



       (If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

                                        Take a breath in, YA then out, HA.

Read John - 5 : 20.

Read John - 16 : 13 - 14.

                                         This is just the beginning!!!

Read Deuteronomy - 28 : 61 - 63.

     You must obey MY voice, for I AM THE VOICE of YHH, see below.

Read 1, Thessalonians - 4 : 16.

Read Exodus - 20 : 5. & Exodus - 34 : 7. 

     The verses above reinforces that there is no grace so wake up and live!!!

     Only after you obey MY/YA-HA'S voice, and do all that I, THE Arch-Angel 

GABRYAL ask, are you cleansed of your sins.

Read Zechariah - 14 : 12 - 13.  Remove the word Jerusalem, YHH'S/HIS Messenger

was there. Remember there was no J, and Jerusalem is a pseudo name.

     I've told a multitude of people about these things that would come to past, and 

destroy many.

It is written; "If anyone after hearing YHH'S message to the world from ME THE SON OF 

YHH. GO back and continue serving Satan in his temples, it is impossible for that person to 

return to YHH and ME GABRYAL again."

There is much revealed in this blog that will cause many a souls to 

reject ME GABRYAL, and run back to the houses of Satan. I AM 

not sent to teach what the world think they know, so you hate ME. I 

AM sent to reveal the truth, and it hurts many, however, it will cause 

some of you to live again.

Always remember this; Revelation - 12: 9.

        No one was ever sent to you before now. 

     I've been knocking for over 35, years, and you have repelled the warnings. I've 

heard many people say, "we need to get closer to God." I have a problem with that, because, 

you can't get closer to; THE SUPREME ONE YHH, that none of you have ever known. 

     The world don't know MY FATHER YA-HA, that is why I AM sent, to make 

THE NAME YHH known to you, all nations. 

Read Hosea - 4 : 1 - 7, & 12. All has forsaken The Law, and gone to Satan's religion.

Read Hosea - 5 : 15. This is why YBY left, HE would have stayed with ME.

Read Hosea - 6: 1- 10. The covenant is The Law. This is to all nations, remove all 

the pseudo names.

Read Hosea - 8 : 14. Your churches, and cathedrals!!!

Read Hosea - 9 : 7. As I, THE Arch-Angel AM telling the world, this is, The 

Days of Judgment.

                                             "As I was passing by!" 

                                  "I found an altar with this inscription."

                                      "TO THE UNKNOWN GOD."

      I AM sent to bring THE NAME OF THE UNKNOWN GOD to all nations!

                                                    YA - HA

                             Like taking a breath first in, YA then out, HA. 

     You can protect the children, by bringing them to YHH, and I. THE Arch-Angel


     To all who want to live you must first prove to your-self that YHH IS GOD, profess

HIM YA-HA to others, become righteous, pay your ransom, and obey MY, THE Arch-

Angel GABRYAL'S voice completely.

Until all of this is fulfilled these punishments will continue to plague your families,

and the whole world!!!

     Pay your ransom to YHH, even if you can only afford to donate one 1, dollar, for 

there is no specific amount required by GOD YHH. 

YA HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said 

"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-

bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood. 

      There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give

a dime, and save his soul.

"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; 

for God loves a cheerful giver."

      Step up and save your own family that is your responsibility.

Read Genesis - 6 : 5 - 7.

Read Genesis - 6 : 11 - 12. 

      The story about Noah, and the flood never happened it is a lie.  

      Multitudes of "MY people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge" of YHH all 

around the world. 

      If the world was with YHH, I, GABRYAL would have stopped this virus in it's tracks,


       I AM sent to save the righteous - not destroy them.

Read Revelation - 3 : 20. To behold; is to look!

     However, when you heard ME knocking - many of you took a peek - backed away

from the door, and called the cops. 

      NOW the tool/cops you used is turned back on you!!!

                                   The previous statements are literal!!!

     Notice; Because of your false allegations, without just cause MY FATHER, and 

those who came to HIM was robed, arrested, and abused for many years.

      The lies that are taught will causes all of you to loose your souls.

First; and most deadly lie taught is, the false names that are taught as GOD.

Second; most deadly lie taught is the same false image of THE Messiah.

Third; Lies that make all of you children of incest such as, Adam and Eve,  

Noah, and the flood. If these lies were true not one soul on earth would be saved.

Read Hosea - 4 : 1 - 2.

Read John - 8 : 44. This whole world is built on lies.

Read Isaiah - 44 : 20. All churches are temples of Satan's lies.

Read John - 16 : 13 - 14. I AM teaching you the truth, no one else can!!!

     Notice the lie written in the verse below!!! It's purpose is to turn you away from

life, YA-HA, and ME.

Read Isaiah - 52 : 14.

     YES; I AM dark, hansom, lovely, righteous, and has power over all nations.

Now read Isaiah - 52 : 13, & 15. 

       How do you think, young Bush got elected the first time? Not by popular votes.

How do you think, Donald Trump got elected? It wasn't by popular volts!  At first

Mr. Trump didn't want to run, so I had to nudge him. Yes; and I wasn't going to allow

the enemy to impeach him!!!

      Russia had nothing to do with the election, there victories were tantamount!!!

Notice; Read Proverbs - 8 : 14 - 17. 

Now read - Isaiah - 53 : 3.

Read Psalms - 57 : 6. 

      Now the work of your hands has turned back on you, it is known as police 

brutality, hatred, viruses, wars to no end, and plagues.

       Thus, I AM repelled because of the appearance of MY face, MY visage!!!

       This is what is happening all over the world to day!

Read Isaiah - 53 : 1 - 3. The writers lied about MY appearance, and MY status in life.

      Yes, I once went door to door, city by city, church to churches, and was threatened

by the local cops, the federal government, and the people. Thus, I continue reaching out

to the whole world, why?

Read Isaiah - 42 : 4.

     Yes, I AM A MAN of color/A Hebrew - I AM THE Messiah - a descendant of

Hebrew slaves!!! MY grate grandmother was born a slave in 1852, she was raped,

brutalized, and sold twice while trapped in slavery. She was an excellent source of 

information for ME she lived over 112, years.

     Hebrews are also called black descendants of slavery here in America. You are 

Hebrews - NOT BLACK. There is NO such thing as a BLACK nation!!! 

     Your leaders are corrupt, and you are making horrible choices!! None of you know

who GOD is, HIS NAME, or what HE look like!!! You are in the deepest sleep, and the

blind is trying to lead the blind!!!

There is a sickness among you that's worst than any virus!!!

     MY mothers before ME are chosen vessels of YHH - a portal for THE Messiah,


Read Isaiah - 52 : 13 & 15. All leaders of nations know that I AM here!!!

     Since the dawn of hu-mans on the earth none has ever been taught like this.

Isaiah - 52, : 14; This mean your expectation of the image of GOD YHH, and I, THE 

Arch-Angel GABRYAL is corrupt in the minds of humans, it's taught by the religious

leaders, and slave masters.

Read Proverbs - 8 : 33 - 36.  Know this; to hate ME is death!

Read Revelation - 3 : 21. I AM standing before MY FATHER YHH, not sitting on 


Verse 21; tells you the world - that it is not so much Satan that you need to overcome,

but it is your selves - that reprobate mind that you posses!!! Satan is finished, and can

do no more harm to anyone, so the rest is in your minds, it is you!!!

      This is what is happening all over the world to day!

Read Deuteronomy - 28: 20 - 63.

Read revelation - 3 : 19.

                              It is all up to you, for you don't have to die!!!

Read; 1 Corinthians - 15 : 51.  

Read Isaiah - 66 : 4 - 6. This is the day of recognin. All that don't come to ME shall 

pay for their sins!!!

Second Thessalonians - 2 : 7; tells the world that after you read YHH'S/MY message 

that many of you are going to continue in the way/works of Satan.

Read Isaiah - 66 : 3.

     Verse 3; is the conformation Thessalonians- 2 : 7.

                                 Come back to YHH, for this is Judgment day.

I AM sent by YHH to offer you life eternal.  

Read Rev. - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7.

Read Revelation - 3 : 20.

Read Isaiah - 65 : 12.


Read Hebrews - 1 : 4 - 6.

                      I appreciate all of you that support MY Mission!!!

You shall long enjoy the fruit/work of your hands, in the kingdom of YHH.

                                           Don't be afraid to write to ME!

     Fear, hate, greed, and religions destroys more people than all the plagues combine.

You aren't dying because of the plague - you are dying because of the condition of your


These things are foretold as a warning in YHH'S message - to all nations of the


                                       There is much more to come.

                                       This is Judgment days!!!

Read Revelation - 2 : 20, - 22.

     As I have told all of you many times, I AM not a believer of any religion, or cult,

for I AM sent by YHH, YA-HA to destroy every cult, religion, and false god.

Read Revelation - 2 : 23. Notice; Children, and works.

In verse 23, nations was where you read, churches.

     I know the scriptures are marred/twisted by evil humans who intend to destroy you, all

of you. However, there are many warnings written that is clear enough to understand what

is happening in the world today. How long did you think that this evil would continue

without YHH'S/MY intervention???

Read John - 5 : 20 - 23.

      This is the days of judgment, and the end of this world as you have known it!!! 

Read Isaiah - 5 : 5, & 8 - 9.

Read Isaiah - 5 : 10. This is about destroying your food supply on earth.

Read Isaiah - 3 : 5. Stop at, neighbor. This is what occurs with the shortage of food.

     You love worshiping Satan, because, He promise not to punish sinners. I have news 

for all of you - Satan is in Hell awaiting all of His companions/the sinners!!!

     You are in MY hands now, THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL!, THE ONE, and only 

MESSIAH, and these are the days of judgment.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 21. Sins will not be forgiven!!!

Read Isaiah - 5 : 20 - 24. Verse 24, is referring to ME, GABRYAL.

Read John - 5 : 22. I AM given all power over the earth/nations.

Read Exodus - 23 : 20 - 23. In verse 23, stop at before thee. 

     The noose will continue to tighten until you that are left admit that YA-HA IS GOD,

and that Jesus was never sent by YA-HA. He/it is only the image used by the beast - Satan

to deceive the whole world. The name Jesus did not exist until the 16th. century, and there

is no likeness of it/him in the description given of the messiah in the bible.

Read Revelation - 14 : 11. Mark of the name Iesus/Jesus

Read Revelation - 18 : 21 & 17 - 19. 

Verse 21, is when the asteroid hit the earth, and verses 17 - 19, is about all nations.

Read Revelation - 19 : 1 - 2. You that join ME will live forever.

                     Hallelujah, correction= Hallelu-YAH, remember no-j!!!

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1, & 4.

      I AM sent to cleans the earth of all sinners - not one shall remain!!!

                                           YHH  IS THE CREATOR
                                           There is no other!!!

                                           I AM in the United States/Egypt!!!

      Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, GABRYAL Mission.

Read Psalms - 49 : 7.

Ransom = A fine to be paid to YA-HA for redemption of your soul.

Read Exodus - 20 : 5. & Exodus - 34 : 7. 

     The verses above reinforces that there is no grace so wake up and live!!!

     Only after you obey MY/YA-HA'S voice, and do all that I, THE Arch-Angel 

GABRYAL ask, are you cleansed of your sins.

     No one will pressure you to support this mission. You can't be raptured in to THE

KINGDOM OF YHH. One must freely volunteer their support, and study, study, study!!!

Read - Hebrews - 5 : 9. You that become righteous will never die.

Read; 1 Corinthians - 15 : 51.

                              You must obey MY voice so you can live. 

Read Revelation - 2 : 24 - 28. In verse 24, replace; in Thyatira with, of the world.

         Only those who write to ME will receive the direct contact.

 Click on donate below, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission. 
Ransom = A fine to be paid to YA-HA for redemption of your soul.

      Pay your ransom to YHH, even if you can only afford to donate one 1, dollar, for 

there is no specific amount required by GOD YHH. 

YA HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said 

"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-

bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood. 

      There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give

a dime, and save his soul.

"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; 

for God loves a cheerful giver."

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here.      

Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and their name will be                 

written in MY Book Of Life.                                                                                                                

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                    

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See also on;                                        

Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                    
 Help ME reach out to others with this truth.                      

                                 Write To Me At:                                                   

Please study #19, The crown of thorns it is an inspiration to the world.                              
      Gabryal Mission                       

                                      Contact ME by clicking on the button below
                                  Help ME reach out to others to spread this truth!
 Gabryal Mission                    

Some is having trouble when trying to donate, please leave a message.                                  

When you study. and donate, your name is written in THE BOOK OF LIFE.          

  To answer your question about a cash app, I don't have one.

However, one can send ransoms, or donations to this address.

Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065

P - 17 - L



  YHH YA - HA Read Exodus...