



                                                         Pronounced, YA HA

                                             Meaning, PERFECT AND PEACE

                                                         IS THE ALMIGHTY

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)
                                                    Read  Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.

                                                    Caught in the Creeping fog!

    The Arch-Angel GABRYAL is sent to remove the fog from your minds, so you can see.

     As it is written in the scriptures, the fog came in slowly, and arrived at night. When it

arrived many people were asleep. As it moved quietly through the city, it didn't make a

sound. However when they arose the next day, the reaper had come calling. 

     They took away THE NAME of YHH from you, and made you all sleepers. While you 

slept they fed the worlds religions, to all nations. 

     The blades - written of in this passage of scripture is a allegory for you, all nations.

Read Matthew - 13 : 25.

    The wheat - is referring to the original message YA- HA left for you, all people in the


     The tares - are the added scriptures - the lies written by Satan's advocates meant to steal 

your souls, and destroy all of man kind. 

     I, GABRYAL AM THE original writer, and I know the original message from the additions 

written by Satan's advocates.

Read Malachi - 3 : 16.

    He/Satan intend to destroy all of you, take your minds, your money, your health, and your 


    Now that I AM sent to awake you - as you awaken/resurrect one by one, it is very clear to 

see that the SHADOW, FOG of death is over the whole world.

Read Revelation - 12 : 9.

                                         Caught in the Creeping fog!                       

     As it is written - there was not a house without at least one dead. 

    Why, at the least one?

    Notice; there is a minimum, but no maximum. There was no cap placed on the number of 

them that are dead, why? 

    All of you know someone in your families that has fallen to religions, and the number is 

staggering. Now many of you will die with the stench of religion on you. So many when

the Grim reaper come calling, that the occurrence is rated as a plague, or virus. 

    The people were fore warned by THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL to mark your door post. 

Look out for any one who come saying they are Jesus Christ! 

     Do not follow this person - if you hear of him "go not".

Read Matthew - 24 : 24, 26.

    Before the world was, I wrote this as a warning for you.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 22 - 26.

Read Matthew - 24 : 25. Read it, I told you, but you are stiff neck, and hard head.

Read Revelation - 13 : 7 - 8.  Notice; this is written before it happened, in The Book Of 

The Lamb - which is The Book Of The Law. 

    Satan was barred from entering The Kingdom, because He sinned. His agenda is to destroy 

you so no one can enter the kingdom. Satan's thought are - if he cannot enter The Kingdom no 

one can enter. He forgot two things. 

    He has A FATHER WHO'S NAME IS YHH, and HE has sent His older Brother 

GABRYAL who is brilliant, learned, resurrected, and much smarter than He/Satan.

I shall not fail to raise you up, and bring you home. This is your resurrection that 

I'M speaking of, and I shall lead you into life eternal.

                                               Failing is not an option!!!

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 & 4.

     Make no mistake about this all of you will not rise to life eternal. 

     There is no wait and see position - even if you aren't religious, and not with YHH, and 

ME, GABRYAL - you are still serving Satan - you are still condemned, and you will not 

make the cut. 

      You that rise must do all that I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL ask you to. 

You must support MY Mission, and pay your own ransom or perish.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21. You must Obey MY voice.

Read John 6 : 37 - 39. I AM sent to you!

   Take a lamb for each house, and if the lamb be too big SHARE IT. The lamb is a 

allegory for the shield, which is The Law of YHH. It is instructing you to tell some one

who THE CREATOR IS. You are to share this message with others around you, that is how

you share THE LAMB. 

Tell them to look at,, that is all you do. 

I AM here to help you remove your vail, so I AM going to tell you that all of these 

are allegories. 

The writings has been changed to keep you in the fog, which is also the shadow of death.

HOLY = the fog, the haze, the mist. Holy, is a slang word with no specific meaning, 

it is a myth. GHOST = fairies, elves, magic.

I, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL AM going to take you on a History lesson!!!

Read Isaiah - 9: 5.

    The writers had a field day with you, all of you. They made up LIES about the children

of GOD exiting out of Egypt. The world is still in bondage, and under the shadow of death.

    Watch this; The Greeks didn't build Greece, the Romans didn't build Rome, and the

Egyptians sure didn't build Egypt. I know you thought so!!! The Greeks, and the Romans

were barbarians during those days, and did not have enough skills to build those structures!!!

Read Isaiah - 52 : 4. Who oppressed them? 

     These sojourners built up Egypt/Miser-em, and made it great, because they are 

master builders. These same sojourners built up Greece, and they built up Roma

The Architectural structures tells the story, and their brilliance can be seen all over the

world to day.

OH, by the way, check out the true name that is written above for the place you refer

to as Egypt = Miser-em!!!

     This brings about a question - where is Egypt?

Read Revelation - 13 : 7 - 9. In verse 9, the word Lamb is a allegory for the LAW that is 

abolished/slain from Satan's beginning/the foundation of hu-man existence.

Read Revelation - 18 : 1 - 3. Read this again - this is about MY, The Arch-Angels coming.

This is the condition that I found you/the world in. However some of you will be made 

bright/see the light/the truth by MY teachings. 

Read Revelation - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7. In this order only.

      Hear ME well; I know that I AM only going to get a few/a remnant of you to come 

to ME in righteousness, and the rest shall perish with Satan.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 8 - 15.

     Remember where you see the word Israel it is referring to all nations.

Read Isaiah - 10 : 21 - 23.

Read Romans - 9 : 27 - 28.

    A pillow of fire protecting them as they traveled. The water parting at the Red Sea.

Moses, and the burning bush upon the mountain, what Moses? Leading over six

hundred thousand people for forty years in the wilderness, and the LIES continue. Does

any of you use common sense? Do you know how long drama, and theatrics has been

around? Both of these occupations go back thousands of years, and the writers have used

their talent to deceive many. ALL of these LIES totally defy the laws of nature, which

is The Law Of YHH. Those things written could not, would not, and did not happen.

 People of the world, I GABRYAL AM going to take you on a History lesson. Do you

realize that in less than two thousand years ago almost every Nation on earth has been

given a different name, why? I will give you a clue. The enemy of YHH, and your

enemy, placed a stumbling block in your path. The writers of the Bible did all they

could to destroy you, however, they forgot something. 

                                                 THE PROMISE OF YHH.

                                                 Caught in the Creeping fog! 

    Lets talk about the fog. In the fog people lose their way, and their vision is impaired.

You can some times hear sounds of warning, but can not see what is making the sound,

or where it's coming from. As the night progresses, and the temperature changes, the

fog continues at a slow but steady pace. Blanketing every thing in it's path. The fog

represent the deceiving scriptures written in the bible. The fog covering every thing,

represent the minds of all nations being blinded, so they can not see the truth. There

is nothing that can stop the fog, mountain, valley, forest, water, wind, and even the

rain for it is unstoppable. In this condition the people needs a guide. One who know

the way, and can see clearly. You need a guide, because this condition of blindness is

more deadly than all wars, and plagues combined. You are under the wrath of  Satan's 

religions. This condition threatens the very soul of every male, and female on earth.

There are plagues, and viruses all over the earth that will destroy all who refuse to return 

to righteousness

     The world needs a guide prepared by YHH, and sent by YHH.

Read Isaiah - 63 : 1 - 6. 

     Thus The Arch-Angel GABRYAL is sent to guide all good people to life eternal.

This mission is given to ME, before the foundation of the world.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.

Read Job - 15 : 7.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 8.

Read 1st. John - 3 : 9. with Exodus - 23 : 21.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 & 4.

       The fog is a three fold allegory! 

The first; is how you were deceived, and made to sleep.

The fog represent your inability to see clearly. It represent blindness, and that you are

walking in darkness. 

The second; tells what you must do to resurrect. You are to become righteous, and tell 

some one who THE TRUE CREATOR IS. The day of YHH is near, and your condition 

is critical. I AM here to remove the vale from all who want to live. I did not come to linger, 

I GABRYAL AM THE Messenger sent to teach you THE truth. THE NAME of THE 

ALMIGHTY CREATOR, and FATHER of every man that has ever lived.

     For ME to show you the way to The Kingdom of YHH, I must first set the crooked way

straight so you can see for the first time - who the real CREATOR IS. 

The third; is about the days of Judgment, before, the Angels come to destroy the wicked. 

For all of these plagues spoken of shall come to past, and there will be billions of people 

destroyed, too many to mention.

Read, Jer. - 25: 31 - 33.

Read. Isa. - 66: 16.

    I, THE Angel GABRYAL AM THE LORD spoken of in this verse.

Read 1st. Thessalonians. - 4 : 16.

    As I wrote in earlier post, YHH'S message to you was very clear. However, the

enemy, YHH'S enemy, MY enemy, and your enemy came along, and mixed tares with

the wheat, and went their way.

                                    Caught in the Creeping fog!

   The blood on the door post reveals who's mark is in your forehead. It represents the

mind set of the people behind the door. The mark of YHH is HIS NAME, and HIS Law.

Do you know that we all wear a mark? Every male, female, boy, and girl wears a mark -

there is no way around it. Right now you wear the mark of YHH, or you wear the mark

of Satan. 

                                     There is no middle ground!

    The mark in your forehead is your mind, and the life you live will tell which mark you 

wear. Which one do you have in your forehead? The mark of YHH is HIS NAME, and 

HIS LAW of righteousness. All who aren't living in the Law of YHH, and is - or isn't 

worshiping a god in any other name you are living with the mark of Satan - the beast. 

Remember Satan is a Law breaker, a liar, and the father of it. A murderer, a cheat, a thief, a 

deceiver, a home wrecker. a destroyer of families, and the ties that binds. He is an enemy to 

all living.

                                            Caught in the Creeping fog!
   The door represent a shield from the second death, and to many the first, and second death.

Remember THE shield is THE NAME YHH, and THE LAW. The door = the shield = THE

NAME YHH, and THE LAW. As death approaches and see your mark which is your mind,

and if it be of YHH, then death has no sting. However if your mind is of any pagan God or

practice of Satan, such as the man of perdition, who is the man on the cross. It might be

religions of any kind, you name it, then the door, the shield doesn't exist, and death will

have it's way with you. 

You are trying to hide behind the blood of the lamb. The lamb in this scripture is a allegory, 

for the pagan god whom YHH denied.

Read Isaiah - 59 : 3 & 4.

Read Matthew - 27 : 46.  Here this is made very clear. he is denied. In this verse he is 

calling for ME - THE Angel GABRYAL - Who Is THE true Messiah; referred to as Elijah 

in Malachi - 4 : 5.

Read 2nd. Timothy - 2 : 13.  Now read this, the man is not GOD/YHH nor GOD/YHH sent.

   Now lets talk about the murdering of an Innocent lamb. The lamb represent a pagan God.

Read Isaiah - 66 : 3.

      This is done by those who are trying to escape the wrath of MY FATHER YHH. 

Those who are out side of the LAW of YHH. Having the murderous mark - mind of Satan, 

and if it were possible would have some one else die for their sins.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 11 & 12.

       All of you who practice religions read the scriptures below, very carefully, again!!!

Read Isaiah - 66 : 3.

Read Isaiah - 1 : 10 - 20.

     Death will know you, and yours, for you will have the blood on the door post of your minds.

Read Isaiah - 59 : 2 - 4.

   The mark of Satan, and death will have you, because, the door, the shield of YHH is not

there to protect your family. After all of those pagan practices were completed, remember

how the scripture reads.
Read Isaiah - 28 : 15.

Read Mark - 13 : 22.

Read Romans - 1 : 21 - 32. 

Nahum - 1 : 8, 9, 12 and verse 15, stop at peace.
        The rest is unaccepted it is a ritual, and a false addition.

                                            Caught in the Creeping fog!

      The fog arrived at night. Why not at noon day? Night is when people usually sleep. At

night the vision is impaired, and night represent the condition of your minds. The final

day of Judgment is approaching. You are still worshiping idols! You don't know YHH!

You are out side of the Law of YHH. You are still unrighteous! You can not see because

you are the sleeper, and still caught in the fog.

 Read 1st. Corinthians - 11 : 30.

 Read Psalms - 13 : 3.

 Read Romans - 13 : 11.

                                                   Always remember this; 

 Read 1st. Thessalonians - 3 ; 10. and

 Thessalonians - chapter 4 : 5 & 7, and

 Thessalonians - chapter 5 : 3 & 21. "Prove all things"

                                 They forgot ONE thing, YHH made a PROMISE.  
                                                       Read Malachi - 3 : 1.

                                                  YHH IS OUR CREATOR

                                           Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.

                                                    YHH IS OUR SAVIOR

          All donations are appreciated, and are used for this mission only!!!

          All of you come help spread this good news.

Read Psalms - 49 : 7.

      Pay your ransom to YHH, even if you can only afford to donate one 1, dollar, for 

there is no specific amount required by GOD YHH. 

YA HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said 

"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-

bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood. 

      There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give

a dime, and save his soul.

"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; 

for God loves a cheerful giver."

Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and their name will be                 

written in MY Book Of Life.                                                                                                                

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
        Help ME reach out to others with this truth.                  

                                      Write To Me At:                                                                          
      Gabryal Mission                       

                                      Contact ME by clicking on the button below
        Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and your name will be

written in MY BOOK OF LIFE.

           Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065


                                                         Help ME reach out to others!

Remember; any thing you do to promote, or support this blog is paying your ransom!

        To see all  posts, scroll down to the bottom and click on older posts, or newer posts.

  For more information see;


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                            POST 27,  XXVII - A WORLD ON DEATH ROW


                                         Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.

                        Breathe first; inhale YA - exhale HA, like taking a breath.

                                                     YHH IS FOR EVER 

This book is published, A WORLD ON DEATH BROW, now available on 

THE BOOK of REMEMBRANCE, is THE BOOK of THE LAW that all souls must study

 to enter THE KINGDOM of YHH. 

Read Isaiah - 6 : 7 - 12.

All nations you must wake up and obey MY voice!!!


No one enters The Kingdom without THE Book of THE LAW!

Always consider this when looking for the name of GOD. There was no letter J, until the sixteenth century. The name Jesus was invented in the eighteenth century, and can not be the name of GOD YHH. The bible was written in 1611, by Satan's instructions.

Need books in your country contact me at,

    There are tricks, and traps that are written in the scriptures to destroy the children 

of YHH.

Remember the scripture that say, the government shall be on his shoulder. Think, no government tries to keep you from worshiping Jesus, and religions.
This government has been on MY case/shoulders for almost 39, years. They robbed MY wealth, destroyed MY properties, and constantly suppresses MY site. They show false numbers of hits to discourage all of you.
This is an attempt on your divine lives, to destroy your souls. All that don't come to ME, GABRYAL are lost.

This government don't want people to know that I AM THE Messenger of YHH/GOD, and I AM black, Hebrew.
MY color is written in your bibles but you don't read for your self.

(You don't need a bible once you purchase The Book of Remembrance.)

Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,

      YHH'S NAME and The Law is all important - for The Law is forever.
Malachi - 4: 6, tells you that when the book called, the bible, is written the world don't 

know the NAME of GOD, nor had I ben sent to teach THE NAME.

This verse also tells the world; that at a future date, and time the NAME of GOD will 

be revealed by THE SON.

 I, THE Angel GABRYAL bring Justice, and righteousness to all nations.
Read Amos - 5: 24.
There were no names before the days of Satan. The names written in your bibles are to mislead you.
YHH/GOD hate religions, singing and all things that it brings.
Read Amos - 5: 23.
YHH will not accept any religious practices, none.
Read Amos - 5: 21 - 26.

It is written; "If anyone after hearing YHH'S message to the world from ME THE SON OF 

YHH. GO back and continue serving Satan in his temples, it is impossible for that person to 

return to YHH and ME GABRYAL again."

                                           THE WORLD IS ON DEATH ROW.

                                             WE HAVE AN IDENTITY CRISES!



                                                           THE MIGHTY ONE

                   I, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL AM YHH'S  MOUTH, HIS SON.
       Read - Hebrews - 5 : 9You that become righteous will never die.

  •                                    You must obey MY voice so you can live. 
                                                                                                                                                                   Write To Me At:                                                                          
                                      Contact ME by clicking on the button below
                                      Help ME reach out to others, this is your fruit.   
Only those who write to ME will receive a direct contact, and your name will 

be written in MY Book Of Life.
Click below to start donations for ransoms payable to;    

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065                                               
 I have never used the ransom paid by any person or group for personal gain!!!

Your ransom is commanded by YHH, for it will help spread THE NAME YHH 

to the world, for this is your work.

Some people are having trouble when trying to donate. Some cards aren't accepted.                                  
When you study. and donate, your name is written in THE BOOK OF LIFE.  

                            The work spoken of by YHH is written below.

Please share the address to this blog with people you come in contact

with. Don't try to convince any one, just share the address to this blog, and

say, "please take a look at this."

                      Write to me at:  

I will only respond to those who follow MY/YHH'S instructions.

"OBYE HIS/MY VOICE" so you can live.

   For more information see;                                                        

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  YHH YA - HA The greates...