


                                        Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.
Always consider this when looking for the name of GOD. There was no letter J, until the sixteenth century. The name Jesus was invented in the eighteenth century, and can not be the name of GOD YHH. The bible was written in 1611, by Satan's instructions.

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,

The Book: A World On Death Row by Alvester Samuel, is for sale at

Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,
                                                      Read  Hebrews - 9 : 26.

                                                      Read John - 5 : 20 - 23.
                                                      Read Proverbs - 8 : 32 - 36.  

                                     I AM the way to truth, and righteousness!!!
     No man come to YHH, but by ME, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL.

Read Revelation - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2 & 7.

Now you see why I AM sent, for I AM THE only ONE to deliver THE Message to 

the whole world!!!

Read Hebrews - 10 : 7.

Read John - 9 : 4 & 5.

     I AM come to shine the Light Of Life on the righteous souls; I AM sent to give life 

eternal to all that receive it.

     Your religious leaders Satan's advocates - will falsely profess knowing MY FATHER 

YHH, whom they have never known nor respected. This act of false hood is to continue 

leading you to the slaughter.

Read Habakkuk -1 : 14 - 17. Now read below,

Read Nahum - 2 : 13.

Read Revelation - 12 : 1 - 12. This is about Satan who came as Jesus Christ.

    There is no where in the book where YHH sent a human to do HIS, YHH'S work.

Just the opposite for it is clearly written in several places in the bible that humans don't,

and can never qualify to do YHH'S work!!! All of those verses in the bible where it is

written that YHH spoke to a human being are writers LIES written to deceive YHH'S 

children, all of you!!! 

Read Isaiah - 64 : 4. No one!!!

Read Isaiah - 44 : 20. The preachers are more deceived than you!!!

Read 1st. Corinthians - 2 : 9 & 10. The word spirit is a allegory for ME GABRYAL.

I AM THE only ONE that YHH has told HIS secrets! Even MY Brothers The Angels 

asked ME about YHH'S secrets.

   I, and only I AM referred to as THE SPIRIT OF YHH not you, and definitely not 

your preachers Satan's liars.

                                                     Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.

   It doesn't matter who gave a message to you, nor where you got that message from, if

you don't hear ME THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, you shall perish. For no unrighteous

person will ever see The Kingdom of YHH!!!
                                                        Read John - 5 : 20 -23.
Read Proverbs - 18 : 10.
    Only THE NAME YHH can save you, after you become righteous.

                                                        Read Isaiah - 1 : 10 - 20.

                                                        Read Hebrews - 10 : 1 - 7.                                            

      The only place that the world is safe, and that the world can be united is in the hand of


                                                        Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 9


                                                        Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.

   No one on earth knew that THE divine NAME for THE CREATOR IS YHH.

Even YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH didn't tell you, neither did HE intend to tell 

you. As I wrote earlier, HE knew that the Mission is Mine.

  1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16, Stop at God. The rest of this verse is explained later, and in post


   To those of you who are blessed to study the blog. I ask you to go back over them

periodically, as information is added to some blogs daily. Study so you can get as much

knowledge as possible. Share the address to this blog with people around you. 

    Please do not argue with any one about the message written in the blog. 

Confrontations will not help anyone to rise. 

Remember Isaiah 27 : 12, and always remember; Israel is a allegory for all nations!!! 

There is no special people with MY FATHER YHH, or ME, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL.

Only the righteous is special in all nations!!!

    When you enter the blog look to the right, and you will see the word following. The

word following is followed by a number which is misleading to the reader. Almost one

billion people know the name YHWH, however, knowing of THE NAME doesn't

make one righteous. Over two hundred nations study the blog which has the true

spelling of THE NAME YHH. The Blog introduces the new NAME YHH which

is spoken of in the bible. The Blog tells one how to spell THE NAME YHH, how IT

came to BE, and how to pronounce THE true NAME YHH. The number of people studying

the Blog grows daily. This is not about you following any one. This is about you rising

independently of any one else around you. For by studying one come in to the truth of

YHH. You must build a personal relationship with YHH, and I, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL.

So don't be deceived by the number of listed followers posted by the enemy. It is a stumbling 

block placed between YHH, and you. This is about you the righteous coming to the truth so 

you can live. Your work is to support this mission once you come to the truth. One can donate 

by writing to the address below, place a news adds, sponsor commercials radio, and tv., pass 

out fliers, posters, and cards. There are many ways to support this mission. To qualify for the 

Kingdom you must support this mission in some way. 

Remember faith without works are useless. 

    Many give to Satan's cause every week faithfully.  

    Now you know the truth, I ask you to redirect your support to GABRYAL Mission, and help 

turn this world around for the righteous of YHH.

    In over 35, years; I have only been rejected by three dead people, and no derogatory

comments are written.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 17 - 31.

    When ever people come across ME in person. I give them a card with the blog address.

Sometime I tell them who I AM. Most people are excited to meet ME, and some look with

amazement while others look for wings. The outline of what appear to be wings can only

be seen if my shirt is removed. That is why I AM never seen without a shirt. Even MY family

calls ME strange, and looks at ME in awe/aue. 

      I must say this to those of you who study the blog, and to those whom I have met in person. 

I AM elated because I AM well received by all people that I've meat. 

They are of different nationalities, different back grounds, and from many different countries 

around the world. Some came in groups, and others came as individuals. I want to thank you 

for your kindness. This tells ME that people know in their hearts that the end is near, because 

this is Judgment Days. Continue studying the blog and search for YHH as for silver and gold. 

Search until you find YHH so you can live.

Notice; The days, plural of Judgment. You are given a season to rise.

Read Hosea - 9 : 7.

    None of you thought that you could or would see THE Messiah of YHH here in your

life time. This is because you did not read, and study for your selves.

Read 2nd. Timothy - 2 : 15, it instructed you to study. I wasn't suppose to come two thousand

years before the close of this society, and no where is that written in the bible. If I had come 

two thousand years ago every one hear to day would be lost. 

     The truth is, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL is here for you NOW!!! 

Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 9.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 1 - 3.

       You must become righteous for only the righteous shall see YHH.

Read Matthew - 5 : 8.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 8.

    I want to bring to your attention another trap, that is written all over the bible! 

When or where ever you read any of the following phrases in the bible, know that it is a lie.

They are phrases such as, trust in the lord, believe in the lord, trust in god, believe in god,

all of these are lies, and traps. Phrases such as these are written to keep you from searching

for THE TRUE CREATOR. These phrases are written to keep you in the congregation of the

dead. Where all that believe in the fairy/all false gods as their creators are dead. 

Neither YHH, nor The Angel GABRYAL has ever ask any one to trust US, or to believe in US. 

WE instruct all nations on earth to get to know YHH, and I. For the only way to life is to know 

YHH, and I with out a shadow of doubt. 

Children don't be deceived any longer; for your enemy, and MY enemy has set many pit falls 

in that book called the bible.

Read Ecclesiastes - 9 : 12.

Read Revelation - 12 : 9.         

    I didn't come because the bible is correct. I didn't come because you were righteous. 

AM come because you, and all of you are stumbling in the dark called the fog of religion.

    You never would have found your way to the one, and only LIGHT of the world, YHH.

YHH sent ONE from THE LIGHT to lead you to THE LIGHT.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.

Read Malachi - 3 : 1.

All believers shall, and will be destroyed! To believe tells ME that you do not know YHH,

and HIS Messenger.

Read Hosea - 4 : 1 & 6 & 12.

Read Hosea - 2 : 20 & 21.

Read Hebrews - 8 : 11.

Read Isaiah - 1 : 3.

Read John - 10 : 4 & 14.

    Only a fool would believe that there is an infallible bible! The book is written by MY

brother Satan, and His advocates. If you look in the book stores you can see that it is still

being changed daily, why? To keep you chasing the fairy of a god that never was!!! The

book is mixed with the truth of YHH, and the lies of Satan. This is done in order to deceive

it's readers, and lead them in to hell. A better name for the bible is a book of destruction.

There was NO J, until the 16th. century, so the name you worship was created by a few

narrow minded writers less than 500 years ago!!!

I AM the truth, I know the way to the life you seek!!! I AM sent with the key to end death,

 sickness, hell, and the grave. Little children do your work, and study, study, study until you


Read Zechariah - 14 : 9 and 11, stop at the word destruction.

Read Zechariah - 14 : 13. This is happening all over the world to day!

Take notice, the pseudo name Jerusalem is used deceitfully in chapter 14; for it has 

multiple meanings.

In verse 11, the word Earth should be there.

In verse 12, YHH'S Messenger should be there.

This is one of the things that I'M working to save all Nations on Earth from.

Read Zechariah - 14 : 12 - 13. stare at, their flesh

   After I teach THE NAME OF YHH to the whole world, not that every soul will

receive THE NAME YHH. Then, and only then will I do these things that are promised

to the righteous.

     1st. I AM going to show you how to remove your death rags, for you are Lazarus!

Secondly, I am going to take away all sickness from the righteous only!

Thirdly, the door to hell will be sealed before YHH, and none of the feet of the righteous

shall fall, for to them death will have no more sting!
Fourth, I will call to those in the graves, and YHH will cause the earth to quake, and the

righteous who are in the graves shall come forth! 

Let ME make this clear, they will not have that body that you buried. This is one of the 

mysteries that I will explain later.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 2.

  This is connected to; Hebrews - 9 : 27, which need to be corrected. 

It should read, "It is appointed unto man once to live unto judgment."

When the writers of the bible changed that verse, they attempted to condemn every soul

that has passed on from the beginning of man kind. This is what happens when foolish

humans tamper with things that are of YHH

      The workers of Satan are a danger to all living.

Read 1st. Corinthians - 2 : 14 - 15.

  Remember this, Satan, and The Messenger of YHH never meet at any time, nor have We

ever talked for any reason. Why would we have a meeting? When We have nothing to talk

about!!! I have seen Satan on three occasions. The first time, I was with YHH when Satan

was created. The second time, I was with YHH when Satan was sent out from the earth;

thirdly, I was with YHH when Satan was incarcerated. 

             Satan was chained and bound on August 8, 1985, at 2: am. 

There is a gulf between Satan, and I, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL He fears ME because, 

I AM His destroyer. 

If Satan had come upon ME, it would have brought about His demise much earlier. 

However, YHH saved Him for HIS OWN pleasure.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 9 & 8. In this order only.

     Notice, in the 8th. verse, I AM manifested at this time. I AM revealed to all nations.

It is made known to the world that THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL is The Messenger sent

at the end of the age.

     I AM sent to save the righteous children of YHH which includes all nations. I've been 

with you for a long time, and I have visited many countries. I have talked with people from 

all over the globe, however, none was able to recognize ME. 

     I want to tell you again, it doesn't matter what you look like. IT doesn't matter what race

you consider your self, where you came from, or which country you were born!!!

Read Romans - 5 : 19.

Read Hebrews - 10 : 14.

   I'M The Arch-Angel GABRYAL; I AM the one spoken of in the scriptures!!!

Come to ME all colors, creeds, nations, and genders. Don't let Satan steal your

birthright which is eternal life with YHH, and I, GABRYAL. Obey MY voice, and

study, study, study until you become righteous, and find YHH.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 & 4 & 6 - 8.

After you finish reading this instructions study Blog XIX - 19, Crown of thorns next,

where a mystery is revealed.

    The only way your name can appear in MY Book, The Book Of Life, is for you to

send your name to ME. You must write to ME at the address below, or click on the button 

at the end of each post, and tell ME about your work. Tell ME what you are doing, to help 

spread the news about this mission. This work also produces the fruit of your doing, spoken 

of in the book of Isaiah.

Read Isaiah - 3 : 10.

Read Hebrews - 6 : 10

Read Matthew - 7 : 20.

Read James - 2 : 17 - 20.

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 -14.

      No one will force you to support this mission. You can't be raptured in to the

Kingdom of YHH. One must become righteous, and freely volunteer their support.

Read John - 10 : 3
Read Revelation - 20 : 15.

Read Genesis - 28 : 22.

      Notice there is only one pillar that establishes YHH'S House!

Read Luke - 6 : 38.

Read Isaiah - 43 : 5 - 9.

       In verse 7, notice the singular use of the pronoun, HIM!

"created Him, formed Him, made Him."

                                                   I AM come for all of you.

Read Isaiah - 28 : 12 - 18.
Study; XIX Crown Of Thorns, where the man of perdition is revealed!

Study; XXVII On Death Row, learn where you were sentenced to death!

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 8.

                                                    YOU SHALL RISE!!!


                                                            IS ALL  

Please study #19, The crown of thorns it is an inspiration to the world.

Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065
Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                        

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See also on; you tube @gabryal mission 4700)           






                                        Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath. 
                                                           LOVE YOU
Always consider this when looking for the name of GOD. There was no letter J, until the sixteenth century. The name Jesus was invented in the eighteenth century, and can not be the name of GOD YHH. The bible was written in 1611, by Satan's instructions.

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,

                                                        Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.

                                                        Read Isaiah - 42 : 23.

Notice in verse 23; when this was written in the 16th. century THE Messiah had not

yet appeared!!! Who will give ear. Who will hearken. Time to come. All in the future.

     The scripture written above plainly tells you that I just came to save all nations,

not 2,000, years ago. If the Messiah came 2,000, years ago GOD YA-HA has failed all

the world, and so have I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, and that's not possible. 

Read Isaiah - 42 : 4.

     The scriptures written below tells you what has happened to all of you - the world.
                                                   Read Isaiah - 28 : 14 - 18.

Verses 14, and 15, is telling you that what you believe in has sealed your covenant with

death. Verse 15, also tells you that when the punishments of YA-HA come upon the world,

because of idol worship, and sins - you are going to try to shield yourselves with these

false God the big lie. 

            The chemical injections shall destroy untold numbers!!!

      However, none of them can save you, from the judgment of YA-HA

upon this world, none. I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL AM THE precious corner stone

whom you are rejecting. Notice; when one come to YA-HA/ME the same shield that I have

they have also!!!

     The viruses are some of YHH'S punishments on the whole world. That is why they are 

all over the world, and I GABRYAL AM THE only one that can protect you. 

                                     Remember the shield!!!

    I come to annul your covenant with death, however, it doesn't matter how much I teach

you, no one enters The Kingdom with out fruit!!! All that come to ME must support this/

MY mission - this is your work, and the people that you touch is your fruit!!!

Read Proverbs - 8 : 17 - 21.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 17, 35, & 32, in this order.

                       YHH tells about MY mission in these scriptures below.                                                                                            
Read Revelation - 5 : 1, 3, 2, & 7.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 & 4.   
Read Isaiah - 52 : 15. I'm opening eyes to the truth.      
Read Isaiah - 45 : 12 - 13. All ransoms are used to help populate The Kingdom of YHH.

All donations are used to help populate the Kingdom of YA-HA.

Verse 13, tells the world that I AM also - THE Builder.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 21 & 25.

Now Read Isaiah - 42 : 6 - 8.  I'm opening eyes to the truth.
                                 A message from The Arch-Angel GABRYAL.

                                                  Proverbs - 8 : 17 - 19.

   Silver and gold will become worthless, and oil will be of no use, but MY fruit/word 

will last for ever.

     The scriptures below tells one about ME, THE Arch-Angel Gabryal's purpose, and 

MY beginning.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 8 - 9.

Read Job - 15 : 7.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 17 - 30. and

Read Proverbs - 8 : 31 - 36
    This message is about Genesis - 3 : 22, and only verse 22, for verses 23, and 24, are lies

added by Satan's advocates to deceive the nations.

    The tree of life was never guarded to prevent you the children of YHH, from returning

to righteousness. There has never been an Angel placed at the door or gate to guard

righteousness. From the beginning of sin, YHH/I Gabryal, have call for you to return to him. 

However, you have lost your way, so YHH sent ME to show you the way home.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 11 - 16.

Read Isaiah - 64 : 4, & 7. All religious leaders are liars!!!

Read Isaiah - 40 : 14.

Read Isaiah - 41 : 4.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20.  

                         Step by step we are going back to the Garden!

    There is an old saying, that where ever a man's heart is, there lies his treasure also!

This being said, I know that MY heart is in YHH!!! For I once was rich in worldly goods

when I began this mission many years ago. I put MY all, MY heart in to this mission to

reach good people all around the world. So they can learn the truth, and be set free.

Now I AM become as one rich in truth! So one can say that MY treasure, and MY heart

can be found with YHH.

Read John - 5 : 19 & 20. Start at, The Son can do nothing. All before that is trash!!!

     There is still much work to be done, before MY FATHER YHH arrives!

The physical temple - must be built that is written of, in Malachi - 3 : 1.

The book of remembrance - spoken of in Malachi - 3 : 16, is in progress.

There are still multitudes that must be reached, world wide.

Please do not fail to support this mission for that is how you bear fruit.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20, & 21.

Read Isaiah - 45 : 13.

Read John - 9 : 4.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1.

However you must obey Luke - 6 : 38, you must support this MISSION of YHH - for 

that is your fruit. The only fruit that a soul can bear is to alert other souls to this


Read Matthew - 7 : 19 - 20. You are known by the fruit that one bringeth.

This question will be asked of every-one; where is your fruit?

You have supported the devil's mission all your life when you gave to the world's religions.

                   Now I ask you - where is your fruit for YA-HA?

Now, what will be your answer?

Can you show forth fruit?
Read Isaiah - 50 : 2 - 3.

Read Isaiah - 50 : 4 - 5.

    As I have written several times in this blog that it is quiet expensive to reach out to the

entire world. I'M asking for financial support from you the readers of this message. You

can Sponsor a billboard, a TV. commercial, a news ad, etc. Let ME remind you that this

is a Mission of YHH to save all good people, and not an investment scheme. You see, I

can't offer you 15% or 20% return on some pyramid scheme. However, I can assure you

that IF you follow MY instructions written in this blog, (by becoming righteous and

bearing fruit), your return/reward is great!!! 

      You shall receive eternal life with YHH, and I, GABRYAL, THE Arch-Angel. This I can

assure you, because, I AM THE JUDGE, and THE gate Keeper to THE Kingdom!!!

Read John - 5 : 21 - 23.

Read John - 6 : 37, 44, 38, & 50. Read in the order as listed only.

     As you can see the message is very clear, once the scriptures are unraveled!!!

I can not express this enough, read only the scriptures given, and in the order which they

are listed.

    Remember this scripture, "you shall know them by their fruit." If YHH brought this

world to an end to day, and you came before YHH, and YHH asked you where is your

fruit? What would you say? What would you do? Where would you go? Let ME remind

you all that there is no middle ground!!! If you aren't with ME, you have to be against

YHH, and I!!! I AM sent to show you what you must do, in order to be able to answer

those questions in a positive light.

Read John - 16 : 13 - 14.

    Remember the scripture about the tree of life. It tells about eating of the tree of life, and

living for ever. Then why haven't you eaten of this tree. You see; every one of us has a tree 

individually. In order for one to be able to eat of that tree as it is written in Genesis - 3 : 22.

You must first put forth your hand which is your work, so your tree can bare good fruit, and

then you can eat. One can see that you haven't eaten because, you have done no work. You

are to share this truth with people around you. Only give them the address to the blog, it is

just that simple. Do not, I repeat, do not try to convince people to believe in ME, or this

message. One part of your work is to share this blog address. It will causes your tree to

bear fruit. Your work will not come back void, for others will come in to this truth so they

can live.

Read Isaiah - 55 : 11.

    It also says for you to take of this tree of life, which is this truth that I teach. It gives one

life for ever.

Read James - 2 : 14 - 20. 

   The devil's advocates teach by faith, they do lie!!!

    One is saved by their work which bears fruit, righteous fruit.

   The tree must first become righteous so it can bare fruit. If there is no fruit on your tree,

it is because you haven't properly nourished it. It has become worthless, for there is no life

on it. Hear this, you are the tree, and you must become righteous. You must share what

you know with some one else, which is the address to this blog. Now your tree will began

to bare fruit, for the fruits are the people with whom you help to receive this truth!!! They

are also the fruit of your labor, and the work of your hand. When you give some one the

address to this blog, and just ask them to check out the blog. This information you give

will continue to resonate, because it will continue to bare fruit for your tree. Your tree

will be bountiful, because you put forth your hand, and it has tapped in to the main source

of life which is the truth of YA-HA.

Read John - 5 : 21.

   I AM The light to the world, THE great light that give eternal life to all that put their

hand to the plow, and live for ever!!!

Read Matthew - 7 : 17 - 20. By your work. 

                                             Faith is useless, it brings death.

    Religions are created to help spread the lies of Satan to the whole world!!!

    I say this to you, all of you; only a child of Satan will deny the death, and destruction that 

religions has reeked upon the nations around the world. Endless murder, hate, division, and 

destruction to no end. The world societies are established by Satan's advocates!!! 

Take a good look around you, what do you see? Greed, strife, murder, theft, deceivers, fornicators, 

oppression, rapes, and more. This is not YHH"S world, nor is it Mine!!! 

     I left MY rest to come down in to the belly of Hell to deliver you, all of you that hear MY 

voice bear fruit, and become righteous.

Read Matthew - 7 : 24 - 25.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 4.

Read Isaiah - 45 : 13.

  The tree of life spoken of in the book of Genesis is not what you were taught to think it

to be!!! The tree of life is the only way to eternal life. Your enemy taught you to shun

the tree in the midst of the garden. It is written that the tree is guarded by an Angel with a

flaming sword, not so. MY children put on your thinking caps. There are only two Angels

that humans has ever encountered from the beginning of this sinful era. They are, the one

you call Satan whom YHH sent out of the garden, and The Archangel GABRYAL. I AM

THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL, and I have never repelled man kind, or threatened him with

weapons, nor fire in any way.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 17 & 30 - 31.

    The tree of life, and of righteousness has always been there for the taking. YHH never

threatens you, however, YHH does warn every one about the out come, of remaining out

side of HIS law.

Read Ecclesiastes - 12 : 13, & 14. By ones works.

Reinforced; Read Revelation - 22 : 12. By your works!!!

    Any time you read where fire is used to draw your attention, or to frighten man kind in to 

compliance of any kind know this, the work is of Satan. If it be the burning bush upon the 

mountain, or the pillow of fire at the red sea. They are all the work of Satan, and His advocates.

    As I wrote in earlier post, any time some one or something appear to you in disguise,

it is because they do not want to be recognized.

    Remember the Serpent in the garden which is a allegory for Satan. Remember that the

scripture reads, "He said". Satan is more subtle because, He is an angel with all of His

power. Now watch this, you never ate of the tree of life in the garden!!! Satan took you

out of the garden before you could eat of the tree of life, and return to YHH.

Read Genesis - 3 : 22.  Read this carefully so you can understand. 

    You did not eat of the tree of life where you would have lived for ever. 

You ate of another tree, and it brought death to the world, the whole world. 

    The tree of life is the antidote to what Satan fed you.

    The only voice that you could have heard at that time was the voice of Satan. Sin had

separated you from YHH, and you could not hear YHH, because Satan had caused you to sin.

Read Isaiah - 64 : 4 & 7.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 12. 

Read Isaiah - 59 : 4, 3, & 2. In this order only.

Verse - 2, above tells the world that all who appeared before 1978, is of Satan, it doesn't

mater what he look like.

Read Isaiah - 41 : 26.

    Satan had to feed you something else that is forbidden by YHH. What ever Satan fed

you it separated you from YHH. For He fed them the fruit of unrighteousness causing

them to sin, and you did died all of you. Until this day you remain in the congregation

of the dead.

Read Isaiah - 43 : 27.

Read Isaiah - 44 : 20.

     When Genesis - 3 : 9 occurred, there was no answer for you were dead. Sin came

between YHH and you so you could not hear YHH. After YHH called for you in

Genesis - 3 : 9, there was no call heard for man to rise, until now.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1, 4, 7, 8, & 21.

Read Isaiah - 41 : 26.

     Had you eaten of the tree of life you never would have died!!! 

The serpent in this scriptures is a allegory for Satan, and the woman is a allegory for the men 

who help carry out Satan's mission. Now the lie that is taught to you In Genesis - 3 : 13, never

happened, because you were already dead, for Satan had already beguiled you, tricked,

bamboozled, and hoodwinked all of you. You were already cut off from hearing YHH,

before this could have occurred. This scripture is false, and created from the lesser minds.

    Females; wake up for you are falsely accused of causing the fall of man kind, NOT SO. 

I AM here to free you of this false accusation, for justice is long overdue. The males who

ruled over you followed Satan. They misled you - then they turned around, and accused

you of treason against YHH. These same males still persecute females until this day. To

shift the blame to females they gave you surnames like Eve, and wo-man. 

Woman is a compound word that means, one who is against THE CREATOR, YHH. 

Read below so you will know who the guilty parties really are.

Read Isaiah - 43 : 27.

Read Isaiah - 44 : 18 - 20.

    Notice in verse 20, that the males are identified with the use of he, him, and his!!!

They have made all of you the persons of - hu.

   This is what every soul should do, follow the instructions in the last part of Genesis - 3 : 22.

This is what I AM sent to tell you to do. I AM come to take you to the Tree of life, so you

can eat. I AM sent to show you the way, because all has gone astray. I AM sent to take all

of you - BACK TO THE GARDEN - so you can put forth your hands - and eat of the 

tree of life - so you can live forever.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.

                        Step by step we are going back to the Garden!

    Every one has gone astray they have gone their own way, because your enemies played

you all for fools.

Read Jeremiah - 5 : 23.

    It is written to teach only what you know. One can only know something if he has seen

it take place. Remember; I The Archangel Gabryal AM YHH'S first creation. I was here to

see what Satan has done through out the years. I AM sent to fulfill this scripture in 1st. John.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 8.

     Satan fed you false gods, and religions which established a system out side of the law of

YHH. It ushered in oppression, selfishness, the fatherless, the homeless, hunger, murder,

rapes, greed, hate, wars to no end, and a system that is destine to self destruct.

Read Jeremiah - 7 : 4 - 11.

     Verses 4, 10, & 11, tells you that it is a sin to attend Satan's temples, your churches!!!

There are many other verses of scriptures stating the same!!!

Read Jeremiah - 14 : 14 - 16.

Verses - 14 - 16, tells about the punishment for going to Satan's temples, your churches.



                                                              NO WAY

Read John - 10 : 3. I must have your name!!!

Read Revelation - 20 : 15. Your name must appear in MY book of life!!!

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16. YHH, and I ARE ONE.

                             I AM The Arch-Angel GABRYAL, I write this message.

                                                You don't have to die!!!

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                        

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See also on; you tube @gabryal mission 4700)            

                                                 Help ME reach out to others.

                                                  YHH  IS THE CREATOR  
                                                  There is no other!!!

                       Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact.

Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to,

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065                                           
Read Psalms 49 : 7, & 8. Ransom!!!


The work spoken of by YHH is written below.

Please share the address to this blog with people you come in contact

with. Don't try to convince any one, just share the address to this blog, and

say, "please take a look at this."

                      Write to me at:  

I will only respond to those who follow MY/YHH'S instructions.

"OBYE HIS/MY VOICE" so you can live.

                  For more information see;
you tube @Gabryal Mission 4700                                       



  YHH YA - HA The greates...