




REMEMBER: "The government is on MY shoulders." I AM not to be intimidated. 

I AM THE Angel GABRYAL sent to offer you life eternal with YHH.

Please share the address to this blog with people around you. Don't try to

explain the content, nor to defend it, for every one must learn this for themself.

You must study this and follow the instructions.

Remember to; "OBEY HIS VOICE."

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be accessed on your phone.)

      YHH despises all religions, and so do I, Gabryal, this blog teaches you why.

Religions are a conspiracy against GOD YHH, and all righteous people on earth.

Read Psalms 83: 1 -  5. Israel is an allegory for, YHH pronounced YA-HA, like taking 

a breath. Breath in YA and out HA.

Remember; only the righteous shall see GOD/ YHH. Not the religious!!!

The idea of Jesus, and all religions are literary illusions.

     Satan further divided you at the tower of talk/babble, where Satan divided the people

 by giving them many languages. He then sent them in different directions. Afterward 

when they came in contact with each other there could be no communication or 

togetherness. This confusion caused them to fight, and the first war began. Now there 

will never be any peace on the earth. The bible writers wrote this as an allegory because 

they didn't understand what this is the same as with many other passages in the bible. 

Part of this is a metaphor because reaching the sky is about Satan trying to become 

THE MOST HIGH, and set on YHH'S THRONE!!! Thus Satan created Jesus!!!

I, GABRYAL am the only shield from the viruses. What have you to loose?
As I said in earlier post, the virus will keep on killing until the population of the world is diminished to 10%, and the cities be
desolate of humans.
However; one must OBEY MY VOICE to be shield from
the wrath of YHH, set upon the unrighteous.

Read Exodus 23; 20 - 21.

Read Isaiah - 13 : 11 - 13, & 10. In this order only. Now read this again!!!

Read Luke - 17 : 33. You trying to save your self from covid-19, which is the wrath of 

YHH, because of your sins!!! The inoculations.

This is about those killed by the adverse reactions!!!

Read Proverbs - 8: 35 - 36. "love death."

Read John - 5: 21 - 23. I can give you life!!!

Down through the ages the whole world has always been told that I, THE Arch-Angel

GABRYAL would be sent to destroy the work of Satan.

Read Psalms - 47: 9. Understand that the FATHER of Abraham IS YHH! 

      There was no J, and the name Jesus did not exist!!! For they are 16, and 17, 

and 18 century disparaging creations - which bring about the loss of knowledge,

and loss of credit to THE TRUE NAME of THE CREATOR, YA-HA!!!

 Where are the souls that they delivered? They aren't in the Kingdom of YHH.
The greatest identity theft in the world is the image, and name
Jesus claiming to be GOD YHH, and the SON of GOD whom I AM. Also the
churches which are Satan's temples.

The idea of Jesus and all religions are literary illusions!!!
The temples of YHH are people, not buildings!!!
Only the righteous are the temples of YHH.

This tells everyone that identity theft is not new, but an age old

Read 1st. John - 3 : 8.

Now read Revelation 12: 9, you are deceived by Satan.

All of you know about ME - so why are you trying to avoid the truth that I bring to

the whole world. I AM THE Archangel GABRYAL, THE sent ONE, and THE ONE

promised to deliver the righteous to THE FATHER of all living, YHH, YA-HA.

Read Revelation - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7. In this order only!!! It is a fact that NO man qualify

to represent GOD YHH, only HIS Angel THE SON.
Study, and do your research, so you can resurrect.

I AM THE Angel GABRYAL; THE only SON of YHH. I'm telling you again, the

viruses is not going to stop punishing all of mankind until you return to MY FATHER

YHH. MY presence signifies that this is the last days of this society.

I am sent only once to the living, and not the dead.

My exodus spoken of in the bible is with the living souls,

and only the living.

I will not pardon your sins, nor will I die for your wrong doing.

You must study MY blog, obey MY/YHH'S voice, and become


A dead man is useless to My FATHER and I, totally useless.

Study;; and come alive.

Read Jeremiah 5: 23 - 31. &

Read Exodus 23: 20 - 21.

I AM THE teacher of righteousness, not the enforcer! I AM THE JUDGE of all men,

not the punisher!! Study all of;

The first bible was printed in 1611, by the 50, evil writers that was left out of 151,

writers. The rest is referred to as the lost books of the bible. They started in 1603, and

published the first copies of the bible in 1611, A book to serve Satan, and destroy all


The bible is not my FATHRE YHH'S book. Did you know that the NAME of GOD

isn't written in, or on any bible in the world?

Satan has you in his grip of death, and if you don't wake up you shall be destroyed.

These viruses are permanent;

Read; Revelation 15: 8. There is nothing humans can do to stop them.

To live you must OBEY MY VOICE.

Study MY blog, and follow MY instructions.

Notice the revolt.
This is all about THE NAME YHH, and you resurrecting.

This is about MY mission to bring the truth of YHH to the whole World.
You, and the preachers worldwide shall revolt against the truth that I teach.

Read for it is written: “And you shall be hated of all nations for MY NAME

Sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall

hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

The preachers are false prophets!!! Notice the word many!!!

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold. But he

that shall endure until the end, the same shall be saved. And this good news of

The Kingdom shall be taught in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and

then shall the end come.”

Notice the use of the word, shall, and then, which tells the world that when

the bible was written this had not happened, and I, Gabryal had not come.
This scripture written above is about you, and your religious leaders.

The preachers Satan’s advocates are world over.
All of you are going to hate ME, THE Angel GABRYAL for bringing the truth

to all the world. Until you realize that I am telling the truth about religions, Jesus,

preachers, and all false gods.

All races are created by YHH equally, and you are all GOD YHH'S children.
I was with YHH when HE made man.
Remember, "let US make man."
Satan was never given the ability to create any thing.
He can only control you by temptation, and suggestion!!!

There are over 10,000, religions world wide. It is written, "Satan deceived the whole 

world," bar none.

Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 15 -19. This is a fact.   

Read Matthew - 24 : 4, - 14. Start at; take heed-all before that is trash meant to deceive 

you, continue through verse 14. 

The first two lines in verse nine, 24: 9,  is a lie. 

No one kills ME nor afflicts ME, for I have the POWER to destroy everything!!!

The conspiracy of destroying ME will bring death and destruction to every nation involved!!!

Even to talk against ME GABRYAL, is destroying multitudes of wicked people!!!

If you persecute one of MY children that is risen, I will destroys you, for I AM their shield.

Check the natural disasters around the world.

The righteous will exit with ME, THE Angel GABRYAL.

Read Matthew - 24 : 30 & 31.

I, GABRYAL am sent to save all that become righteous, and return to YHH,

pronounced YA-HA like taking a breath.

I love all of you, so please OBEY MY Voice, and be shielded from all viruses!!!

Together we can go back to the garden where all of you once were. Don't you

remember MY FATHER YHH, and I, HIS only SON!

THE Archangel GABRYAL.

The work spoken of by YHH is written below.

Please share the address to this blog with people you come in contact

with. Don't try to convince any one, just share the address to this blog, and

say, "please take a look at this."

        Write to me at:, after you've done your research and 

come to the truth. 

I will only respond to those who follow MY/YHH'S instructions.

"OBYE HIS/MY VOICE" so you can live.

  For more information see videos on;

See also videos on face book.

To answer your question about a cash app, I don't have one.

However one can send ransoms, or donations to this address.

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065.

My next book, A World ON Death Row, is soon to go on sale at
Get this book, read about the History of the Hebrews, and secrets that the world kept
hidden over four hundred sixty years.
The world's best kept secrets.


  YHH YA - HA The greates...