



                                             Pronounced like taking a breath.

                                             First inhale, YA - exhale, HA

                                             IS THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR.

                                         I GABRYAL AM YHH'S ONLY SON.

Read John 5: 22 & 23. I AM HE, your resurrection.

Please share the address to this blog with people around you. Don't try to

explain the content, nor to defend it.

          (If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

Read Matthew 24: 9 - 10. All nations are going to hate ME, THE SON of  YHH, 

because, I teach the truth about religions, and the true NAME of  YHH.

          "You shall be hated of all nations for MY NAME sake."

Read Isaiah 11: 2 - 5.  At MY coming;  "HE/I will slay the wicked teachers, and religious 

beliefs with the rod of HIS/MY mouth, by teaching the truth."

"And HE/I shall smite the earth with the rod of HIS/MY mouth, and with the breath of 

HIS lips shall HE slay the wicked." 

It is written; "If anyone after hearing YHH'S message to the world from ME THE SON OF 

YHH. GO back and continue serving Satan in his temples, it is impossible for that person to 

return to YHH and ME GABRYAL again."

                                        MY FATHER, and I ARE ONE!!! 

MY true identity! [Study John - 10: 30, & 

Isaiah - 42 : 1, & "BEHOLD" means to LOOK AT!!!

This tells you that THE MESSIAH IS here for all to see now, "BEHOLD"!!!

Isaiah - 45 : 13.] 

Read Psalms 150: 6. Every thing that breathes, even the trees!!!

          I AM THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL sent to resurrect only those who become 

righteous, and return to YHH, and I!

How can you know where you stand with GOD / YHH?

You paid no tribute to YHH, did not support this blog, nor paid your ransom! 

You didn't OBEY MY voice, I GABRYAL AM THE voice OF YHH, and THE Messiah! 

You continue going to the houses of Satan, the churches, celebrating Easter, and celebrating 


   Christmas is a world wide trap established to worship Satan, and destroy all souls.

Read Jeremiah 3: 20. Where the word Israel is written in the bible, it mean all nations.

     The destruction of humans shall not cease. As long as you serve Satan you shall be 


I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger, THE SON of YHH.

                                The Book Of Remembrance is written by Alvester Samuel.


                                                      This book is for sale on


                                                      Written By THE Angel GABRYAL

                   This is the most powerful book ever written, to warn all nations.

    This is the first and only book given to the world by GOD YHH since Satan came 

amongst the children of YHH in the garden.

   This book is the express way to the land promised by YHH. This is the road map to 

the Kingdom of YHH.

On your TV, go to your you tube channel, search for. Gabryalmission4700, to watch all my

videos on your TV. They will show you the way to the kingdom, the promised land.

Satan has made a lot of you afraid to read MY/YHH'S message of salvation to the world.

Many of you are fearful of knowing the truth.

You are still dyeing, many are sick, you are aging prematurely, and going six feet under in a box.

You aren't suppose to die, because, all of you are gods raped of your GOD/YHH given souls.

Get The Book of Remembrance so you can live forever.

Study post #50, in the blog.

Listen to the videos, all of them, and come alive.

I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger THE SON of YHH.

Read Revelation - 14: 6 - 7. The warning!!!

Read Revelation - 15: 1. The plagues!!!

Read Revelation - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, and 7.  In this order only. There is nothing hidden 


The scripture written above also tells you that the bible is not a book of  YHH. 

If it was, your preachers could not look on it. The only truth in the bible is 

plagiarized and is not taught in your churches.

      There was no speech before Satan approached you in the garden.

YHH never gave the people any bible or instructions since Satan spoke you in the garden. 

YHH promised not to interfere during Satan's time with you. The bible is a book of Satan 

first written in 1611, to deceive the whole world.

Read Revelations 12: 9.

Read Revelations 12: 9.

Read 1st. Corinthians 2: 9 - 12.

The Son is referred to as, The Spirit of GOD.

Read John 5: 37.

Read John 1: 18.

       Those verses above eliminate all false gods, teachers, and messengers!!!

      Satan further divided you at the tower of talk/babble, where Satan divided the people

 by giving them many languages. He then sent them in different directions. Afterward 

when they came in contact with each other there could be no communication or 

togetherness. This confusion caused them to fight, and the first war began. Now there 

will never be any peace on the earth. The bible writers wrote this as an allegory because 

they didn't understand what this is the same as with many other passages in the bible. 

Part of this is a metaphor because reaching the sky is about Satan trying to become 

THE MOST HIGH, and set on YHH'S THRONE!!! Thus Satan created Jesus!!

I AM sent by YHH only once in the last days, to show you the way back to THE ONE AND 

ONLY FATHER of all living souls YHH - where life, and peace is forever!!!

Read Isaiah - 66: 5. You are outcast, because, all has strayed from MY FATHER YHH'S 

NAME, and you have no knowledge of the truth that I teach.

Read Psalms - 91: 1 - 3 & 5 - 11, The shield from the viruses.

In verse 1, "HE who dwelleth in THE SECRET  PLACE of THE MOST HIGH"; 

I dwell in MY FATHER'S house. I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, AM "HE".

In verse 9, "THE LORD," is referring to ME GABRYAL, and "THE MOST HIGH" IS 


In verse 7 - 11, All that come to ME, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL is shielded from 

all plagues!!! You must come to ME by way of this Blog. For all must study, pay your 

ransom to YHH, and give the address of this blog to others, this is your work. 

                       This is the work spoken of in the scriptures.

Read James 2: 17 - 20. Your work is simple, don't try to convince anyone, just share 

the address to this blog, and walk away!!!

       One will be shield only after you obey MY voice, and begin paying your

ransom to YHH, by doing your work as described in this blog. 

Read Psalms - 18: 30. The shield from the virus.

     Several years has passed, and I haven't lost a soul, PRAYS MY FATHER YHH!!!

Read John - 6: 39. YA-HA always keeps HIS PROMISE!!!

Remember; any thing you do to promote, or support this 

blog is paying your ransom!

Read John - 6: 36. You can't say that you don't know - for all can see ME this day.

represent THE CREATOR, and I AM with you this day!!! 

People don't want to believe that, I AM here walking amongst you where I can be seen, 

and touched.

Read for it is written; "And this good news of YHH, and the kingdom shall be taught to 

all the world, and then shall the end come."

                            "Did you think this evil would last for ever?"

Read Isaiah 42: 10. The end is planned from the beginning.

Read Exodus - 23: 20, & 21. This is so clear,  YHH sends HIS ANGEL.

    I AM a stranger to you, because, of what you are taught by the worlds religions.

The idea of Jesus, and all religions are literary illusions.

Read John - 6: 37. It doesn't mater how many the virus kills - I will lose none to 

this work of MY FATHER upon the wicked!!!

"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under 

compulsion; for God/YHH loves a cheerful worker."

Read Psalms - 47: 9. Understand that the FATHER of Abraham IS YHH! 

      There was no J, and the name Jesus did not exist!!! For they are 16, 17,and 18, century 

disparaging creations - which bring about the loss of knowledge, and credit to THE 


      Where are the souls that they delivered? They aren't in the Kingdom of YHH.
No one is in the Kingdom! They aren't there!!! Take a good look around you what do you see? 

      This is the problem with people in the world. Remember these words, spiritual, holy 

ghost, lord, and God they all are satanic terms used in the attempt to defy YHH. To refer to YHH 

as a spirit, is to say, HE doesn't exist.                                                                                                                                
Read Ephesians - 6: 12 - 14. Righteousness shall deliver you.

Read John - 5: 21. I can give you life.

Read John - 5: 36. MY work proves who I AM.     

        It takes truth, and righteousness to deliver you to YHH. 

I AM THE Righteous bearer of this truth. YHH is not a spirit! You are looking for 

something that can not reveal or produce it self. If you run reference on the word 

spirit, you will also find these words.


Spirit = Ghost, Animation, Fairy, Elf, and to be separate from matter.

    These words tells you that the words spirit, and ghost can only represent something 

that is not real, and has no power in it self. The writers of the bible, and the false 

teachers all over the world has created a wall of ignorance, among all nations. 

Read Revelation - 14: 6 - 11. The warning!!!

Read Revelation - 15: 1. The plagues!!!

Read Revelation - 15: 8. YHH'S command to start the viruses/plagues.

Now read Revelation 16: 1 - 2. This tells where the virus will be, and who it will kill!!!

Read - Isaiah - 66: 23 - 24.

Read Isaiah - 42: 1, & 4. Failing is not an option!

Read Job - 12: 10 - 14, & 9. In this order only.

         It doesn't matter what you do I will get all of mine - as you can see failing is not 

an option!!!

Read Isaiah 27: 12. "The righteous shall come to ME from all nations, one by one."

Read Isaiah 42: 1, 3, & 4. "HE shall not fail!"

Read 1st. Chronicles - 17 : 12 - 14. I AM YHH'S SON FOREVER!!!

Read 1st. Chronicles - 16 : 34, & 35. YHH - YA-HA.

     YA-HA made all of you living souls with eternal life, however. The world/Satan came 

along and gave you its religions, and made you spiritual, dead!!! Now your eternal souls 

are taken away.

Read Revelation 12: 9. Every one is taken away by Satan.

Read Revelation 5: 13. Every thing that breathes YHH'S air must come to ME if 

you want to live!

Read Isaiah 42: 7. I AM sent to free you of Satan's world.

         Click on the button below to donate for ransoms payable to Gabryal Mission. 

Read Psalms - 49 : 7. No one gets into THE KINGDOM without paying their ransom!!!

Remember; sharing this blog is also paying your ransom.

         To escape these viruses, and live - one must obey MY voice!!! 

Read Exodus 23: 20 - 21. YHH said; "obey HIS voice."        

                                 Write to me at:  


 I have never used the ransom paid by any person or group for personal gain!!!

Your ransom is commanded by YHH, for it will help spread THE NAME YHH 

to the world, for this is your work.

Please share the address to this blog with others you come in contact

with. Don't try to convince any one, just share the address to this blog, and

say, "please take a look at this."

Some people are having trouble when trying to donate. Some cards aren't accepted.                                  
When you study. and donate, your name is written in THE BOOK OF LIFE.  

  For more information see videos on;

See also videos on face book.

  To answer your question about a cash app, I don't have one.

However, one can send ransoms, or donations to this address.

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065.

My next book, A World ON Death Row, is soon to go on sale at
Get this book, read about the History of the Hebrews, and secrets that the world kept
hidden over four hundred sixty years.
The world's best kept secrets.


  YHH YA - HA The greates...