


                                               Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.

                                                        IS THE SUPREME ONE

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at, Amazon.com.
                                               Read 2nd. Peter - 3 : 9 & 10.

   I know it is written in your bibles, that the Hebrews passed over in to the promise land

over two thousand years ago. Put on your thinking caps, for all of you have powerful minds,

and none were cut short when it comes to the ability to reason, and consider. Take a global

look, and see if there is any nation that fits the description of a divine place, where YHH

would send HIS children to live in harmony for ever?

Read Hebrews - 4: 9 - 12, I GABRYAL bring all of you peace, and rest.

 Read Revelation - 14: 3 - 5. Females, you are not the biblical woman!!!

Read Revelation - 17: 17 - 18. Evil males are the women, "in their hearts."

       Some one wrote lies to deceive you, and to keep all souls in bondage.

What people don't understand is - the human race is not a permanent fixture on

the earth. He has but a short time to remain, and he will be no more! I AM sent to warn

all of you with the truth from YHH, YA-HA. Judgment days are but a season, and

afterward come MY Brothers the Angels to exterminate the rest of man kind. The

Exodus are those who come to ME, THE Angel GABRYAL. The viruses plural, will remain,

and at the end of judgment days come this from the viruses. Read - Isaiah - 66 : 24.

Then come the final Exodus. Read Isaiah - 66 : 18 - 19, stop at the nations.

The rest is trash!!!

Then come the Angels to exterminate the entire earth.

Now Read Isaiah - 66 : 15 - 16. The extermination of humans.

Twenty five thousand years, (25,000)yrs. after that I will do this.

Read Isaiah - 66 : 22 - 23. Only the righteous will remain in The Kingdom.


To save your blood line you must come to ME, THE Angel GABRYAL!

   You need a, Book of Remembrance, because the book known as the bible is purposely

   distorted, flawed, full of lies, and distractions.

      You can't possibly pass over into a divine Kingdom in your present condition. Your minds, 

and your hearts must be cleansed of such things as idol worship, worshiping false gods, religions, 

evil, injustice continually, cheating, despising others, war mongering, adultery, and there is no 

truth in you!!! You have been raised on lies, and deceit. YHH said, you love it that way, because 

you have been slain by Satan.

Jeremiah - 7 : 22 - 24 & 26 - 28. Notice; you are cut off by Satan lies.

Notice; there is a command being given that must first be carried out, before you are even

considered being called his people. 

You could have been delivered one thousand years ago. 

Read Jeremiah 7: 13

However you refused to obey MY/YHH'S voice and continued serving Satan.

Notice; the use of shall, and will, this is spoken for the future of those who meet the given 


Now I AM calling you again and you are still refusing to hear ME/YHH'S voice

Remember this; 1st. Thessalonians 4: 16. I AM YHH'S VOICE. 

This is the last call before all that resist ME is destroyed, all humans left on earth.

Read Jeremiah 7: 14 - 15. This is what will happen to all that refuse to come to ME, 


YHH said, "OBEY HIS VOICE, provoke HIM not; for HE will not pardon your 

transgressions; for MY NAME IS in HIM." "I will be your GOD." 

You were never led out of bondage because YHH never claimed you. You aren't fit for the 

Kingdom of YHH. I AM sent to show you how to qualify for The Kingdom.

Remember the following scripture, and keep it in mind while you read;

Read Revelations 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2 & 7. in the order as written.  

 I, GABRYAL AM The Voice Of YHH, I AM the one sent to lead the righteous out of bondage,

to the land promised by YHH. No one has ever seen it! No one has ever set foot in it!  Nor

can anyone describe it! Only YHH, and I, THE Archangel GBRYAL has ever set a foot in to the

ever lasting Kingdom of YHH!

Read Isaiah - 42 : 6 & 7. YHH is talking to ME in verse 6. In verse 7, YHH is telling ME 

what I AM to do for you.
Read this carefully, 1st. Corinthians - 2 : 9 - 12.

  In this scripture the word spirit is a allegory for, Son, and Angel.

Correction the last of verse 11; Even so, the things of YHH knoweth no man, but the Angel, 


Read John - 5 : 20 - 23, and 43 - 44.

Read John - 6 : 33 & 37 - 39.

Correction verse 12; Now we have not received the word of YHH, but the Angel of

YHH He has received,
that we might know the things that are freely given to us of YHH.

Read John - 5 : 20.

  In all your studies, and readings you need to eliminate the words; spirit, ghost, the phrases

holy spirit, and holy ghost.
They are satanic expressions written to confuse the readers.

Those are words, and phrases used to keep you worshiping the devil, Satan. In those places

were these, YHH, Heavenly FATHER, HIS Angels, Angel of YHH, The Angel, Messenger,

Deliverer, SON of YHH, YHH'S Messenger,
and there are places where it should be eliminated

all to gether. Those words, and phrases are used to keep you ignorant, and disconnected from

the true workers of YHH, who are all Angels.

Lets take a look at, 1st Corinthians - 2 : 10, I GABRYAL will write it correctly. 

Verse, 10: But YHH hath revealed them unto HIS children by HIS Angel; For The Angel of 

YHH searches all things, yes the deep things of YHH.

     The Exodus spoken of in the Bible is fiction. It only occurred in the mind of the writers. 

It is a fictional story with multiple intentions. It has the same intent as the false resurrection, 

and the same affect on all of you. You think that both of these event are in the past, when as a 

fact they never happened. This is the time of the resurrection, for I AM The Resurrection, and 

the one sent to Resurrect all of you. I AM the life, I teach of the life that you should live, to be 

able to Pass over in to YHH'S Kingdom.

The Passover is yet to come, it occurs at the close of the Resurrection, which is the last 

day of judgment.

  The Bride spoken of are those who become righteous, and all of whom must be prepared for


Read Matthew - 25 : 32 - 34. All nations are gathered before ME GABRYAL.

Read Jeremiah - 7 : 2 - 7. No one died for your sins, only you!!! 

You must change, and become righteous to enter The Kingdom of YHH!!!

You see, the Kingdom is yet to be occupied. No souls has been delivered, because I AM 

your deliverer. 

This is the first time that I AM sent unto you. There was a call made earlier, however 

none of you could hear it, because there was none of you alive.

This is where you are now, Read Jeremiah - 7 : 8 - 11. Your false gods, and all churches!!!

 The sheep represent the righteous and the goats represent the unrighteous. 

Notice; ALL nations are there standing before YHH, and I, to be Judged.

Read Revelation - 15 : 4. I AM making the truth known to you, the world.

    As you can see, both of these events only occur at the end of this society, as it is known

to you. Some say the end of the world, yes it is the end of the worldly system. 

                        I GABRYAL did not come to linger. 

I AM come for the righteous of YHH, to populate the Kingdom.

 The land prepared is the Kingdom of YHH. No one kills others to acquire citizenship or

owner ship. You can't war, and take the Kingdom of YHH from some one who occupied It.

As it is written there is room for all, and the Kingdom of YHH has peace forever. 

The writings in the bible that are truth is taken from The Book of The Law. 

They are left for you as a guide to follow, and is given by MY FATHER YHH. 

All of this is written for you in this generation, for this is judgment days.

   I AM going to take 1st. Corinthians - 2 : 11, and I GABRYAL will write it correctly. 

Verse 11: For what man know the things of YHH? Except the Angel of YHH, for YHH IS 

in HIM. The things of YHH know no man but his Angel/SON.

Read Exodus - 23 : 21.

Read Isaiah - 41 : 26 - 29. This is about all religious leaders, all.

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 4. I GABRYAL, can not fail.

   You can in no wise know the mind of YHH until you are resurrected. You must resurrect

to connect to YHH. I AM your connector, I AM The Resurrection, and I AM teaching you 

the life that you are to live, to escape the 2nd. death.

   This is Judgment days, and time for the resurrection spoken of in the bible. I want to

remind you that when the Messenger comes, HE, I GABRYAL AM already resurrected. 

THE FATHER IS in The Angel Exodus - 23 : 21.

  I AM going to take 1st. Corinthians - 2 : 12, and I GABRYAL will write it  correctly. 

Verse 12: Now we have not received The Angel with the word of YHH.  He is The Messenger 

of YHH sent. That we might know the things that are freely given to us, by YHH.

    The Passover occurs  only once on the final day of Judgment. When the righteous from

all nations are to enter into the Kingdom of YHH.

     Let ME GABRYAL remind you all, I AM your friend who laid down His life that you

might live. 

I say to you again, "I might not look like much," however, EVERY THING IS in

MY hands.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.

Read John - 5 : 20 - 23.

                                  YHH love you all, and so do I GABRYAL.

                                  THY FOOLS, RABBITS AND PAINTED EGGS,

                                  FLYING DEER WITH A LIGHTED NOSE.

                                  FAT MEN COMING DOWN THE CHIMNEY.

                                  A GOD WHO IS A CRIMINAL, AND A WALKING CORPSE.

                                 You raise your children to become liars, and deceivers.

                                 What do you think the out come will be?

                                                                SO CARNAL

                                                   SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH

                                                IS THE FATHER OF ALL NATIONS.

                                               You don't have to die!!!

                                     Help ME reach out to others with this truth.

                                                  YHH  IS THE CREATOR    
                                                  There is no other!!! 

 Go to, Gabryalmission.com, and see all videos, and The Book of Remembrance                           

by Alvester Samuel is available on Amazon.co,                       

Read Psalms - 49: 7. see ransom as required by YHH.                   

      Pay your ransom to YHH, even if you can only afford to donate one 1, dollar, for 

there is no specific amount required by GOD YHH. 

YA-HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said 

"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-

bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood. 

      There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give

a dime, and save his soul.

"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; 

for God loves a cheerful giver."

Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and their name will be                 

written in MY Book Of Life.                                                                                                                

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
        Help ME reach out to others with this truth.                  

                                      Write To Me At: Gabryalmission@gmail.com                                                                          
  Go to, Gabryalmission.com, and see all videos, and The Book of Remembrance                           

by Alvester Samuel is available on Amazon.co,                                                                                

                                      Contact ME by clicking on the button below
        Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and your name will be

written in MY BOOK OF LIFE.

      Only those who write to ME will receive a direct phone number.

 Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to,       

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065



  For more information see;

Gabryal Mission.com



  YHH YA - HA The greates...