Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.
REMEMBER: "The government is on MY shoulders." I AM not to be intimidated.
All nations you must wake up and obey MY voice!!!
No one enters The Kingdom without THE Book of THE LAW!
There are tricks, and traps that are written in the bible scriptures to destroy the children
of YHH.
It is written; "If anyone after hearing YHH'S message to the world from ME THE SON OF
YHH. GO back and continue serving Satan in his temples, it is impossible for that person to
return to YHH and ME GABRYAL again."
I, THE Angel GABRYAL AM THE only way out of this evil society alive.
As I have told you many times, come to ME and live forever.
You can stay with Satan and his, while you suffer and die horrible deaths.
These disasters will intensify, because, these are the days of, Armageddon.
Armageddon = The battle between good, and evil.
YHH and Alvester Samuel THE Angel Gabryal.
Against the world created by Satan.
Read 1st. John - 3: 1 - 3, you must become righteous.
Read 1st. John - 3: 8, & 9. Sinful people suffer and die.
Read Isaiah 1: 13 - 16. All that don't understand this are LOST. This verse condemns all religions.
You paid no tribute to YHH, did not support this blog, nor paid your ransom!
You didn't OBEY MY voice, I GABRYAL AM THE voice OF YHH, and THE Messiah!
You continue going to the houses of Satan, the churches, celebrating Easter, and celebrating
Christmas is a world wide trap established to worship Satan, and destroy all souls.
Read Jeremiah 3: 20. Where the word Israel is written in the bible, it mean all nations.
The destruction of humans shall not cease. As long as you serve Satan you shall be
destroyed!!! If you want to punish Satan for the loss of your love ones, come back to YHH
and I GABRYAL. This book of Remembrance brings you back to THE LAW of YHH.
I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger, THE SON of YHH.
The Book Of Remembrance is written and sold by, Amazon.com.
Written By THE Angel GABRYAL
This is the most powerful book ever written, to warn all nations.
This is the first and only book given to the world by GOD YHH since Satan came
amongst the children of YHH in the garden.
This book is the express way to the land promised by YHH. This is the road map to
the Kingdom of YHH.
On your TV, go to your you tube channel, search for. Gabryalmission4700, to watch
all my videos on your TV. They will show you the way to the kingdom, the promised
Satan has made a lot of you afraid to read MY/YHH'S message of salvation to the
Many of you are fearful of knowing the truth.
You are still dying, many are sick, you are aging prematurely, and going six feet
under in a box.
You aren't suppose to die, because, all of you are gods raped of your GOD/YHH
given souls.
Get The Book of Remembrance so you can live forever.
Study post #50, in the blog.
Listen to the videos, all of them, and come alive.
I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger THE SON of YHH.
Read Revelation - 14: 6 - 7. The warning!!!
Read Revelation - 15: 1. The plagues!!!
YHH never gave the people any bible or instructions since Satan spoke to you in the garden.
YHH promised not to interfere during Satan's time with you. The bible is a book of Satan
first written in 1611, to deceive the whole world.
Read Revelations 12: 9.
Read 1st. Corinthians 2: 9 - 12.
The Son is referred to as, The Spirit of GOD.
Read John 5: 37.
Read John 1: 18.
Those verses above eliminate all false gods, teachers, and messengers!!!
This is the work spoken of in the scriptures.
Read James 2: 17 - 20. Your work is simple don't try to convince anyone, just share
the address to the blog!!!
One will be shielded only after you "OBEY MY VOICE", and begin paying your
ransom to YHH.
Read Psalms - 91: 1 - 3 & 5 - 11, The shield.
In verse 91: 1, "HE who dwelleth in THE SECRET PLACE of THE MOST HIGH";
I dwell in MY FATHER'S house. I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, AM "HE".
In verse 91: 9, "THE LORD," is referring to ME GABRYAL, and "THE MOST HIGH" IS
Read Matthew - 24: 24 - 27.
Matthew -24: 27, is about the Internet!!! I will reach you by the speed of light!!!
Remember; "as LIGHTNING," "come from east, and shine to the west."
All eyes can see ME at the same time, by way of the internet!!!
Over two years has passed, and I haven't lost a soul, PRAYS/praise MY FATHER YHH!!!
This is how the SON IS established by THE FATHER, YHH/YA-HA.
THE FIRST; Read below.
Read Hebrews - 10: 9. This is about YAHWAH BEN YAHWAH'S coming, and leaving.
THE SECOND; Read below.
Read Hebrews - 10: 7. This is about ME, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL'S Mission.
Read Hebrews - 1: 4 - 6. This is about ME being made.
Read Proverbs 8: 22 - 36. This is about MY beginning.
Read Revelation - 5: 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7.
This occurred on, (August 8, 1985, at 2.00 A.M.)
Read John - 5: 20 - 23. I AM THE Judge over all nations.
Read Isaiah - 42: 1, 2, & 4. I AM more than an Angel.
Read Exodus - 23: 20 & 21. MY FATHER and I ARE ONE!!!
Read John - 6: 39. YA-HA always keeps HIS PROMISE!!!
Remember; any thing you do to promote, or support this blog is paying your ransom!
Read Exodus - 23 : 20, & 21.
I THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL AM sent because of this, read below!!!
Read Romans - 1: 21 - 23.
Read Matthew 24: 9 - 10. All nations are going to hate ME, THE SON of GOD YHH,
because, I teach the truth about religions, and the true NAME of GOD YHH.
"You shall be hated of all nations for MY NAME sake."
Read Isaiah 11: 2 - 5. At MY coming; "HE will slay the wicked teachers, and religious
beliefs with the rod of MY mouth, by teaching the truth.
"And HE shall smite the earth with the rod of HIS mouth, and with the breath of HIS lips
shall HE slay the wicked."
ME you have fallen short of YHH'S blessings.
I understand where you are! I'M going to help you overcome the falsehood that is
raptured in you by Satan's religions!!!
Read Revelation - 12: 9. The whole world!!!
Read Revelation - 14: 6 - 11. The warning!!!
Read Revelation - 15: 1. The plagues!!!
You need a book of remembrance because the book known as the bible is purposely
Read Malachi - 3: 16.
There is no religious god, and the J didn't exist until the 16th century!!!
“For since by the Angel Satan came death to every man!"
"By THE Angel GABRYAL shall all righteous men be made alive, however, every
man in his own order. First THE Angel GABRYAL, afterward, all that come to HIM
shall live in The Kingdom which is the land promised!!!”
To all people on earth pay close attention to what is written below!!!
Read; Amos 5: 21 "I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies
are a stench to me.” SAYS YHH!!!
Isaiah 1:11-16 "The multitude of your sacrifices- what are they to me?" says
the LORD. "I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of
fattened animals: I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and
goats. 12When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this
trampling of my courts? 13Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is
detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations- I cannot bear your
worthless assemblies. 14Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I
hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of
bearing them. 15When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from
you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full
of blood! 16Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my
sight; stop doing wrong."
Read Isaiah - 43 : 27 - 28. & Isaiah - 44 : 20. & Isaiah - 65 : 12.
The scriptures above makes it plain that there is no grace, you must come to ME/YHH,
and repent.
Read Exodus - 20 : 5. & Exodus - 34 : 7.
The verses above reinforces that there is no grace so wake up and live!!!
Read John - 8: 45 - 47. Now read this!
Read John - 5 : 20. You can't show a dead man anything.
You have been taken advantage of by your enemies. They put you to sleep, and victimized
you. They removed your covering, and took advantage of you male, and females while you
slept. You have been spiritually raped of your souls, and of the knowledge of GOD YHH.
Read John - 8: 32. I bring the truth!!!
We say HIS NAME every time we take a breath mouth open, in YA - out HA.Read Revelation - 3 : 12.
"Did you think this evil would last forever???"
"To he/all that has an ear let them hear what THE Angel saith unto the people."
"To HIM that overcome will I give to eat of the hidden manna. I will give HIM wisdom,
and with wisdom I will write for HIM a NEW NAME that is written by YHH- which no
man know except THE ANGEL that is able to receive IT.
Read Revelations - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7.
The verses above reinforces the fact that there is no grace so wake up and live!!!
Only after you obey MY/YA-HA'S voice, and do all that I, THE Arch-Angel
One will be shielded only after you obey MY voice, and begin paying your ransom
to YHH.
The Law of YHH no more, for I will write upon them THE NEW NAME of MY FATHER
YHH. I will also give them MY new NAME, for I came down from The Most High place
of YHH.
Read Malachi - 3 : 1. Notice; "HE SHALL COME"
sentence set on the whole world by Satan.
Read Revelation - 12 : 9.
I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL AM THE MESSIAH, THE Messenger, referred to as
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 & 4.
I AM sent to destroy the work of Satan, finish this society, and to populate the
Kingdom of YHH.
Study post # 50 - L; You don't have to die.
You are spiritually dead, because, you worship Satan in disguise, and your souls
are taken away!!!
When you ate of the forbidden fruit all of man kind died a spiritual death, because,
until this day all has lived outside of the law of YHH, and you are dead.
Read Matthew - 7 : 15.
Read Matthew - 24 : 24.
Read Matthew - 7 : 21 - 23.
I have no affiliation with any religious group, or organization on the earth!!!
All religions are made up by human - evil human that serve Satan. They intend to
destroy all of humanity!!!
Read Matthew - 24 : 23 - 24. In as many years there has been more than 300, of such Jesus
Read; 1 Chronicles - 16 : 22.
This Blog is written to inform people around the world, WHO THE TRUE ALMIGHTY
This blog will also reveal the false gods that deceived the whole world, and
who is THE true SON/Messiah sent to resurrect the children of YHH.
strengthen your understanding.
Read: Revelations - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7.
"I saw in the right hand of YHH that sat on THE Throne, THE Scepter of authority
with writing on the front, and back, sealed by YHH."
"And I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to take the
scepter, and to loose it's seals?"
"And no man in Heaven, nor in the earth, neither under the earth, was able to
receive The Scepter, neither to look on It."
"And I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice; And HE came, and received
the Scepter out of the right hand of YHH that set on THE Throne."
This occurred with YHH, and I,(THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, on August 8, 1985,
at 2.00 A.M.) in The most Holy Place. At this hour - I AM sent on a mission by YHH
to resurrect the souls of the righteous children of YHH.
Read below; Isaiah - 11 : 1 - 4, The mission.
And there shall come forth an Angel of YHH, and many shall rise out of HIS teaching;
and the SOUL of YHH shall rest upon HIM, showering HIM with the gift of wisdom,
and understanding. The gift of counsel, and might. The gift of knowledge, and of the fear
of YHH. YHH shall make HIM of quick understanding, in the fear of YHH. HE shall
not judge after the sight of HIS eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of HIS ears.
But with righteousness shall HE judge the people, and reprove with equity shall
HE judge all nations of the earth.
HE shall smite the earth with the rod of HIS mouth, and with the breath of HIS lips shall
HE slay the wicked. Righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and with faithfulness the
girdle of HIS mind.
Read Isaiah, - 11 : 5 - 9, The result.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 16.
I don't leave you to go any where, when I leave the righteous leave with ME.
Read 2nd. Peter - 2 : 12 - 14.
When I leave this world will be no more in existence. The righteous will watch
from The Kingdom while this world is destroyed!!!
Read 2nd. Peter - 3 : 9 - 12. This is a fact, and I AM sent to save all good souls.
When one look out into the night sky and see the red planet Mars, and how desolate
it is. Know this - Earth will go through the same phase as Mars, and all other planets
for Satan has visited all of them before His advent on Earth. Earth was his last stop, for
he is in Hell as I, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL write this message to all of you.
Pay close attention; Read Isaiah - 6 : 11 - 13. Stop at the word, return.
The rest is trash a human addition!!!
You that study should have a question for ME, like where are the righteous souls.
Read Psalms - 18 : 9 - 10.
from those planets??? They are in the divine flying machines, called UFOS!!!
Read Isaiah - 60 : 8. They are in the divine flying machines, called UFOS!!!
Read Psalms - 49 : 7 & 8. Notice; your soul must be redeemed.
I AM THE ANGEL GABRYAL, sounding the trumpet to awaken you, all nations!!!
If you attend any church, please read these message from YHH.
Read Ezekiel - 13 : 1 - 10.
Read Isaiah - 1 : 10 - 20.
Read Hebrews - 10 : 1 - 6.
Now read; Hebrews - 10 : 7.
is no specific amount required by GOD YHH.
YA HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said
"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-
bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood.
There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give
a dime, and save his soul.
"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion;
for God loves a cheerful giver."
Read Luke - 14 : 23 - 24.May all who enter this blog as guests, come to a quick understanding, and leave
as friends to YHH, and I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL!!!
I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL did not come to tarry!!!
A note to the readers.
CREATOR IS, YHH. People around the world are to correct their way of life, and
become righteous, so one can enter The Kingdom Of YHH. The only work you need
to do is, to support this blog, to pass on the address of this blog to others, donate
freely for this is your ransom, and become righteous.
growing fast!!!
Over 10,700,000 people think they are worshiping MY FATHER YHH under
the Name YAHWEH and YHWH, to day- however, these names are incorrect. Those names
After Satan was put in chains the W is removed. THE NEW NAME IS, YHH!!!
Pronounced - YA-HA - like a breath.
THE CORRECT NAME IS. YHH, pronounced like a breath.
letter H in THE NAME YHH?
The answer is, when YH created every thing there was nothing but peace.
When Satan questioned YH'S decision to send ME, GABRYAL to fill The Kingdom
of YH with righteous souls. YH decided to give Satan who came as Jesus, and other
false Gods the first opportunity to fill The Kingdom with righteous souls, thus the W,
is added to THE NAME making IT, YHW. For peace was no more in existence.
destruction to the whole world. False Gods, false laws, Idol worship, sickness, death,
diseases, hate, discrimination, oppression, cheating, stealing, and wars to no end, why?
Read 1st. John - 3 : 8 - 9.
Read Revelations - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7.
"I saw in the right hand of YHH that sat on THE Throne, THE Scepter of authority
with writing on the front, and back, sealed by YHH."
"And I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to take the
scepter, and to loose it's seals?"
"And no man in Heaven, nor in the earth, neither under the earth, was able to
receive The Scepter, neither to look on It."
"And I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a loud voice; And HE came and took
the Scepter out of the right hand of YHH that set on THE Throne."
This occurred on, (August 8, 1985, at 2.00 A.M.)
I AM come to establish peace on Earth again, thus, the second H, is established.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 4.
Read 1st. John - 3 : 9.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1. Notice; "IN WHOM MY SOUL DELIGHTETH"
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16; stop at ARCH-ANGEL.
Notice; in the rest of verse - 4 : 16, you are dead upon MY arrival because religions,
and Jesus has slain you. Your souls have-been raptured by Satan's religions.
Why are you dead when I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL come? Because of this!!!
Read Matthew - 24 : 25.
Read Matthew - 24 : 24.
The name/word Jesus is a 16th. century creation-set upon you by Satan's
advocates to destroy all souls, thus you are dead when I, THE Angel GABRYAL
Read Malachi - 2 : 10 & 11.
Read Malachi - 3 : 1-2.
Read Malachi - 3 : 16 - 18.
Jewish Messenger; YHH IS not A Black GOD, nor AM I, A Black Messenger!
When WE appear in the flesh WE are always of the dark skin race known as
Hebrews, (HYBRAWS), and WE come to all Nations.
Psalms - 91 : 11.
understand MY message after studying the blog - the scriptures below tell why one
must continue studying - until one can see the truth of YHH.
Read John - 8 : 43, 45, & 47.
Bloggers; over 200, nations views, and study this blog out of ALMOST 300, nations
No deliverer was ever sent until now.
Read Isaiah - 28 : 12 - 18.
will respond to the message that I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, bring to the whole
First; let ME make this clear, I AM not searching for followers. I AM searching
for the GOD head, the leaders in righteousness. I want you to walk with ME - by
sharing the address to this blog with people around you. To those who are looking
to follow some one you will never see the kingdom of YHH. As a follower you are
still weak, and can be swayed by the sinful people of this world. One must search
this message for them self, and then make your own decision as to who IS THE
Not: hal le lu jah
instead of Y. In the altered form the phrase no longer give praise to YHH, for
now it is become a pagan phrase. Al though you still pronounce the last syllable with
the YA, in your hearts, and minds you are still giving praise to the pagan god who's
name begin with a J, which is a Greek creation.
Judgment Day, and one can lose their soul.
The writers and translators who wrote the bible weren't divine, or righteous men. The
first translators were Greek only by citizen ship. They were Hebrews who despised the
law of YHH. That is why they created a false god with another name, thus the man of
perdition is created, and your death sentence is handed down. That is why they wrote
that the law is fulfilled, and the law is no more in affect. Hear me well, the law is not,
I repeat, the Law is not to be fulfilled. The law is to be kept by everyone for ever. The
law can not, shall not, and will never be fulfilled, it is an everlasting covenant established
Read Psalms - 113 : 1 - 9.
Notice; the first attempt by the enemy was to try to over shadow the I, which also
represent YHH. The enemy creating the name Iesus. This name still had the I at it's
beginning, and they needed something greater than the letter I which represented YHH.
Hear this, the I stands in the ninth place, and the number nine is the LARGEST number in
the universe. That is why the I is in the ninth place among the alphabets. In the sixteenth
century the enemy created the J, and placed it in the 10th. place, thinking that the number
10, was greater than the number 9, not so. The number 10, is made up by placing the 1, one
which is the smallest number with the 0, which is a place holder that has no value. Ten is
the beginning of the false numerical system, and that is why the J is in the 10th. place
showing that the J is false, and have no connection to YHH. Any word or name written
with a J. is a pagan creation. The pagan god you worship has no place, no value, no power,
and like the 10, and the J, the name Jesus is created to destroy your souls - for it is a
MY GLORY WITH another, for I AM YHH."
The only place that the people of the world can be safe is with YHH; and
the only place that the world can unite is in the hand of YHH.
Read below; Revelations - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7.
(THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, August - 8, 1985, 2.00 A.M.)
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 4.
Let ME make this clear. no one has ever been sent to you before now!
YHWH BEN YHWH came in 1979; I AM sent to you in 1985.
Read the scriptures below that tell about YAHWAH BEN YAHWAH'S coming,
and leaving, and MY THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL'S coming to do YHH'S will!!!
Read Hebrews - 10 ; 9, & 7. In this order only.
Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.
Read Isaiah - 6 : 9 - 11.
This is why the righteous must leave with ME!!!
Read Isaiah - 66 : 15 - 17. (The end)
Read John - 10 : 10.
There never was A Messenger sent before now.
Message to the whole world!!!
I AM THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL sent by YHH to teach HIS NAME, to save
the righteous, and to destroy the work of Satan who came in the name Jesus Christ,
and all other pagan Gods, for this purpose only am I manifested!
Read Hebrew - 9 : 26. Read this scripture over, and over.
Read Job - 15 : 7.
Read Proverbs - 8 : 20 - 30, & 31 - 36.
Read Hebrew - 10 : 7.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.
verses in the numerical order in which they are listed; or you might not be able to see
the truth.
I AM separating the truth of YHH from the lies of Satan.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16, and stop at GOD.
The rest is a writer's addition meant to destroy the readers. The rest of this verse is true
about all that believe in Christ; for they are truly dead. However it doesn't belong with this
scripture because, Jesus Christ was created by Satan.
I AM THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL! I wrote the first message! MY memory is perfect
Read Revelation - 21 : 5. & 7 - 8. (The original message)
I AM the first MAN born to YHH, I AM HIS Host WE ARE ONE.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 & 4.
I AM YHH'S first creation, HIS Son, and HIS only witness!!!
Read, Job - 15 : 7.
Read Proverbs - 8 : 20 - 30.
Read Proverbs - 8 : 31, 17, & 32 - 36.
The prevalence of ignorance surrounding religions in the world is more
devastating than all the plagues; plus the devastation of all wars from the
beginning of the world combined.
The Messenger declares THE NAME YHH - pronounced, YA-HA to all Nations.
Take careful notice; that there are TWO WITNESSES, that come only in
In translation written, GOD SON OF GOD. The word SON is added because HE
IS born of A Blessed Female!
Read Hebrews - 10 : 9. Here I AM speaking about MY FATHER YHH.
The Second one Is An ANGEL, Exodus - 23 : 20, and also A SON. THE ARCH-ANGEL
GABRYAL, is sent to finish the work that YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH started!
Read Hebrews - 10 : 7. Here I'M speaking of MY Self, YHH IS keeping HIS promise
to all of you.
Read John - 17 : 24 & 25.
Take notice that HE, YHH is still doing this work. HE SAID "FOR MY NAME
Read Exodus - 23 : 21.
This is another confirmation from the book of Isaiah.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1. See quote below!
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.
I, The ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL quote this message from YHWH:
You see I GABRYAL, AM the one doing the writing, and the one that you can see,
however, the work is of, and by MY FATHER YHH.
Now do you understand why MY FATHER has given ME so much power?
advocates removed THE NAME YHWH from the message left for you by YHWH;
at this same time your eternal life is taken away.
Study post; XIX , 19; Crown Of Thorns, where the Son of perdition is revealed!
I AM sent to annul your covenant with death!!!
Read Isaiah - 42 : 5 - 8.
I did not come to stay! I love where I came from! I AM sent to gather the righteous
of YHWH, and go home! I love living in The Crystal City!
Read Hebrews - 10 : 36 - 37.
FATHER YHH. If there are any questions about the all capital letters in the name
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.
and so beautiful in MY FATHER'S house!
Where is our home? THE KINGDOM Of YHH, and the CRYSTAL CITY is our home.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 6 & 16.
The KINGDOM has always been there; It was established before man was created.
I know, because I was there when YH Created it, and HE YHH Prepared The Kingdom
for all who love YHH, and come to righteousness.
Notice; some one told you that he was going to prepare a place where you can join him;
Messenger- THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL.
THE Servant of YHH.
YHH'S Elect.
THE Voice of YHH
THE Messenger OF YHH.
THE Lord in some places.
I AM THE Light to the world, I AM your covenant, and The Light to the nations.
"SON OF MAN", in any form. It doesn't matter what name heads that book, IT IS
Read John - 5 : 20 - 23.
Read Isaiah - 59 : 1 - 2, now verses, 3 - 4. now verses, 7 - 10, now verses, 13 - 14, now
pay close attention to verse 16. There was never an intercessor before now.
were no books on shelves, or files to refresh the memory of humans. The Law of YHH
was kept in the hearts of every one, and there was no sin. At this time no one knows how
many years has passed, and untold generations has come, and gone.
you in the care of an older sibling. The rules of the house are taught to every one, however
the older sibling loved assuming the role of a dominate figure. Usually by misleading or
abusing the younger and weaker siblings. If you didn't comply with what the dominant
sibling said, you were either punished or met with the switch. When the head of the house
returned and found the house out of order, the violators are revealed, and they would
receive the ultimate punishment.
The whole world is the house of YHH, and all of you are HIS children. Now hear
this, YHH placed HIS Law in every ones heart. Then you were placed in the hands
of big brother Satan, and He changed the rules of the house. He took away The Law, and
THE NAME OF YHH. He gave the house, the world it's religions. When you resisted
his changes he punished you. He burned you at the stake, He beheaded you. He hanged
you on crosses in the squares, and much more.
want to see you receive the ultimate punishment placed on you by Satan which is death.
So I AM sent by YHH to tell you that the house is out of order, and THE MASTER
IS on HIS way.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16, Stop at GOD. The rest is a lie!!!
god. If he was god or the messenger you would not be dead, and I would not have been
sent to resurrect you. YHH and I looked, and this is what WE saw, for this is your
Notice; the two scriptures that are listed below; read them over and over, for this is the
condition of the whole world to day!!!
Read Romans - 1 : 28 - 32.
Read Jeremiah - 5 : 23 - 31.
Read, Jeremiah - 8 : 1 - 10.
Omit most of verse 2, start at - They shall not!!!
Pay close attention to; verse 3 - 5. Read verse 3 - 5, several times BLACK PEOPLE
Read Hebrews - 10 : 1 - 7.
Read the following verses carefully and try to understand. This is about THE TWO
Read Revelation - 11 : 7. This is a allegory about Satan, and you!!!
Read John - 16 : 7 - 11, Who is the prince of this world?
YAHWAH BEN YAHWAH speaks again in verses, 12 - 15.
Read John - 16 : 12 - 15.
This is judgment day!!!
would not answer. Some people thought that HE was being evasive, not so.
YAHWAH BEN YAHWAH knew that this mission had bee4n given to ME,
HIS SON, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL. There is no question you can ask
that I can't answer.
Read Luke - 1 : 14 - 17, & 19, Now I, GABRYAL AM standing in the presence
of YHH.
Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.
Read Hebrews - 10 : 7.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
Read Isaiah - 45 : 5 & 6.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 8.
Read Isaiah - 43 : 27.
It is clearly written that any one coming in the name Christ, or as a Prophet is false.
He/it, the made up personage is that man of sin, and the son of perdition. He/It, is the
reason for your death.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16. Your minds need to be raised from it's deadly belief.
Verse 8, tells all of you that your gods only exist in the minds of the deceived.
OF YHH'S mouth.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
This Message below is from GABRYAL - The Angel of YHH, and Brother to the
come to while worshiping the worlds religions, and false Gods! The one claimed to
be GOD, and you accepted as GOD and Messenger. Over two thousand years has
passed so take a good look at the world. The Messenger is AN Angel, and not a man.
Read Isaiah - 41 : 28 & 29.
yet HE, I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL is not our FATHER YHH. I would never
try to sit on YHH'S THRONE.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.
I've been in THE HOLY PLACE, I've been in THE KINGDOM which you seek. Words
can not express how beautiful it is. I've been taken out in to Space, to look back at The
Earth, to see it's beauty. I GABRYAL AM well pleased with MY position.
That man of sin the son of perdition is the one who has RAPTURED you, all of you.
Remember Revelation - 17 : 8.
Read 2nd. Thessalonian - 2 : 3 - 4.
Thirdly: To unlock your mental prison cells. Isaiah - 42 : 7.
Read Revelation - 20 : 12 & 15.
Read Proverbs - 14 : 25.
Sixth: I come with the key to the kingdom of YHH.
Read Isaiah - 52 : 15.
Read Isaiah - 43 : 7.
Read Proverbs - 14 : 25.
Read Proverbs - 8 : 17 & 20 - 36.
thing is in my hand.
Read Proverbs - 8 : 17 & 20 - 36. again.
Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.
Read John - 5 : 22 & 23..
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 8 & 16 - 18 & 21 - 23, and 25.
Read John - 14 : 10.
Read the following very carefully, this is GOD YHH speaking about your Religious
Read Jeremiah - 23 : 11 - 16.
Read Jeremiah - 7 : 22 - 24 & 26 - 28.
Read Hebrews - 10 : 26.
Read Jeremiah - 5 : 25 - 31.
To lead you out of your mental, and spiritual graves. To open the prison doors, and
to set the captives free. It is written in many places in the bible, that the Messenger
is AN Angel, and not a man. It is made very clear, that no man qualified.
and Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 8.
As in Luke - 1 : 19.
John - 10 : 8 & 11.
in the presence of GOD (YHH); and AM sent to speak unto thee, and to show
thee these glad tidings.
I AM THE Angel GABRYAL whom YHH sent, to lead all of the righteous to life.
I AM here because YHH love you, and so do I. I AM not sent to teach the worlds
religions, just the opposite, to raise all of the righteous. To roll away the stone from
your minds, mental sepulchers.
Read Romans - 1 : 18 & 21 - 23.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 18 & 21 - 25.
This is written to tell you all about the true Messenger. YHH tell more about the
Messenger in.
Proverbs - 8 : 17 & 20 - 36. To understand MY Mission, you must read this chapter
I did not come to leave you, I will remain with you until MY FATHER joins us.
came to destroy all of you, and he dispatched an army world wide. This is about your
Preachers, the army of Satan. You must repent or be destroyed. I GABRYAL AM making
a call to all religious leaders, from the Pope in Rome to the last Minister ordained. I AM
calling you, to come back to YHH, and live. You must stop your deadly teaching, and Idol
Revelation - 12 : 9.
Read 2nd Peter - 3 : 9 - 13.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 8 - 18, & 21 - 23, and 25.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
Read Isaiah - 45 : 5 & 6.
Read Revelation - 14 : 6.
There are several other scriptures which tells you that there is only ONE GOD, YHH.
you the children of GOD waking up and living Righteous lives.
Remember; Romans - 1 : 23.
Read Proverbs - 8 : 32 - 36.
and live for ever.
Read 2nd. Thessalonians - 2 : 3 - 4.
Read Revelation - 19 : 20.
camouflaged, and poses as GOD.
I AM THE MOUTH of YHH that is spoken of.
Read Isaiah - 45 : 13.
burden on any one. There is nothing to join, and I've demanded no money. This is all done
by your free will.
What is in your heart, will reveal it self.
The subject of bearing fruit came up, how can one help, and how does one get their
name in the book of life?
To support this mission is your work, and the people that is lead to YHH by you is
Read James - 2 : 17 -20.
Read John - 4 : 36. Please read this verse over, and over. This is ransom, and fruit.
Read John - 5 : 20 - 23.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 4.
THE Messenger remains with you until THE FATHER, YHH joins HIM.
Read Isaiah - 45 : 5 & 6.
time, all of your life. You are trained under the deceit of false hood, and lies. So much
that you have accepted wrong for right, bad for good, death for life, and the devil instead
of GOD YHH. This is so because you are the sleeper. You do not recognize that you are
misled from the head. You are the dry bones spoken of in the book of Ezekiel, because
you know nothing about GOD YHH, and HIS Messenger. You haven't a clue as to
who GOD is, and how HE connects with you, HIS children.
I AM THE Arch-angel GABRYAL, so come to ME, come as little children knowing
nothing; because all before ME are thieves, robbers, liars, and deceivers who are the
advocates of Satan MY brother. You all are totally misled from the head hoodwinked,
bamboozled, tricked, deceived, and slain by Satan. I GABRYAL, AM sent, and I AM
come to roll away the stone from your sepulcher, your tomb, your mental grave,
which is your minds. I AM sent to tell you that YHH IS THE ONE, AND ONLY
FATHER, and CREATOR of every thing that exist.
There is no favorite race, creed, size, or color.
I AM The Archangel GABRYAL sent to save all of you. I only favor the Righteous
of YHH, those who seek the truth.
The Sabbath given to you in the bible is misleading, false. The Sabbath of YHH is
HIS LAW, and it is to be kept every day.
The Sabbath is the LAW of YHH - it is to be kept in the hearts of every human.
Every day you must teach It, you walk in It, and you live in it always. This is the true
Sabbath between YHH, and you, HIS children.
You think you are keeping the Sabbath when you put on a suit, and run out to the house
of Satan one day a week pretending to serve GOD. You are serving a god but what god?
You are singing songs and praying to the devil under an assumed name. You serve the devil
seven days a week, and think to escape the wrath of YHH, from which there is no escape.
YHH knows your minds and your hearts. As for now your heart is of your father the devil
that you serve, and his work you do daily. I AM THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, and THE
Messenger of YHH.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.
all confusion, and destruction everywhere be wise, and do your work. Show where your
heart is by studying. Study diligently so you can get your name on the role in YHH'S
Book Of Life.
This message must reach the whole world, and donations are welcome. This is very
costly so come, and help ME spread this truth. The true word of YHH, to HIS children,
Pay close attention to the end of verse 17, "I will spare them, as a man spareth his
own son that serveth HIM."
you to send your name to ME. You must write to ME, click the button below, and tell ME
about your work. Tell ME what you are doing to help this Mission.
Read James - 2 : 17 - 20.
KINGDOM OF YHH. One must freely volunteer their support, and time to YHH.
Read Heb. 6 : 10.
The verses above reinforces that there is no grace so wake up and live!!!
Only after you obey MY/YA-HA'S voice, and do all that I, THE Arch-Angel
No one will pressure you to support this mission. You can't be raptured in to THE
KINGDOM OF YHH. One must freely volunteer their support, and study, study, study!!!
Deuteronomy - 24 : 16.
Read Psalms - 49 : 7.
Read Hebrews - 5 : 9.
You must "OBEY MY voice"!!!
None but the righteous shall see The Kingdom of YHH.
Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, Gabryal Mission,
and study, study, study!!!
Read Psalms verse - 49 : 10.
In the end of it all with out YHH, and I, GABRYAL, they will all perish.
Pay your ransom to YHH, even if you can only afford to donate one 1, dollar, for
there is no specific amount required by GOD YHH.
YA HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said
"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-
bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood.
There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give
a dime, and save his soul.
"Let each one do just as purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves
a cheerful giver."
Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you. gabryalmission.com see 14, videos and
Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.
Help ME reach out to others with this truth.
Your name must be in MY Book on that final day of Judgment. You must write to ME,
and tell what you are doing to support this Mission. If you work or give as a group make
Write To Me At: Gabryalmission@gmail.com
There are many post, so please study all.
The work spoken of by YHH is written below.
Please share the address to this blog with people you come in contact
with. Don't try to convince any one, just share the address to this blog, and
say, "please take a look at this."
Write to me at: gabryalmission@gmail.com
I will only respond to those who follow MY/YHH'S instructions.
"OBYE HIS/MY VOICE" so you can live.
When you study. and donate, your name is written in THE BOOK OF LIFE.
However, one can send ransoms, or donations to this address.
Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065
For more information see 14, videos on;
See also videos on face book.
The Book of Remembrance, is for sale on, Amazon.com
The express way to the Kingdom.
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