan is still keeping
you from supporting YHH'S Mission which is to raise the dead.
To know THE NAME YHH, and do nothing puts you in a worse position than you
were at first-for it shows that Satan still have you bound, and you are in a deeper
sleep a worse sinner than most.!!!
The only work you need to do is, to support this blog, to help pass on the address
of this blog to others, donate, and become righteous.
Write to ME at the address below - include your name, and what you are doing to
support this mission, and your name will be added to MY BOOK.
Your souls must be redeemed by working with ME - THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL!!!
To all of you read this scripture carefully; Read James - 2 : 14 - 20 & 26.
The first word spoken by every thing that live - and THE only NAME that a baby
can say for a time. We say HIS NAME every time we breathe; inhale YA - out HA.
Read Psalms - 150 : 6.
Every thing that breath HIS air calls HIS NAME YA-HA!!!
Read the scriptures in the order in which I write them, and the message is made clear.
This season; before you rush out to worship the devil in disguise read these scriptures.
Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.
All, and anything that came before now was not of YHH; I repeat, not of or from YHH!!!
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.
This scripture bring about a profound question!!! Why are you that believe in Jesus Christ dead
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1, 2 & 4.
As I write this message there is still no justice on the earth in any nation. Justice; I shall,
I must, and I will establish for the righteous, at any cost to the wicked!!!
As you can see in verse 4, I AM the ONE to establish the Law, singular Law of YHH.
I AM editing THE BOOK - by removing the trash that is injected by Satan, and his army.
They that hear This message of YA-HA, and obey you will live, and those that don't
will surely perish. The Messenger is not THE CREATOR YA-HA, and neither does HE
Read Matthew - 24 : 23 - 24. In as many years there has been more than 300, of such
Jesus Christs claiming to be God, and Messenger. However, the whole world is still
in it's sins!!! They all died violent deaths, this proves that none of them was -
Read Matthew - 24 : 23 - 26.
You are clearly told by YHH, that anyone come to you whom ever it is under the
name, or title Christ is false.
Notice; this scripture tells you that this personage called Christ would come
before ME - "THE SON OF MAN."
Verses - 23 - 26, tells what happens before I come.
Verse 27, tells you how it SHALL be when I come.
"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so SHALL
also the coming of, The Son of man be."
Read Isaiah - 11 : 2 - 5.
Verse - 11 : 4, Tells you that the message that I bring will slay the wicked.
Verse - 11 : 5, Tells you about MY faith-fullness to YHH, and you YHH'S children.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 4. In this verse YHH IS telling the whole world that I shall not
fail at this Mission.
Read Isaiah - 59 : 19 - 21.
In Isaiah - 59 : 19, Tells the world that I will set up a standard/ the law, and
verse 21, tells how long the law will last, forever.
Now the world must decide which one you are going to follow, Gabryal,
"THE SON OF MAN" in to the Kingdom of YHH, or Jesus Christ in to Hell
where Satan is waiting.
Now the son of perdition, and im-poster Jesus Christ is revealed.!!!
We have an identity crises.
Firstly; Compare Revelation - 17 : 4 - 5, to the image spoken of in John - 19 : 2, he is
wearing the purple robe which is to identify him. The crown of thorns on the head is
not literal this is figurative, and this is a allegory. This is about controlling your minds.
The condition of the mind determines your actions throughout your life. Then your actions,
Read Isaiah - 14 : 12 - 14. Now read the next verse below.
Read, Matthew - 26 : 64 - 66. Now do you see the connection, read them again.
Here in these scripture it is plainly written that the person of Christ is false. No
souls are delivered, not one. He never mentions MY FATHER YA-HA'S NAME
not once, nor did he/it know MY FATHER'S NAME. He only speak of himself.
He even lay claim to MY FATHER YA-HA'S THRONE.
I say this to you that follow Jesus the son of perdition.
Read John - 8 : 44 - 47. You are still deep in your sins!!! Come to ME and live!!!
Read. 2nd. Thessalonians - 2 : 3 & 4.
Now read, 2nd. Thessalonians - 2 : 7, & 8. This verse tells you who YA-HA would use
to destroy the son of perdition. The question is, WHO is THE Spirit of YHH'S Mouth.
The word spirit is a allegory for A PERSON, WHO???
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16, And stop at the word GOD. The rest is the reason
you are dead when I, THE Arch Angel GABRYAL AM sent to you.
Now read the rest of verse 16, start at, and.
No, you will not be the first to rise. You will probably be last if at all. I will not delay the
Resurrection of YHH'S, and MY children who resisted the temptation of Satan, and
His advocates. While you continue to wallow in the bed of affliction with Satan's religious
leaders, your preachers, priests, and the pope.
Read Proverbs - 21 : 16.
Read Isaiah - 44 : 20.
Jesus is just like his creator Satan, for they both are liars, and deceivers!!!
Read Proverbs - 14 : 25.
To answer your unasked question YES, I AM THE BIG brother to Satan, and THE SON
of MAN. I AM The oldest Angel, and YHH'S first creation; thus I AM YHH'S only
Witness that YHH IS THE CREATOR. When the rest of The Angels were created there
was TWO of US that looked just alike, and that could create. To them this could bring
about a question-as to who created whom?
Read Job - 15: 7.
Read Proverbs - 8 22.
Read Proverbs - 8: 15 - 17, & 18 - 31.
Read Proverbs - 8: 32 - 36.
Read 1st. John - 3: 9 & 8. In this order only. Verse 8, tells you that The Son of Man comes
after the devil has his way with you.
There never was, or is a man that qualify to represent YHH!!! Only those who help
to spread this message of YHH now - because, you are helping to spread the word of
righteousness, and THE NAME YHH.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20, & 21.
Read Isaiah - 45 : 13.
Read John - 9 : 4 - 5.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1.
However you must obey Luke - 6 : 38, you must support this MISSION of YHH - for
that is your fruit/works, the only fruit/works that a soul can bear!!!
Read Matthew - 7 : 19 - 20.
This question will be asked of every-one on the final day of Judgment!!!
Where is your fruit?
The answer shall, and will determine your destiny!!!
You have supported the devil all of your life - where is your fruit/work for YHH?
The fruit/work for YHH, is your redemption!!!
Now, what will be your answer?
Now read Matthew - 7 ; 21 - 23. This is for you who served Jesus Christ, Satan tool.
Can you show forth fruit for YHH?
Read Isaiah - 50 : 2 - 3.
Read Isaiah - 50 : 4 - 5;
I AM The best counselor on earth.
THIS NAME YHH was nowhere on earth until I, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL came!!!
Read Isaiah - 52 : 15.
Read Isaiah - 11 : 1 - 5.
I AM THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL sent to all nations.
To those of you whom are faithful in helping to spread this message of the Kingdom,
I bless you in YHH'S NAME. WE ask you to continue the good work - for all of you
shall long enjoy the fruit/work of your hands.
I love, and appreciate you all!!!
I shall return!!!
Don't be afraid to write to ME, for fear will destroy you.
I AM in the United States.
Notice; Read Psalms - 49 : 7, ransom.
You don't have to die!!!
Help ME reach out to others.
There is no other!!!
Only those who write to ME will receive a direct contact, and your name written
Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, GabryalMission@gmail.com
Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, Gabryal Mission,
and study, study, study!!!
Read Psalms verse - 49 : 10. In the end of it all with out YHH, and I, GABRYAL, they
will all perish.
Pay your ransom to YHH, even if you can only afford to donate one 1, dollar, for
there is no specific amount required by GOD YHH.
YA HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said
"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-
bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood.
There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give
a dime, and save his soul.
"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion;
for God loves a cheerful giver."
Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.
Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.
Help ME reach out to others with this truth.
Please study #19, The crown of thorns it is an inspiration to the world.
Write To Me At: Gabryalmission@gmail.com
The work spoken of by YHH is written below.
Please share the address to this blog with people you come in contact
with. Don't try to convince any one, just share the address to this blog, and
say, "please take a look at this."
Write to me at: gabryalmission@gmail.com
I will only respond to those who follow MY/YHH'S instructions.
"OBYE HIS/MY VOICE" so you can live.
For more information see;
you tube @Gabryal Mission 4700