


                                         Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.

                                               YHH IS THE ALMIGHTY!

                                                     HAL - LA - LU -YA 

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,

     In this post you will see ME use, 2nd. Timothy - 2 : 15, more than in previous post. 

I AM dividing/separating the truth of YHH from the lies of Satan. These third party

additions will destroy the world if I don't open your eyes so you can see the true

message left for you all by YHH. I AM also fulfilling the last part of Malachi - 3 : 16, 

for you.

     You need a book of remembrance because the book known as the bible is purposely


     Where lord is written, YHH was there. Where spirit is written, Angel was there.

The word spirit is used often through out the bible to deceive the readers. To keep

you from finding out that THE Messenger is AN Angel not a man, and to keep you in

Satan's grip.

Read 2nd. Corinthians - 3 : 14. Stop at testament. The rest is a lie, and a trap.

    I GABRYAL AM the one to remove the vail from your minds, and the vale out of

your lives. If some one else try to remove the veil from before you nothing is revealed

that you hadn't seen before. Nothing changes and you still remain in the congregation

of the dead.

    Where ever the name Moses is written, The Law was there. The name Moses did not

appear in the original message that was left for you to follow.

Read 2nd. Corinthians - 3 : 15 & 16. These two verses should read, see below.

15, But even until this day when the law is read the vail is still upon their harts.

16, Nevertheless, when they shall turn to YHH the vale shall be taken away.

Verse 17 should read like this, see below.

Read 2nd. Corinthians - 3 : 17. Now YHH IS in that Angel; and where The Angel of 

YHH IS there is liberty.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 22. In verse 22, YHH is speaking; pay close attention to; 

"and do all that I speak"

Now read, 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16. Stop at GOD, the rest is a lie, a human addition.
Hu man = Sinful man. You weren't always human! You became human while under

Satan's rule.

Read Malachi - 1 : 11 and stop at nations, YHH speaks.

Read Isaiah - 27 : 12. YHH speaks, and I wrote.

Isaiah - 28 : 7 - 10. This is why you must continue studying.

     Have you ever wondered why, in Mat. 24 : 23 & 26, you are told to, "go not forth,

" and "believe it not." I will tell you why this is written. This is written to stunt you,

and to keep you in Satan's grip. 

      The enemy knew that his god could not, and would not appear. 

      He knew that the only one that would come is the real deal. 

      The true FATHER YHH, and the Deliverer is The Archangel GABRYAL. 

     If you follow those instructions in Mat. 24 : 23 & 26, you will never rise. I AM sent to 

loosen Satan's grip on the whole world, and to deliver you up to our good, grate, and awesome

 FATHER YHH. To make sure that you remain in the congregation of the dead you are told to

ignore any one coming as GOD YHH or HIS Messiah, The true Messenger. What a

trick Satan has played on you that are a sleep, bamboozled, and hoodwinked.

Read Jeremiah - 5 : 26.

     You see his workers are still here grooming you for the crypt keeper. He is still

working on you from the pit of hell. He wants victory over YHH. He wants you and

he will never give up. So you, all of you must study so you can wake up. All of you

that hadn't accepted YHH are in the congregation of the dead. I AM sent to prevent

your burial. To keep you from going to the crypt.

Read Malachi -1 : 14.

Read Malachi - 2 : 1, 2 & 8. stop at covenant. The rest will keep you in the dark.

Read Malachi - 2 : 3 & 4. stop at you. The rest is misleading.

     To explain why those verses are removed. They are mans/Satan's additions which

helped in leading many nations in to darkness, and away from YHH. You read about

the affect in; Malachi - 2 : 8. Those verses attempt to make one tribe or nation of more

importance to YHH than all other people on earth, not so. The people that stands out

from the crowd are those who wake up, and come to YHH. 

      As it is written, you must become righteous all together.

Read Isaiah - 1 : 10 - 20.

Read Malachi - 2 : 10.

     Pay close attention; The Covenant is The Law of YHH and only The Law!

I know that some of you has heard that there are over six hundred laws, not so. It is said,

and falsely written that there are 613, laws, not so. There is one Law, and one Law covers

all things! There is one CREATOR YHH, and HE IS THE FATHER of all living. 

One Law for all that covers all, Righteousness.

    Let Me make this very clear about The Law of Righteousness. You have taken 613, and

narrowed it down to ten. Now let ME take ten/10, and narrow it down to one/1.

     Righteousness is the only Law.

Read Psalms - 146 : 6 - 8.

Study, Exodus - 20 : 3 - 8 & 12 - 17. 

        The magic tablets of stone has helped in leading you astray.

1, Can one worship false gods and be Righteous?

2, Can one worship idols and be Righteous?

3, Can one curse the name of YHH and be Righteous?

4, Can one worship YHH one day a week and serve the world and Satan six days, and

be Righteous?

5, Can one kill and be Righteous?

6, Can one dishonor their mother and father and be Righteous?

7, Can one commit adultery and be Righteous?

8, Can one be a thief in any way and be Righteous?

9, Can one be a false witness and be Righteous?

10, Can one covet the neighbors wife and be Righteous?

As you can see Righteousness covers all, one law for all in all. 

Righteousness removes the vail from your minds, and rip the vale from your souls.

Read Psalms - 1 : 5 & 6.

Read Psalms - 34 : 17.

     YHH said "I will give you the key to the Kingdom." 

     In this blog I GABRYAL AM going to deliver the key to you. 

     Righteousness covers all sins and, RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE KEY. 

Hear ME well, only a righteous person can receive THE KEY. Once you begin to recognize 

THE TRUE NAME OF THE CREATOR YHH, Righteousness takes hold of your life.

Read Psalms - 37 : 27 - 29.

Read Malachi - 3 : 1 - 2 & 5 - 6. stop at change not; The rest is trash!!!

Read Revelation - 22 : 11. Stop at Righteous still; The rest is trash!!!

Read Proverbs - 8 : 27 & 30.

                                    YHH is delivering on HIS promise.

                                              Read Psalms - 40 : 6 & 7.

                                              Read Psalms - 34 : 7.

                 I, The Archangel GABRYAL IS sent, I AM come for you all.

Read Malachi - 2 : 5 & 6.

Read John - 5 : 36.
Skip the first verse, and start at, "For the works".

     If there was one righteous man on the earth, I would not have been sent to you. YHH

would have used that man.

Read Isaiah - 63 : 4, - 5.

Read Isaiah - 64 : 4, & 7,

Read Isaiah - 52 : 15.

Read Isaiah - 45 : 13.

                                                 YHH is delivering on HIS promise

     I, GABRYAL AM sent to teach MY FATHER YHH'S NAME, and to establish HIS


Read Isaiah - 52 : 15 & 6.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 21.

Read Isaiah - 53 : 11, stop at many, the rest is a lie meant to destroy all readers.

                                               Read Malachi - 1 : 11, and stop at nations.

                                             YHH IS THE FATHER OF ALL LIVING

         Always remember this, that one or more of the post are added to daily. 

        One must continue studying, to come to the truth.
Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                    

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See also on; you tube @gabryal mission 4700)            

                                                        YHH LOVE YOU ALL


Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to,

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065

  For more information see;

you tube @Gabryal Mission 4700



                                                              YA HA

                                         Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.
                                                    HAL - LA - LU - YA
                                              IS THE FATHER OF ALL LIVING

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

     This is judgment days, so why are so many of you still lead to the slaughter?

     The bible is not the book of redemption. It is a book of Satan written in 1611, 

to confuse GOD'S children, and to destroy all of them, you.

     If the bible was a book of GOD YHH none of your religious leaders could look 

on it, none!!!

Read Revelation - 5: 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7. 

Read Isaiah - 41: 28, & 29, 

     I AM THE only one that can see YHH'S message left for HIS children.

Read Isaiah 64: 4. My father YHH never sent you a message in any form, never.

As I observe the nations, it is plain to see the shadow of death all over this society.

 Read Jeremiah - 7 : 24.

 Read Isaiah - 44 : 20.

 Read Isaiah - 44 : 6.

     We have all had a taste of what Satan's world is like. How many of you can remember

a love one suffering? How many of you has ever watched some one die? How many of

you has ever had a love one killed? He, she, they were on vacation, a much needed

vacation! He, she was just going to the store! He, she left for work this morning, and you

never see them alive again. How many of you can attest to this? After you've done your

best, a husband, wife or child leave for some reason unknown to you. How many of you

have had a love one that has gone off to war; and never returned alive. How many of you,

have ever been hungry or has ever fed some one who was hungry? How many of you has

ever been incarcerated, for what ever reason, guilty or not guilty? Especially those of you

who are in prison, convicted and have never committed a crime! How many of you out

there have experienced this? You are working for a company, you say it is a career. You

think that you are secure and hope to retire with this company. All of a sudden the

company down sizes, now you are either demoted, laid off, or fired. This economy is bad

and jobs are hard to find, if you can find one at all. While you are on the hunt, the bills

keep on coming. You've lost your lively hood, your job, your car, your home and next

your family. As you can see here this life is all a dream, a nightmare. This is Satan's

society and you, all of you are meant to suffer. Remember all that Satan can offer you

is suffering and then death. The fruit of the spirit, is not of YHH but of the devil, Satan.

           What you need is the fruit of Righteousness.

Read Proverbs - 11 : 30. The only good life is eternal for the righteous.

Read Proverbs - 11 : 23.

Pay close attention to this! This is first written by ME GABRYAL, before the world was. 

Remember I warned you about the third party, the added prefaces and surfaces.

                          All before ME were thieves, liars, and robbers. 

Read John - 4 : 34. This is a perfect example of the thief. The preface is added by Satan.

                                       Study post XIX, The Crown Of Thorns.

Verse 34, should read! "MY food is to do the will of HIM that sent ME." 

When this personage was written in to existence, YAHWAH BN YAHWAH had not come to

start the work that I AM sent to finish. 

The only work started was by Satan, the father of the personage, Jesus.

Read John - 8 : 44. The father of lies.

Read 1st, Kings - 22 : 21 & verse 22, all religious leaders are Satan's prophets. YHH

doesn't send forth liars!!! In verse 21, The word spirit is a metaphor for Angel/Satan, as in

"I will persuade him", him is a metaphor. This is about you all of you, and who Satan

would use to persuade the children of YHH. You are still moving backward, can you

hear YHH'S voice calling to all nations saying, come to ME and live.

Read Ezekiel - 43 : 2.

Read Revelation - 3 : 20.

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16. Stop at Angel.

Read Isaiah - 64 : 4. For since the beginning of Satan's world. 

All that has ever appeared to anyone before MY FATHER YHH, and I, GABRYAL 

came is of Satan, all.

                                           A world moving backward.

      How many of you out there know some one who has been raped, or molested, by 

a family member, friends, or some one posing as a good leader?  How many of you

religious people has been abused, and used by your church leaders. Religions are

famous for destroying the family structure. You have a husband or wife and the

preacher is the third party. The third party who has arterial motive is devastating to

your marriage. Get your counseling some where else. How many of you know some

one who has gotten their car stolen, or worst car jacked? How many of you has had

your homes broken in to by thieves who didn't just take your belongings, but literally

trashed your home?

      It is plain to see that we live in a world, where people worship some one or something,

other than the true GOD YHH. The world is surely moving a way from YHH, being lead

further in to perdition.

Read Jeremiah - 5 : 19, 21 & 22.  
                                                A world moving backward.

      Divorces world wide has reach an epidemic proportion. There is little to no respect

between husband and wife any more, Bringing forth children laced with disobedience,

set out to brake every rule of the divine law of YHH. Where is this coming from, you

the parents. First and foremost you brake the law of YHH, by the life you live. You

raise your children on falsehood, teaching them how to lie, and to deceive. Hear this,

remember Santa claws at Christmas, your false new year celebration, your Easter

Have you ever stopped to consider what you are doing to your children,

and what would be the result of it all? 

     You can not raise up a child on falsehood, and expect in return divine results. 

     To top it all, a God that was murdered with a spear that pierced the heart. It is written 

that the blood ran down out of the gaping hole. The soldiers confirmed the killing, and he 

was buried three days. 

     Now on the third day he is suppose to be up and around, teaching lies again.

Have you ever considered how smart your children are?

     Many of your children masters biology - and they know that this is impossible, and

the biggest lie ever told. 

No one kills The Messenger, no one! The Messenger remains with the Righteous until 

YHH, and the other Angels come to cleans the earth.

      Children of YHH! Dead man rising? Not in any life time!!!

      If that was true there would be no bodies in the graveyards today.

      Remember this, if a dead man is placed in a tomb to day, and you go back tomorrow,

and he is not there. One thing I GABRYAL can assure you is, somebody moved him.

      Do you know that many people commit suicide because of this lie that is told around

the world? Now who's at fault - you, and your religious leaders.

Read Matthew - 7 : 15 - 20.

Read 2nd Peter - 2: 8 - 12.   

Read 2nd. Peter - 2 : 12 - 15. 

     You have accepted the son of perdition as your God! You pay daily to help spread

his wicked lies. You keep him in your houses, you even wear him around your necks.

Read 2nd. Thessalonians - 2 : 3 & 4.

Read Mark - 14 : 62. As spoken of in the scrips above, he is trying to be God.

     The son of perdition just laid claim to YHH'S Throne. He laid claim to all of the

Angels, and he laid claim to all of you.

       I know for a fact that he doesn't own MY FATHER YHH'S Throne, nor his Angels.

He doesn't even own the ones that were thrown down with him. Now until you return

to YHH, Satan still has a claim on you while he is thrown into Hell.

     How many of you has seen your love ones waste away with cancer, bit by bit? There

is nothing you can do because you've dis armed your selves with idol worship, and carnal


Read Mark - 13 : 26 & 27. This is about ME GABRYAL THE only SON.

      I AM come to take all of this suffering, death, and disease a way from you. However,

you will not come to ME that you might have life.

      You see; I have suffered all of these things and more, because, I have a divine love,

and I have a bond to MY FATHER YHH'S NAME.

Read Acts - 9 : 16. I suffer for you, all of you.

     The suffering spoken of in verse 16, has nothing to do with some one being murdered,

or hanged on a crucifix.

      Has any one ever heard or read any where in your studies and research, that an

Angel name GABRYAL would come to you? Is it written any where that HE would

be false?

Read several places where the angel is sent by YHH!

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16. Notice; you are all dead when I GABRYAL come.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21.

Read Luke - 1 : 19. & Luke - 1 : 15. The Angel came to MY mother.

Read Hebrews - 13 : 2. 

Read Hebrews - 1 : 13 & 14.   

Read John - 5 : 20 - 23. I AM sent with power, and authority.

Read Isaiah - 64 : 2, 4, & 7.

Read Isaiah - 41 : 28 & 29.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1, 2, & 4.
This go with, Exodus - 23 : 21.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 5. It should be written, and life to them that walk in it.

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                        

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See videos also; gabryal mission. com)          

                                   A world moving backward, farther away from,       


                                             IS THE FATHER OF ALL LIVING

Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065


  For more information see;

you tube @Gabryal Mission 4700




  YHH YA - HA The greates...