


                                             Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.

                                                                ALL IN ALL

                                                          Read Psalms - 91 : 11.  

Read Hebrews - 4: 9 - 12, I GABRYAL bring all of you peace, and rest.

 Read Revelation - 14: 3 - 5. Females, you are not the biblical woman!!!

Read Revelation - 17: 17 - 18. Evil males are the women, "in their hearts."

             (If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,

Remember the scripture that say, the government shall be on his shoulder. Think, no government tries to keep you from worshiping Jesus, and religions.
This government has been on MY case/shoulders for almost 39, years. They robbed MY wealth, destroyed MY properties, and constantly suppresses MY site. They show false numbers of hits to discourage all of you.
This is an attempt on your divine lives, to destroy your souls. All that don't come to ME, GABRYAL are lost.

This government don't want people to know that I AM THE Messenger of YHH/GOD, and I AM black, Hebrew.
MY color is written in your bibles but you don't read for your self.

The warnings that I have given to you, the people of the world is, because, YHH and I love you. The warnings aren't optional, they are profound, and deadly. These catastrophes are timely, and they are written in stone from the Book of The Law. The clock started ticking from the beginning when Satan, took control of you, the world.
I, THE Angel GABRYAL AM THE only way out of this evil society alive.
As I have told you many times, come to ME and live forever.
You can stay with Satan and his, while you suffer and die horrible deaths.
These disasters will intensify, because, these are the days of, Armageddon.
Armageddon = The battle between good, and evil.
YHH and Alvester Samuel THE Angel Gabryal.
Against the world created by Satan.

Read 1st. John - 3: 1 - 3, you must become righteous.
Read 1st. John - 3: 8, & 9. Sinful people suffer and die.
Read Isaiah 1: 13 - 16. All that don't understand this are LOST.
This verse condemns all religions.

                                       IT'S GOING TO RAIN!!!

           The flood written of in the bible never happened it is an allegory for now. 

Read Isaiah - 6: 8, Whom shall I send, who will go for us? Notice; all future, now.

Read Revelation - 5: 1, 3, 4, 2, and 7. stop here, the rest is trash.

          "Build an ark for the righteous children of GOD, YHH."

THE ARK is The covenant, THE LAW of YHH which is written below.

Malachi 3: 16. The Book of Remembrance is The ARK, The Blog, and the videos. 

                              All are found @

There is much revealed in this blog that will cause many a souls to 

reject ME GABRYAL, and run back to the houses of Satan. I AM 

not sent to teach what the world think they know, so you hate ME. I 

AM sent to reveal the truth, and it hurts many, however, it will cause 

some of you to live again.

Always remember this; Revelation - 12: 9.

        No one was ever sent to you before now. 

Read Isaiah - 6: 9 - 11. The human race is not permanently here on earth.

I, THE Archangel GABRYAL remains until all humans are gone from the earth.

      This is the only warning that this world will ever get. The flood never happened. 

The flood written of in the bible is an allegory for this day, now. 

The water is an allegory for you, all nations.

Read Revelation - 17: 15. People are the water.

Read Genesis - 6: 11 - 12. Earth is covered with wickedness. The deluge.

Noah is an allegory for ME THE ANGEL GABRYAL.

The ark is a allegory for The LAW. 

Come back into the LAW its going to rain.

This is the end of this world and I AM sent to bring you back into the ARK/LAW!!!

Read Genesis - 6: 13. YHH said to HIS Angel/Messenger.

Read Exodus - 23: 20 - 21. I AM sent to save you.

Read Revelation - 18: 1 - 4. This is the last and only call to save the righteous.

Read Genesis - 6: 14, The ARK is The Law of YHH.

Read Isaiah - 42: 21. I AM calling you back to the Law of YHH.

I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger, THE SON of YHH.

                       The Book Of Remembrance is written by Alvester Samuel.

                                        This book is for sale on

                                               READ MALACHI - 3:16

                                  THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE IS THE ARK/LAW!!!

                                    Written By Alvester Samuel THE Angel GABRYAL

                   This is the most powerful book ever written, to warn all nations.

    This is the first and only book given to the world by GOD YHH since Satan came 

amongst the children of YHH in the garden.

   This book is the express way to the land promised by YHH. This is the road map to 

the Kingdom of YHH.

                             COME BACK TO THE LAW, IT'S GOING TO RAIN!!!

On your TV, go to you tube channel, search for. Gabryalmission4700, to watch all my videos

                                                                                                                                                                                                    To return to YHH one must first be healed, cleansed.

   If one do not understand MY message after studying the blog, the scriptures below tell why 

one must continue studying until they can see the truth of YHH.

Read John - 8 : 43 & 47.

Blogger, over 200, nations views, and study this blog out of almost 300, nations world wide.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20, & 21.

Read Isaiah - 45 : 13. The ransom you pay is to help ME reach out to other righteous souls.

Read John - 9 : 4. There is no man on earth that can dream of the work that I AM doing!!!

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1. "IN WHOM MY SOUL DELIGHTETH"

However you must obey Luke - 6 : 38, you must support this MISSION of YHH - for that 

is your fruit the only fruit that a soul can bear!!!

    Notice; there is no figure given the amount is up to you!!! However you will be measured, 

Judged by your commitment to YHH, and this Mission.

Read Matthew - 7 : 19 - 20. All righteous souls will bear fruit.

This question will be asked of every-one. Where is your fruit?

You have supported the devil all of your life - where is your fruit for YHH?

Now, what will be your answer?

Can you show forth fruit?

Read Isaiah - 50 : 2 - 3. No man could hear YHH, so YHH sent ME with power.

Read Isaiah - 50 : 4 - 5. YHH sent ME with wisdom, and knowledge, I can hear YHH.

Read Hebrews - 9 : 26. I AM sent only at the end of Satan's rule over this society!!!
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21. I AM THE ANGEL SENT.

Read Isaiah - 52 : 13 & 15. Notice; the truth don't need defending. All leaders of nations 

know that I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, THE ONLY SON OF YHH AM here.         

Read John - 10 : 14 - 16. The righteous know MY voice!!!

Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 40. 

     In this post I AM going to reveal something that is a mystery to every person on earth. 

The mystery began over 25,000 years ago. The people that were caught up in those events 

during the time spoken of is mentioned in the first sentence of John - 10 : 16. Satan had spent 

many years on other planets. There is a scripture that teaches about Satan. It mentions what 

he is doing, and what he has done to destroy all of man kind. These planets are destroyed, and 

are under going restoration for, 25,000, years. This planet will go through the same process.

   I AM sent to warn all of you, and to save all who OBEY YHH/MY voice.

Read Job - 1 : 7. Satan's journey.

Read Revelation - 12 : 9. The whole world is deceived, bar none.

Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 15 -19. This is a fact, and people are suffering globally

 because of this idol worship!!!

Now read; 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 15 - 17. Notice; Your sins remains!

     Lets take a look at the damage that Satan, and His advocates has done during the time that

He has ruled over the world. After I reveal this destruction to you it is your free will to choose

whom you will serve. Rather to continue serving the devil who came as the man on the cross, or

YHH. I AM going to reveal his name which is the mark of the beast, and your destroyer!!! The

image is the man on the cross, and the mark is his name! Both were created in the 15th. century,
and they are Greek oriented. The name which was first spelled Iesus, and is accompanied by the

photo of a Greek male. Later religion spread to Europa, and in the 17th century where the name

and the image was changed.
The name and the image were adopted by other Europa nations. At

the same time our ancestors were raptured in to religion. They were forced to accept religion as a

divine way of life while others were killed.
As a means of control Christianity spread throughout

Europa, and afterward it spread to other countries.

Read Revelation - 13 : 9 & 8. In this order only.

Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 33 & 34.

Read Matthew - 10 : 34 - 36. This is what Jesus, and religion is doing to all nations!!!

Read Revelation - 14 : 9 - 11. Who served the cup of wine at his table/supper, and as a 

symbol to perform in his temples?

      The mark in the forehead is a allegory for your mind set, the way you think.

The mark in the hand is a allegory for your actions. the things you do.

They two determines the destiny of every soul.

Read Matthew - 10 : 34, again and,

Read Revelation - 17 : 5 - 6. It is your own blood that is shed, and you drinkest!!!

    From the beginning of Satan's rule over you your blood is shed, globally through

out every generation!!!

    As you study these scriptures it is plain to see that He, Satan has accomplished what he 

said that He would do. Read the scriptures above again, and take a good look at the condition 

of the world to day. Satan has fulfilled his mission. MY little brother is horrible!!! 

    I've followed Him through out the universe - cleaning up the minds of souls that would 

have been lost, and destroyed. 

    The good news is, this was his last stop for He is finished. On August 8th,1985 at 2:a.m. 

His fate is sealed, and He is put in chains.

                                    This is where you stand right now.

Read Isaiah - 44 : 20. This is why I AM sent!!!

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.

Read 2nd. Corinthians - 5 : 14.
I will explain this verse for the first time.

"for the love of Christ constraineth  us," If you don't study you shall remain in the congregation 

of the dead, and you shall be destroyed!!! Why did you not look up the word, constrained. The 

root word is constrict. This is telling what the love of Christ continue to do to all that love him.

There is nothing hidden here, these are separate statements in verse 14. You are restrained, so

 you refuse to search for the truth of YHH. You are judgmental and any one that don't accept 

the beast Christ as GOD you call them atheist. The last two; the first one is a question, and the 

second one is the answer. The question; If one die for all? Statement; Then were all dead!!!

Read Deuteronomy - 24 : 16.

Read Ezekiel - 18 : 20.

Read Psalms - 49 : 7.

  Verse 15, tells one who they are drawn to, Christ the man made image which has no connection 

to YHH, and that is why all are dead in Christ when I, The Archangel GABRYAL come.

    In Webster New Universal Unabridged Dictionary; Page 392, see several meanings of the 

words, constrain, and constrained.

    For the readers who don't have an unabridged dictionary see the meanings below.

Constraineth = Constrained;




To confine by force = the rapture,

To ravish, this is what happened to you while you slept.

To limit the motion of a body,

To urge with irresistible power, and there is much more.

Read John - 14 : 6, start at, I am; The preface is a lie of Satan. I will show you who he is,

Read John - 10 : 8. This is the one who took away Heaven, and Earth with out you knowing it.

   As you read the rest of Ezek. 37 : 7, My presence and My teaching causes a noise, and a shaking

every where this truth is read. This truth that I bring causes a commotion all over the world. This

truth causes a stir in the temples of the Devil that are call churches. This truth causes heads of every

nation to stand in attention, and wonder who is this Man that has risen in this day?

Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1, 4, & 21.

Read Isaiah - 52 : 15.

Read John - 8 : 32.

    Now is the time that you can choose to serve - THE ONE and ONLY LIVING CREATOR 


 Consider this, and choose your God well you must serve one! There is no middle ground! 

You will serve YHH, and live, or you will serve Satan and perish! 

You will serve MY FATHER YHH, or MY brother Satan. there is no way around it; so choose 

this day whom you will serve!

Read Jeremiah - 7 : 4.

Read Jeremiah - 5 ; 23 - 27.

     Now Satan was asked a question, "Satan from where comest thou?" This verse tells you that

Satan had been some where, other than on this earth. Why is this so? During the time that this is

written of, this planet we call earth had no roads, nor was it developed or fully populated. Now

 there are several things revealed in that one statement, formed as a question. In Satan's answer,

 two of the things that are spoken of is clearly revealed. I know it is invisible to you, for you are

the sleeper! The first thing revealed is that Satan had been all over some where for it is written;

"From going to and fro in the earth." The word fro is the root word meaning from, and away. It

tells us that Satan had left this planet, and returned. In the last part of His response the word

walking is a metaphor, why?

     When we read Revelation - 12 : 9, we see that Satan has deceived the whole world. 

When we do our research on the word world; we will come to the word Universe. 

Now we see that the word world is a allegory for Universe.

Read, Gen.4 : 11, stop at the word earth. The rest is a human's addition written to deceive the 


Read, Gen. 4 : 14, stop at the word hidden. Now read the rest of verse 14, for it is truth.

In verse 11, we clearly see that Satan is a cursed, because He broke the Law of YHH

In verse 14, we clearly see that Satan is driven "out this day from the face of the earth;" 

And the last sentence in verse 14, is the reason the W, is temporarily placed in THE NAME 

YHWH. The W protected Satan for many eras of 25,000, years each time, as He wandered 

through out the universe. In 1986, His era ended, and the W, is removed from YHH'S Divine 


Satan was put in chains on August 8, 1985, at 2: am. I, The Archangel GABRYAL was there to 

witness that Satan is chained, and bound.

   The last part of verse 14, reads, "and it shall come to pass that any one that findeth Me shall 

slay Me."
    For one to find Satan, is to discover how he deceived you. One must come to realize the name

He used, the words He used to entice you, and the image of that man of sin placed before all of you.

To find Satan one must first find YHH, and HIS Messenger. Then and only then can one destroy 

the mind of Satan that is in them by becoming righteous, and accepting YHH, and HIS Messenger.

Read James - 4 : 7 & 8.

    Now we know that Satan had left this planet, went some where, and returned. You see Satan

was first sent off of this planet before it was fully populated, or developed with roads, people,

and cities. At that time all of the people lived in one geographical area, and all had one mind.

Seeing that Satan was cast out of the divine place which is this planet, with His knowledge in tact;

tells us that He has the knowledge and ability of galactic flight.

Read In Job 1 : 7, and Job. 2 : 2,

  Satan has returned to the earth from which He was driven away and YHH confronts Him, because

YHH knew that Satan had come to destroy the earth. We can see that Satan went through out the

universe with his destructive work, and now He is back on the forbidden planet earth. He is not

driven out again, because there is no where else that He can go.
    The story about Cane and Abel is a allegory about you the children of YHH, and Satan. Abel

keeping sheep is a allegory for you, all of you that were law keepers. The sheep  is a allegory for

The children in the Law of YHH, for sheep are obedient. Cain tilling the ground tells you that He

is a law breaker, and a low life. For ground is a allegory for the condition of Cain's mind

unrighteous. Tiller is a allegory telling you that Satan practices are out side of the divine Law of

YHH. The word tiller is to cultivate as to make a new mind in you. Cain slaying Able, is Satan

slaying you all of you by giving the world a mind like His own. 

Remember; YHH see everything. YHH would not have to ask, where is your brother? 

   This verse is written to keep you from discovering what Satan had done to all of you!!!

   In Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary; Page 1910, find the word; Tiller; 

see the meaning; a cultivator.

Go to Page 443 & 444, Look up; Cultivate; in paragraph 5, read; as cultivate your mind.

Paragraph 6, read; as he cultivated a social conscience.

   Satan took you out side of the divine Law Of YHH, and gave the world a mind like His, a 

mind of destruction. Thus you have been slain.

Read Revelation - 5 : 6. Start at; and in the midst, Stop at; been slain. The law is taken a way.

Read Revelation - 12 : 9.

Read Revelation - 13 : 8.

   Bible scholars, and those of you who read the bible try to relate this story of Cain, and Abel to

two humans, one slaying the other in a jealous rage, not so. 

     You need to pay close attention that any where you read that YHH IS talking to some one! 

Consider this, YHH only speak to divine beings, Angels. Notice; YHH only speak to Cain, 

because Cain is a allegory for Satan, who is an Angel. Notice; YHH never call to Abel, HE just 

asks about him, why? Because Abel is a allegory for humans. All humans were cut off because 

of their sins. 

In Genesis - 4 : 4. Which begin at, The LORD, This is the last time any human has ever had 

direct contact with YHH, because of your sins.

Read Genesis - 3 : 22 - 24. These scriptures are corrected in the next post, 42, - XLII.

Read Revelation - 5 : 6. stop at the word slain, the rest is trash! This lamb is you, all of you.

Read Revelation - 13 : 6 - 8. and.

Read, Revelation - 13 : 14 - 16. The mark is the name, and image of the man on the cross.

Read Jeremiah - 14 : 14. You are raised on religious lies and deceit!!!

     As you follow ME through the blog one can clearly see that the scriptures are marred, 

mixed, falsified, moved, and twisted!

     Everyone is wearing the mark of Satan! The mark is a way of life, not a tattoo on your skin.

The governments, the financial system, the manufacturing of most products, the mixing of

chemicals, your education system, the structure of your families, the cloth you wear, and the

very food that you eat, are all a part of the mark!!!

Read Ezekiel - 28 : 18.  Remember this verse, all them that behold thee;

  Satan has returned to earth to finish His work, this is His last stop. I ask you, where do you think

Satan was coming from?.
                                                  Behold I show you a mystery!

Read Genesis - 6 : 5 & 11 - 12. These scriptures are written for to days society.

Read Isaiah - 59 : 8.

Read Isaiah - 41 : 29.
    While I reveal the mystery keep this scripture in mind.

Read John - 10 : 16. This verse belong with, Ezekiel - 28 : 18

    Let ME remind you! Satan was given the freedom to deal with all of humanity as He saw fit.

Read Revelation - 13 : 7.

    Satan was never restricted in His knowledge or wisdom. There was no restriction on His 

power, and there was no restriction or limit on where He could travel. He was uninhibited 

in all things so He could not say YHH was unfair to Him.

Read Genesis - 4 : 6 - 7.  Stop at door. The last part of this verse YHH IS talking about Satan, 

and I, Gabryal. 

     Satan challenged YHH'S decision to send Me Gabryal, to lead you in righteousness, and bring 

you in to the Kingdom. YHH granted Satan's request, and this is what He did. This is how your 

false gods were/is introduced to the world.

Read Ezekiel - 28 : 14 - 15, & 2, - 10. Start at; Thus said The LORD

Read Ezekiel - 28 : 16 - 19.

    This is the beginning of greed which is the foundation of the world's economical system.

Notice; He, Satan covets all precious stones, and every thing of value.

     Look around you and see what a mess He has made. His reign has ended in horror ,and

He is in chains awaiting his date before YHH. His handy work is through out the universe,

where He has attempted to destroy all of YHH'S creation. When you look out in to the sky

with a telescope, it is apparent that something destructive has happened. You are totally 

unaware of the destruction that Satan has done.

Read Isaiah - 59 : 7 - 8.

    Had YHH not created the planets to defend them selves against all enemies, the damage

would have been much worse.

    Any system that is established out side of the divine instruction of YHH, will always end 

up in disaster. All that is established out side of The Law Of YHH will self destruct, and destroy 

all involved. Satan can not do good for there is no truth in Him. This is why the earth must be 

cleansed of all of the work done by Satan.

Read 2nd. Peter - 3 : 10.

     This is not Satan's first time, however, it is His last!

Read Job - 13 : 1.

Read Job - 12 : 10 - 14.

Read Job - 12 : 9. and

Read 2nd. Peter - 3 : 11.

    Lets take a look at Mars. Why do you think it is desolate and look the way that it does?

Consider this, YHH created all of the planets with a habitable atmosphere. They all had

plush green plant life with water; and all, I repeat all of the planets were populated with


    The ozone layer around each planet was created at the correct thickness, as to generate the 

ideal temperature, rather cold or hot. 

    Mars is a example of what happens when a planet is nuked, and loses it's atmosphere. 

The same will happen to the earth if this wicked waring society is not cut short.

Read Matthew - 24 : 21 - 22.

Read Genesis - 6 : 13. Start at The, and stop at them.

Read Genesis - 7 : 19, 21, - 23. In verse 23, stop at, from the earth.

Read Revelation - 17 : 15.

    As I have told many people, there was never a flood of water back then. That destroyed

every thing on earth. These writings are beyond your understanding. The flood written of

in the bible is a allegory and a metaphor; Without Me, you would never understand it.

   This is inevitable, if I, The Archangel GABRYAL don't stop you the entire earth will

be nuked!!!

     Only after the righteous were removed was Satan and His advocates allowed to nuke all of 

the other planets. Each time the wicked were destroyed and Satan with a few of His advocates 

were allowed to escape; to begin His wickedness on the next planet.

     You can see the vicious cycle starting all over again. 

     Check this out, several nations wanting to colonize Mars. This time Satan is in chains and 

will not be allowed to go any further for he is finished. Some wicked church leaders don't want 

to loose their wicked god!!! 

They want and teach that Satan will be turned a lose after a thousand years, not so.

Read Ezekiel - 28 : 18 - 19.

    I GABRYAL did not come to play games with Satan, and the wicked. They are finished

never to rise again forever. Failure is not an option! It is only a matter of time for ME to

collect the righteous, and go home to live in peace forever!!!

Read Hebrews - 10 : 37.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 4.

Read Nahum - 1 : 9.

     The earth must be cleansed so that all signs of sinful man is done away with. The

ozone layer will be removed, the same as on all other planets.

Read Matthew - 24 : 2.  Start at, There shall; All before that is of the devil.

Read Matthew - 24 : 7 & 8.

Read Ezekiel - 28 : 18. Start at therefore;

     All of this is done in the sight of them who are watching what is going on in the

earth. All is destroyed in order to protect the earth from the destroying hands of

humans. After a time the earth will replenish it self and return to the garden that

YHH created it to be, void of sin.

Read 2nd. Peter - 3 : 10.

      When you study the change in Mars atmosphere, you can see that it has just

begun to recover from the nuclear blast. If you look careful, one can see remnants

of monuments that were built on mars before the sinful era.

Read Job -12 : 12 - 13.

     Mars was Satan's first stop, when He was sent out by YHH. I know this because

I was there when He received His instructions. In this post I will prove it to you.

Firstly I want you to know that Satan was not cast down from any where. He was

sent out with options and instructions on how He could return to the divine place.

Satan was never abused by YHH or any of the Angels, after all He is a son, and a


Read Genesis - 4 : 7.  Satan has failed, and He is in chains as of August, 8th, 1985, 

at 2 :am. I was there!!!

    Now it is your time to rise from the hell of this society if you want to live. This

I must tell you, that every time Satan destroyed a planet and it's inhabitants, the

righteous is always saved. They are reserved for the final day of judgment waiting

to enter The Kingdom of YHH. This is not MY first time so I know the way. 

This is just a repeat of what I have already done.

Read Isaiah - 43 : 5 - 9.

Pay close attention to, verse 9!

 "Who among them can declare this, and show us former things?" 

Ref. Isaiah - 41 : 22.

     Where are those people that were saved from those other planets just before their

atmosphere was destroyed? Many of you have encountered some of them yet you don't

know them. They are super smart, they are what you call geniuses. Satan wasn't just

walking about for exercise He was searching for some one. Satan knew that the

righteous had escaped the destruction of His previous stop, which is the dark planet

beyond Pluto. Where do you think this technology came from? Take a look think

about the advances in technology in the last few years. I want you to know that the

only Prophet IS YHH, there is no other. Every word YHH speak must come true.

YHH looked and you were so far behind the times that you needed some help to

try to bring this society up to speed. You needed to be able to rain down fire from

the sky. You were over one hundred fifty years behind prophecy, you needed some

help!!! Time is running out!!! Where do you think the very idea of technology,

microwaves, and rocketry came from? Not from Nostradamus who was a drug

addict and a drunk who couldn't see beyond the darkness of the drugs he used!!!

All of you are led astray just used and abused. 

Your technology is given to you by your ante - Christ brothers and sisters. 

      I know this statement is puzzling to you!

Ante or Anti means = before in time, ancient! 

The word Anti-Christ means Ancient before in time, and To make it simple, Ante in 

Latin or anti in Greek = the ancient ones before time was kept. 

Christ = Is an old English, Latin, and Greek title with several spellings. 

It is later attached to the name of the false god!!! 

The Antis' are the ones who gave you your advance technology. 

There is one that is before history, He is the one who gave this knowledge to select nations.

      Remember there are good, and bad Angels. 

I will tell you how! The knowledge is given to you by the ancient ones in the ships, UFOS'! 

Space ships has continued to make contact with humans throughout the centuries. 

Most of the time that contact is made - the individual is placed in to a trance, so they would 

think that it was a dream.

Pay close attention to the following scriptures below, and read them more than once.

Read Ezekiel - 8 : 17, The first sentence only.

Read Ezekiel - 9 : 1.

Read Ezekiel - 9 : 2,
Stop at, in his hand.

Read Ezekiel - 9 : 3, Stop at from the cherub. = The ship, UFO.
Read Ezekiel - 9 : 6, The last sentence only. = The antes, fallen Angels in ships!!!
Remember that, in Ezekiel - 28 : 18, the last sentence tells us that there are, them 

that behold thee.
You are being watched by some one that is not on the earth. 

For they will watch the earth while it burns.
      The design on how to build a computer was given to select governments several

times, and had to be simplified each times. After many years passed finally you were

able to come up with a simple working model of a computer. This information was

given to them by the, D. F. M.s'. You refer to them as U. F. O. To day you are still

over seventy five, (75) years behind where you should be in technology.
                                                       Read John - 10 : 16.
           For I, The Archangel GABRYAL called, and MY sheep heard MY voice!!!

                                              Where are the ancient ones?

     MY other sheep are in the ships you refer to as U. F. O.s'. They are more than you,

and they are much smarter than you. For their minds are divine with unlimited

knowledge. Come to ME MY children that occupy the earth. Fear not, Satan can do

you no harm for He is finished.

                                                 Behold I show you a mystery!

    The appearance of a D. F. M. is described in Ezekiel, 10th. chapter. It is marred by

the bible writers who are still in ignorance as how to describe what is being told.

The way it should have been described is, a round saucer shaped craft with a transparent

raised dome in the center, with windows or portals around the outer rim, and it stood

on four pedestals. It describes an angel by each pedestal, and the throne of YHH is in

the center.

Read Ezekiel - 10 : 1 - 2, stop at linen.

Read verse 10 : 4, first sentence only, stop at cherub.

Read verse 10 : 5, This is the voice of the angel.

Read verse, 10 : 10 - 11, & 15 & 19, Stop at them, there was more than one UFO.

      Pay close attention to; Ezekiel - 10, verse 16, during this time written of, did any

nation known to man have a flying machine that could lift up from the earth, and

carry people???

     If any of you think that YHH and I, The Angel Gabryal has been here for ever

and that you are the only intelligent beings created, THINK AGAIN!!! 

    You are living in the last sinful society that will ever exist, and it has to be cleansed!

     You have in your possession aerial maps of the world that are thousands of years

old, taken from over head high up in the sky. You have maps of the solar system that

no one on this side of heaven had the knowledge, or the equipment to take at that time.

    Your fore fathers were seeded here from the dark planet beyond Pluto, not Mars as

some scientist thought. In the past a few has always managed to escape with Satan in

order to continue His evil work through out the galaxy. Each time those who escaped

with Satan were integrated among a society that was already established. However He

came with all of His law breaking habits, and over time managed to destroy all life on

the planets, one by one. This time none shall escape!!! Satan's time has ended; He is

 in chains; He is finished never to rise again. This is judgment day so choose your

CREATOR carefully. Make sure that you have the correct ONE so you can escape

the destruction of Satan, and His advocates. Be wise so you can survive the day of

YHH'S wrath upon the wicked.

                                                Behold I show you a mystery!

      As I wrote earlier, the planets are created to destroy their enemies, and return to

a garden of bliss. The earth that we are living on is no exception.

     The tempest on the earth and in the earth will accelerate at an astounding rate.

At a rate that is unrecorded since humans begin to keep records. The seasons will

continue to lose their identity as the atmosphere loses it's stability. Strange plant

life in salt and fresh water will appear, and begin to destroy the world's food supply

at an alarming rate world wide. This will occur do to the rising temperatures on land

and seas. These defending plants usually remained dormant as long as the climate on

earth remained in balance. The ozone layer around the earth which is it's only

protective shield will continue to weaken, and it will accelerate. The ice caps which

 make up the north and south poles will cease to exist. Then these scriptures written

below shall, must, and will come to past.

Read Isaiah - 30 : 25 - 26. Read carefully.

Read Isaiah - 64 : 2.

Read Isaiah - 66 : 16.

From this, there is no defense.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 17 & 20, stop at, his days. Notice how the enemy try to deceive you;

for there will be no more death.

Now continue; Read verse 21 - 24.


                                                        IS ALL IN ALL

    I AM come to establish peace world wide. So those of you who want to see an end

to all confusion, and destruction every where come to ME. Be wise and show where

your heart is; study, study, and study to get your name on the roll in YHH'S

Book Of Life. 

                                Come help spread this message to the whole world.

                                                   We want your support.

      This message must reach the whole world, and donations are welcome. This is

very costly so come, and help Me spread this truth. The true word of YHH to HIS

children, all nations. If you have any questions please write to Me at the address below.
      The only way your name can appear in My Book which is The Book Of Life; 

is for you to send your name to ME. You must write to Me at the address below 

and tell Me about your work. Tell Me what you are doing to help this mission. By 

supporting this mission one produces the fruit of your doing, spoken of in Isa. 3 : 10;

This you must do or you will not qualify to enter The Kingdom of YHH.

Read John - 5 : 17, start at MY FATHER; the preface is a lie!

Read John - 9 : 4 - 5.

Read James - 2 : 17 - 20.

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15.

    As you can read, even I must work in order to get back home to YHH.

    No one will pressure you to support this mission. You can't be raptured in to The 

Kingdom of YHH. One must freely volunteer their support, which is your work.

Read Genesis - 28 : 22.

Read Luke - 6 : 38.

                               I want to stir your minds a little, hear this.

   The King James bible is less than 500, years old, and the oldest bible is just over 500, 

years old. 

    Why is it that the bible still has no name?

    Why are there so many names heading books in the bible when none of them wrote the 

original message?

Study; XIX Crown Of Thorns, where the man of perdition is revealed!

Study; XXVII On Death Row, learn where you were sentenced to death!



                                  I, The Archangel GABRYAL write this message.

Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065
Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                        

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See also on; you tube @gabryal mission 4700)           

                                                  36 - L       





                                              Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

Read Genesis - 1 : 1.

Read Revelation - 21 : 5.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 17.

      One can read in the scripture that YHH will create a new heaven, and a new earth.

To any one who read the bible with just a little understanding we can see that every

thing YHH does is perfect. Saying that we know YHH created the place that we refer

to as earth perfect in itsself. The place we refer to as heaven is also created perfect in

This being said these two places that is referred to in the bible as heaven, and

earth can never be destroyed by humans. For they are the handy work of YHH. So

this scripture that is written about heaven, and earth must be referring to something


       So the use of these two phrases, a new heaven, and a new earth written in this

passage is a metaphor, and a allegory.
The word new is a metaphor and the use of the

words heaven is a allegory. The use of the word earth is also a allegory.

      The sphere you refer to as earth is created by YHH, and will never be destroyed or

created again. For it is created perfect. It is created to restore it self, and to defend it

self against all enemies, violators, or parasites. It is created to destroy it's enemies. It

is created to maintain a strict balance, and will not tolerate being violated. It will fight

back, and will destroy it's enemies unless they retreat.
The planet is created to maintain

this balance in of, and by it self. It is self sufficient for it is created perfect.

   Now the place you refer to as heaven you can never touch. As to cause it to be upset

or out of balance. Only the righteous shall see YHH, and the place you refer to as heaven.

Seeing that the planet can never be destroyed, and the place referred to as heaven can not

be reached by the wicked, nor can it ever be destroyed. Saying that - one must look else

where for the two things or places written of in these two phrases in the scripture.

                                                 A new heavens, A new earth.   

                                                 What is this speaking of?

       If one look up the word heaven in Webster's new universal unabridged dictionary.

You will find that heaven is a condition, and a state of mind not a place. Knowing that

heaven is not the dwelling place for the righteous but is a condition of the mind of the 

righteous. Now lets find out what must be made new.

Read Ephesians - 4 : 22 - 24.

  This is written about you - all of you that love righteousness. Pay close attention to

verse 23, where it is clearly stated that the mind must be made new.

  In Ephesians - 4 : 30, where it reads, "grieve not the Holy Spirit of GOD" this is written

about ME, GABRYAL. As I wrote in earlier post, where you read the Holy Spirit of GOD; 

it is a allegory speaking of ME, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL. Notice the use of the phrase, 

by whom you are sealed unto the day of redemption. So there is some one referred to as, 

The Holy Spirit of GOD, that will cause you that love YHH to be sealed in righteousness -

 until the day that you are redeemed.

For lack of understanding, and miss information what people don't understand is,

the human race is not a permanent fixture on the earth.

He has but a short time to remain, and he will be no more! I AM sent to warn

all of you with the truth from YHH, YA-HA. Judgment days are but a season, and

afterward come MY Brothers the Angels to exterminate the rest of man kind. The

Exodus are those who come to ME, THE Angel GABRYAL. The viruses plural, will remain,

and at the end of judgment days come this from the viruses.

Read - Isaiah - 66 : 24.

Then come the final Exodus.

Read Isaiah - 66 : 18 - 19, stop at the nations. The rest is trash!!!

Then come the Angels to exterminate the entire earth.

Now Read Isaiah - 66 : 15 - 16. Yes I AM HE, THE Angel GABRYAL YHH'S ONLY SON!!!

Twenty five thousand years, (25,000)yrs. after this I will do this.

Read Isaiah - 66 : 22 - 23.


To save your blood line you must come to ME, THE Angel GABRYAL!

 You need a book of remembrance because the book known as the bible is purposely


Read Malachi - 3 : 1.  YHH send HIS Messenger.

Read Malachi - 2 : 5 - 6. This Person come with the covenant of life, peace, and HE

teaches THE LAW of truth. Whom ever This Person Is HE walks with YHH.

     Notice; the use of the word Him in verse 5, and these phrases in verse 6, His mouth,

& His lips, He walked with ME. Whom ever this person is that you should be looking

for, HE walked with YHH before sin came in to the world. This Person leads the righteous 

out of sin, and HE remains here with you until YHH come.

Read Exodus -23 : 20 - 21.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 20 - 30.

Read Proverbs - 32 - 36.

    You see, you once had heaven, and you let it be taken away from you by Satan. You

lived in bliss, total peace with out sin until Satan came along, and deceived the children

of YHH. You were one nation, one people, with one love, one action, with one mind,

and the righteousness of YHH.

Read Genesis - 1 : 27 - 29 & 31, only. Number 30, you are never to eat any flesh!!!

Read Genesis - 2 : 1.

Read Genesis - 11 : 1, - 32. This is all because of Satan lying, and misleading you.

He brought death to you, and you cant stop dyeing, without ME THE SON.

Read 1, John - 3: 8, & 9.

     This is the reason that heaven has to be made a new. Along came Satan, and the fall

of man.

Read Genesis - 3 : 1 - 4. You did surely die and remain dead until this day; none survived

not one!!!

Read Genesis - 11 : 4. Notice; Satan gave them another name; the name of the one who was

pierced in the side.

Read Genesis - 6 : 11 & 12. Notice all flesh!!!

Read Genesis - 6 : 5 - 6. YHH IS SAD and HE IS disappointed in you!!!

Please do not over look - Genesis - 6:7, the extermination of the wicked ones!!!

Read Genesis - 3 : 13.

    Children please do your research!!! 

    The woman is not a female, but a male!!! 

As with Satan, the males has falsely accused you the females of treason against YHH!!!

Reference: Post, VII - The Last Supper, and see for your self.

Reference: Post, XIX - The Crown Of Thorns for more information.

   When Satan took away THE NAME YHH in Gen. 11 : 4, He also took away your

consciousness and destroyed your minds. Thus you need a new heaven, a new mind.

Read Revelation - 13 : 6.

                                                   A new heaven, A new earth.

                                                   Read Isaiah - 52 : 15.

   Satan is well known for His destructive works throughout the universe. All nations

has seen His handy work. All universities are doing research involving His path of

destruction. Yet you do not know it nor can you recognize it, because you are a sleep,

you are destroyed. He destroys every thing that He touches including you.

Read Revelation - 13 : 7 & 8. & 14. Now who was pierced in the side?

Read Isaiah - 64 : 7.

     Therefore your memory has to be renewed as to what is the true and only NAME

You need to be taught how to become righteous. You need

to be taught about how Satan seduced you, and the names He used to destroy all nations.

You need to learn how to resist Satan so He will no longer approach you.

Read 2nd. Corinthians - 3 ; 15 - 16.  The name Moses is a allegory for the Law which is 

he truth of YHH.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 17.

     This is the end of the road for the wicked. For they have the blood of the lamb on

their door post, and the mark of the beast in their forehead. Death will have it's way

with you until you are destroyed.

Read Jeremiah - 2 : 11, & 26 - 29.

   The verses listed below is a conversation between YHH, and I GABRYAL; about the

destruction of the unrighteous.

Read Isaiah - 63 : 1 - 6.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 8.
 Only a remnant will remain.
                                                                A new earth

     Now let us find out why the earth has to be made a new, and what is the meaning

of the word earth. For some where in time the earth is destroyed by Satan. It is written

that before one of YHH'S words fail heaven and earth would pass away.

    If we look up the word earth in Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary

on page 570, it takes us to the book of Gen. 11 : 1, it tells us that this is talking about

the human body. Now we know that this is about the body which is created in the

image of YHH, and will never be redesigned or renewed, for it it perfectly designed.

Now we need to take the research further. For there is something involving the body

of man that will be renewed.

     In Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the bible; run reference on the word earth.

You will come to the number 776, which reads; GOD created the heavens and the earth.

Now number 776, will lead you to the Hebrew Dictionary, and in Hebrew you will find

the word Erets, which will take you to it's true meaning, 
nations, and world.

    Now we know that it is the nation that will be renewed; let us fiend out how, and why!

Read Genesis - 11 : 1.

Read Genesis - 6 : 4.

Read Psalms - 83 :  2 - 4.

Read Revelation - 13 : 7 - 8. It is you that are slain by Satan!!!

   The world has been at war ever sincee this time. No peace, no rest, nothing but suffering

and death.

Read Genesis - 11 : 4. "Let us make us a name," Thus the false names are created!!!

Read Genesis - 6 : 11 - 12. This is the result of the false gods you created.

  When this conspiracy was planed you were all of one nation with out conflict, sin or

confusion, for you were all righteous. You all spoke one language, you all functioned in

the same mind, you were all righteous with the MIND OF YHH.

     This was before Satan raptured you, and issued a death sentence to the entire world.

Read Genesis - 6 : 1 - 2.  This is done by the fallen Angels; this is how you got your technology.

Read Revelation - 16 : 19. Remember the false god Jesus served you wine at his supper!!!

      Jesus gave all of you; "the cup of the wine of the fierceness of GOD/YHH'S wrath."

Now you are all dead!

As you can see, Ephesians - 4 : 23, and Genesis - 11 : 1, has to be made new. 

This will reassemble, The Nation Of YHH. 

This is the new assembly of those who will occupy, The Kingdom Of YHH.

    I AM sent/come to remove the cup from your lips/minds so you can see again, and live 

for the first time. I AM sent to shine the light of YHH in to your minds, to resurrect the 

righteous of YHH, and take you in to THE KINGDOM OF YHH for ever.

They will all have a new memory for they will know, and praise YHH from the first to the last. 

Your minds are taken away,  and you do not recognize your brothers, and sisters. You have been 

slain by Satan and you are the living dead. Satan has turned you in to murderers, liars, adulterers, 

fornicators, cheaters, lovers of the devil, and haters of, THE CREATOR YHH. You have chosen 

death rather than life. 

      As long as you remain in your present condition you will remain in the congregation of the 

dead, until you are destroyed!!!

     You are existing under the mark of the beast every day. Take a look at this society

every one live under a constant threat, so none can fully relax. Every one live in fear

of either losing their life, their family, their health, their personal property, and their

money. It doesn't matter how much money you have you are in one or more of these

categories either mentally, and or physically. 

    All of you have the holy ghost, = your minds are bewildered, your minds are obscure, 

your minds are vague, and you exist in the fog of life. 

The God that you worship is numbered with the ghost = fairies and elves. Your beliefs

 are synthetic, and so is your God for he, it, doesn't exist

    You will find them Jesus, and all the false gods beginning among the fairies.

In Webster New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, Pg. 658 see Fairy;

Read Revelation - 17 : 5 - 6, also verse 7, and stop at the title woman.

     As you can see this sphere we live on, and you refer to as earth can not, shall not,

and will never be destroyed or be made new again. YHH created it perfect; I know

because I, the Arch-Angel Gabryal AM with YHH when it was made. When YHH Said,

"Let US MAKE MAN" who do you think HE IS Talking to? 

      It Is I, HIS/YHH'S First Born, HIS/YHH'S First Creation!!!

Read Job - 15 : 7.

     One day while exiting a store I encountered a group of young men. After they had read

the sign on my vehicle they asked about YHH, and The Angel Gabryal. One of them stated,

"you are Gabryal, isn't Gabryal The Angel that do GOD'S dirty work," I smiled, and

corrected him by saying, "you might say that I AM YHH'S clean up MAN. I AM sent to

set things straight." I offered them MY card upon which is written the address to MY blog,

and they accepted several cards, and I left.

 Read Revelation - 22 : 6. YHH sends only one Angel!!!

 Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
                                  The righteous belong to THE CREATOR, YHH!

Read 1st. Peter - 5 : 8.

    Think about this!!! Satan was given 25,000 years, an era. To run free all over the

world, and to do whatever His heart lead Him to do. Now listen to this; Satan had all

of His divine knowledge and wisdom in Him, none diminished!!! Now you being

unrighteous and without divine knowledge has come from the horse and buggy to

living in space in about 100 years, 1880s to the 1980s!!! The first car, to the space

station. You can do this with just education of which can not scrape the surface of

divine knowledge and wisdom!!! How far do you think that Satan has gone in 25,000

years? Remember this, He had divine knowledge and wisdom!!! If you think for a

moment that you are the only nation, and this planet is the only place destroyed by

MY Little Brother Satan, you are sadly mistaken!!! His handy work is through out the

universe!!! All nations can see it, but you don't recognize it, because you are a sleep,

dead in the spirit and the blood!!!
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.

     I am creating a storm in you! I am stirring up your minds! I am causing you to

activate that earth quake that is in you. This blog will cause you to wonder, and

reconsider in your minds, WHO IS THE TRUE CREATOR of all man kind, none

but YHH.

Read Ezekiel - 38 : 18 - 23. Remember; where you see the name Israel it is to all nations.

Read Ezekiel - 36 : 27.

Read Jeremiah - 31 : 33 - 34. This is only about those who become righteous.

     After you are made whole again I AM sent to take you back to; read below.

Genesis - 1 : 29 - 31. Stop at good.

Genesis - 2 : 1. Now we are in THE KINGDOM OF YHH.

                                                     Behold I show you a mystery!

                                                        Think on that till I return.

     I AM creating in you a new mind, and a clean heart so you can live. I AM taking you

back to which you came, because, you are falsely led astray. I AM taking all who rises

back to the garden which is The Kingdom Of YHH. You need a guide to lead you home!!!

Read Exodus - 23 : 20.

  A guide with a mind like YHH, taught by YHH, and raised by YHH!!!

MY mind belong to YHH, and this is HIS mind to use as HE see fit.

Read John - 16 : 13 & 14. This is an Angel who appears as a man.


Read John - 6 : 33 & 38, only!

Read Mark - 13 : 19. I AM telling you before these things happen.

Read Exodus - 23 : 21. I AM YHH'S ANGEL sent to the righteous!!!

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1. "IN WHOM MY/YHH'S SOUL DELIGHTETH." 


"MINE/YHH'S ELECT IN WHOM MY SOUL DELIGHTETH, I AM YHH'S ELECT."                                                          




                                                            THE CREATOR

    Remember what I told you about the word Israel. Where ever this word is used YHH,

or I, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL, is speaking to all nations.

   The proper spelling of the word Israel is Ysral, which represent all righteous people!!!

    In the book of Genesis where you read about the creation of man; this represent both

male, and female for both are created at the same time. 

Hear this, females weren't created from the rib of males. 

Females are YHH'S prize creation not the males.

Read Genesis - 1 : 27.

Read Genesis - 5 : 2.

    Over and above these scriptures I was there, and assisted YHH with all creation, after

I was created.

Read Genesis - 1 : 26.  YHH has to be talking to ME, The Arch-Angel Gabryal. there is 

nothing else in existence.

Read Job - 15 : 7. & Proverbs - 8 : 22 - 30. & Proverbs - 8 : 17, & 31 - 36.



                                                        ALL IN ALL

Remember; any thing you do to promote, or support this blog is paying your ransom!

Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                        

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See also on; you tube @gabryal mission 4700)         
21 - L


  YHH YA - HA The greates...