

                                                      HE IS PERFECT

                                            Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

                                                     Read 1st. Peter - 4 ; 19, & 18.

                                                     Read Ephesians - 5 ; 6 - 13.  

     As you can see Ephesians - 5 : 5, at the beginning, and Ephesians - 5 : 14, at the end 

weren't included in the verses above. However, they are important verses written to make

Ephesians - 5 : 6 - 13, complete. The enemy has poisoned those two verses. I will perform

2nd. Timothy - 2 : 15. I GABRYAL will divide and separate the truth of YHH from the lies 

of Satan. Let ME remind you in some scripture where you read the title Christ, The NAME 

YHH, or Angel Gabryal was removed. In some places Christ is inserted, and should be 

eliminated all together. Any time you read the word Israel, it is to all nations.

       If you take this scripture as it reads the rest of the world would have no GOD.

Example; Verse 5, reads, Kingdom of Christ, and of God. ONLY YHH owns the Kingdom, 

and no one else. This is a most wicked attempt to set him self in THE TEMPLE of YHH, 

and to precede YHH. This is also an attempt to complete what he has started; the destruction 

of all of man kind.

Read Isaiah - 44 ; 6.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 8.

Read 2nd. Thessalonians - 2 : 3 & 4.

   Correction; Ephesians - 5 : 5, "In The Kingdom of YHH".  There was an insert as to 

include the title Christ!!!

   Correction; Ephesians - 5 : 14,"and YHH shall give thee light".  There was a switch of 

names from YHH to the title Christ!!!

     Remember where the titles Lord, and God is written, THE NAME YHH was removed.

Now read Ephesians - 5 : 5 - 14, and insert the corrections above.

It doesn't matter how much smoke they have blown in your eyes!

It doesn't matter how many lies they have forced down your throat!

                                                    YOU SHALL SEE!

                                                    YOU SHALL RISE!

   In Isaiah - 44 : 8, YHH IS Talking to ME, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL, and only ME!!! 

This question is asked of ME GABRYAL, and I answers YHH in the last two sentences. I

GABRYAL AM THE only ONE that can witness that HE, YHH IS THE ONLY GOD!!!

Pay close attention to this. YHH IS here before I was made! So why would HE call

on ME for a witness that HE IS THE ONLY SUPREME BEING? How can this be done?

To you this is a mystery, but not to ME The Arch-Angel GABRYAL.

                                                 Difficult, not impossible!

                                                      WATCH THIS!
    When I was born, made, there was no one in existence except YHH; no one, and

nothing! So HE that made ME have to be THE CREATOR if not, I would be a

mystery. This being said only THE FATHER can witness to MY status, and only I,

The Archangel GABRYAL can witness that MY FATHER YHH IS THE MIGHTY


Which all of you pronounce every time you take a breath. I AM YHH'S first born,

first Creation. When The next one came along there were TWO of US in existence,

and it could pose a question as to which one was first. You need to know this about

THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL. Read the following verses in the order in which they

are listed. Remember, Lord And God = YHH, and spirit is a allegory for Angel,

Messenger, or Gabryal.

Read 1st John - 3 : 8 & 9. To destroy the work of Satan!

Read Job - 15 : 7. MY beginning.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 22 - 36, MY birth, when I AM brought forth.

Read Isaiah - 40 : 13 & 14. with Isaiah - 41 : 4.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 22 - 30. Now,

Read Proverbs - 8 : 31, 17, 20, 21 & 32 - 36.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1, 4, & 21.

     Let ME share some thing with you that happened on August 8th. 1985, at 2: am.

Satan was there in chains before YHH. He was restrained by two of MY Angelic

Brothers. YHH seared MY conscious and said "LOOK", HE began revealing

every thing to ME from the beginning. As I turned MY head to ward YHH, and

away from what HE was showing ME immediately YHH said, "I SAID LOOK."

YHH revealed everything to ME even to the close of this civilization. I turned to

YHH and said, "who am I that you show ME these things." HE SAID "YOU ARE


placed a rod, and staff in MY left hand. It represent power, and authority to do HIS

WILL on earth. I used MY self as an example for I was very religious, dead, and

had to be resurrected. I took a look at the condition of the world to day, and I said to

YHH,"what a job YOU put on ME" and HE SAID, "YOU VOLUNTEERED"

and HE SMILED as I left, and entered in to this earthly body. Don't think for a

moment that HE IS dull, YHH HAS a greate sense of humor, and one can't help

but love HIM. I've been with YHH on several occasions after I was sent. HE is

strict, HE IS fair, and HE always make ME laugh. YHH IS not a spirit; HE IS

THE only full grown SUPER MAN in existence!

Proof that I volunteered; Read Rev. 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7, in the order as listed!

     After being resurrected I was sent out in to the wilderness for three and a half

years. While in the wilderness I searched every major religion on earth, to see if

there is any life or truth in them. I, The Archangel GABRYAL found none!!!

Read John - 6 : 50 & 48. In this order.

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16. Stop at the title GOD. The rest is a death trap, 

and a lie.

                                          Difficult, not impossible!

Read Revelation - 19 : 12. Stop at fire, for this verse describes YHH'S eyes. 

Pick up at, "and HE had a NAME written," and finish verse 12. All of the rest through 

verse 19, is a lie! Only YHH, and The True Messiah know YHH's NAME! That is one 

way to tell that I AM sent by YHH. If any body on earth mention THE NAME, YHH to

you, it is because they heard THE NAME YHH from ME, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL. 

If any one lie to you, and say he knew THE NAME YHH, before I revealed THE NAME 

YHH to the world.

     I will make a spectacle of that man by destroying him bit by bit, until he is completely 


                     I AM created to do this. No one takes away MY CROWN!!!
                                         HIS EYES are like a flame of fire!

    When I was asleep, dead, I thought this meant that HIS eyes were red like fire, not

so. YHH'S eyes are most beautiful, and every color in the rainbow is in HIS eyes.

All of those colors are also in a flame of fire. So what ever color is in your eyes, it 

connects you to HIS/YHH'S eyes all so. It shows that you are YHH'S child.

       All of those things are revealed to ME by YHH HIM SELF. After all those things

were revealed to ME - was I safe or saved from the final death in this body? 

No, I was not, why? I was only in a faith, and trust condition. At that time I hadn't 

done what I was commanded to do, MY work. 

            One must remember this verse in the scriptures.

Read James - 2 : 17. One must do their work.

Now read all, James - 2 : 14 - 20.

            This is where faith alone will lead you!

Read, 1st. Cor. 15 : 12 - 18.  This is a fact!!!

            When it come to salvation, hope is vain!

    Many things are done by faith in which most are wrong, and misleading!

            By what will you be judged?

Read Proverbs - 16 : 3. Salvation is established by your work.

You must do work by supporting MY Mission, and send your name to ME, GABRYAL.

To get into The Kingdom of YHH; your name must be moved from Satan's book and 

written into MY BOOK THE BOOK of LIFE.

Read Proverbs - 20 : 7 & 11.

Read Proverbs - 24 : 12.  I AM sent to warn you so all of you have time to get ready,

because you don't know YHH.

Read Matthew - 16 : 27,  I AM That SON! Where is your work? Grace???

Read Ecclesiastes - 12 : 14. There is NO grace!!!  NO such animal exist!!!

     You must work while there is still time for night is coming fast.

                            The Book Of Life will be sealed.

Read Mat. 7 : 20.

Read Heb. 6 :10. Your work is to help spread YHH'S name; to tell others 

about this Mission. There are many ways to support this mission some of 

them are, pass out fliers,  make cards, and pass them out, sponsor a billboard,

send donations to the address below, T. V. commercials, and more.

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 5 : 21. and,

Read Romans - 12 : 2. The key word is, prove!

     MY instruction to you, all of you are, do nothing by faith for faith is blind, 

and it will destroy you. That is why religions teaches faith not facts, for all facts 

destroys religions.

Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 15.

Read Romans - 12 : 2. Read it again.

    Do you remember what I told you about a dead man rising? If a dead man is placed

in a tomb to day! If when you return later he is not there! One thing I can assure you is, 

Some body moved him!!!

                                                 Difficult, not impossible! 

                                                   YOU SHALL SEE!

  After they raptured your first fathers in to religions, and instilled fear in to them.

The parents helped to lead the coming generations in to perdition. All people fear

death, and the unknown. So they found a way to draw you by saying that this man,

this entity, that has never been seen by any one; would bring you back from the grave,

not so. These men were so call think tanks. They were wise by their own standards!

    To enlarge their audience they needed more excitement; so they came up with

fallacious phrases, and apt expressions that raised anxiety among the audience.

The same is in the churches to day they call it having the holy ghost. Synonyms to

the word ghost are, fairies, and elves. This tells one that the feeling is not real nothing

but anxiety.

The word holy is a slang word. A word made up to cause you to be blind.

           If you look up the word holy, you come to words like










A myth

              Now you can see where you are led astray!

Remember post number 28, XXVIII - CAUGHT IN THE CREEPING FOG, study this post.

      As time went on they came up with the grand daddy of all ideas on how to draw the public.

After seeing how many people are drawn to magic shows, circus, and witch craft. They came

up with new ways to integrate this trickery, lies, and deceit in to their religious practices. Even

to day if you want to draw a large audience just bring in a magician, a circus, or a palm reader.

The magic such as a dove in flight, with wings spread out ascending in to some one. The

forbidden drink water in to wine. Defying the laws of YHH with dead men rising. Defying the

law of gravity walking on water. Sight to the blind. Heal by touching his garment. Magic healing

by his touch. Mat. 12 : 13. five loaves and two fish feeding five thousand. Read, Lk. 9 : 13. If

this don't beat all donkey talking, and parting the red sea. You should be ashamed of your-

selves as to fall to such lies, and trickery.

                                                      Watch this!

Just randomly pick ten people from any crowd. Of the ten people that you have chosen.

1, Most of them have some kind of physical condition.

2, Most of them have financial needs or problems.

3, Most of them have trouble in their family.

Stop falling for these tricks, religion is nothing but a side show.

Read Jeremiah - 5 : 25 - 28.

  This is the condition in which I found you, all of you! Where ever you read the name Judah,

it is to all nations, Judah is a new word that is introduced with the bible, and it's religions in

the 16th. century..

Read Jeremiah - 5 : 19, 21, 23 - 31.

Read Jeremiah - 10 : 14 - 15.

Read Jeremiah - 7 : 22 - 24, and 30.

Read Jeremiah - 7 : 23 says, "Obey MY voice," Who is YHH'S voice?

Read Revelation - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, &7. In this order only.

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16. I AM YHH'S voice.

Read John - 16 : 13 - 14.

Read Isaiah - 1 : 10 - 20. Now read.

Read Revelation - 12 : 9. The whole world!!!

       Oh Satan, I AM sent to tear your kingdom down. You spread your lies all over the world, 

I'M here to tear your kingdom down.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 9 & 8. In this order only.

Read Isaiah - 40 : 13 & 14, and

Read Isaiah - 41 :4.

Read John - 5 : 20 - 23.

   This is about the churches that you attend every week. You can not serve Satan six days a

week, and YHH one day and live!!!
In living this way you aren't serving YHH at all. This

kind of worship is totally unacceptable with YHH.

Read Jeremiah - 7 : 4.

                                                          YOU SHALL RISE


                                                                  IS ALL

Remember; any thing you do to promote, or support this blog is paying your ransom!

Read John - 9 : 4 & 5. I AM shining a light on the true message left by YHH.

       To get your name in MY Book Of LIFE, you must do your work also. Write to ME 

and tell ME what you are doing to support this Mission which teaches YHH'S NAME to 

the whole world.

Read Hebrews - 6 : 10. Do not get this mixed up with what go on in Satan's temples.

                                                Notice; THE NAME!!!

Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                        

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See also on; you tube @gabryal mission 4700)               



  YHH YA - HA The greates...