


                                                      Read Rev. 2 : 17, & 3 : 12.  

                                                      THE NEW NAME IS,  YHH  

             Pronounced YA-HA IS GOD   

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)                    

Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,

Read Isaiah - 11 : 1 - 5, The mission, & 6 - 10, The result.               

   Read - Isaiah - 42 : 16.                          

       Read 2nd. Peter - 2 : 12.                            
                        YHH  IS THE CREATOR of all things, there is no other!!!   

     I AM THE ANGEL GABRYAL sounding the trumpet to awaken the righteous! 

           THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL is THE Messiah/Messenger.

     I AM sent to finish this society, and to populate the Kingdom of YHH.

Read Isaiah 6 : 9 - 11.

Read Matthew 7 : 15.

Read Matthew 24 : 24.

Read Matthew 7 : 21 - 23.

      If you attend any church please read this message from YHH.

Read Isaiah 1 : 10 - 17.

Read Ezekiel 13 : 1 - 10.

Read Luke 14 : 23 - 24.

                                            I did not come to tarry!!!

     However, you must obey Luke - 6 : 38, you must support this MISSION of YHH,

for that is your fruit/work, the only fruit/work that a soul can bear!!!

Read Psa. 49 : 7 & 8. Notice; your soul must be redeemed.

    In Webster New Universal Unabridged Dictionary Deluxe second edition; 

page 1512, and study the meaning of the word, Redeem.

Redeem: 1. To buy back; to purchase.

Redeem; 2. To get back; to recover, as by paying a fee.

You and only you can buy back your own soul. You paid your way to Hell by giving 

to Satan's temples. Now this is Judgment Day, and you must support MY, The Arch- 

Angel GABRYAL'S Mission - to redeem, buy back your souls. 

       Some one told the world that Heaven, and Hell is free, NOT SO. They do lie to all 

of you - for the temples of Satan has raptured you - all of you, and none was aware of 

this condition.

                                                     A note to the readers.

     Please notice; This Blog is written to inform people around the world, WHO THE 


must become righteous, and bear fruit - or you want make the cut. 

                                 This is your lives that I AM speaking of!!! 

      Reading this, and doing nothing will not help you, because - Satan is still keeping 

you from supporting YHH'S Mission-which is to help make people aware of this blog/

mission. To know THE NAME YHH, and do nothing puts you in a worst position than 

you were at first, for Satan still have you bound!!! 

      The only work you need to do is, to support this blog by pass on the address of this 

blog to others, donate, and become righteous. 

      Do not, I repeat, do not try to convince any one, do not argue about YHH, 

ME, or the message that I bring. That will not help them, every-one must see 

it for them-self. The Bible clearly tells you that.

Read Deuteronomy - 24 : 16,   "no man can die for another"  & Psalms - 49 : 7 - 11.

                                                      Luke - 16 : 19 - 20.

                                      Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

                                                     John 11 : 43.  

                                           "Lazarus, Come Forth."  

        Let's take a closer look at this individual to reveal whom he really represent.

In this post, I will also reveal the position of rich people around the world, and what they

must do to enter the kingdom of YHH. The whole story about rich people is not told in

either of these chapters, thus both are incomplete, because the writers of the Bible lack

the ability to understand the message of YHH.

Read 1st. Corinthians 2 : 14.

    There are several scriptures condemning people who are rich, however, none tell them

what they must do to enter in to the kingdom of YHH. In this post I, THE ARCH-ANGEL

GABRYAL will reveal this mystery to the world for the first time.

     It is written in this parable that Lazarus the personage of Lazarus was laid at the gate

of the rich man. Lazarus represent some one placed in a position of power, and authority.

This position is not of his own doing, for he was laid at the gate. This person had the

power to go in and out of Hell, and make contact with YHH, the living, and the dead.

We can see that Lazarus is not an ordinary man, for no man has this ability.

                                                   WHO IS LAZARUS?

    We know that HE has the ability to resurrect the dead, for HE HIM-SELF is resurrected

from the dead. The scriptures read that YHH has a special love for This Person whom

Lazarus is representing. Lazarus is able to over-come this death, so we know that WHOM

ever THIS PERSON IS, death has no power over HIM. We also can tell that this death is

not a physical one, but a spiritual death. HE has the power to bridge the gap between the

living, and the dead. Lazarus is not your typical man, but someone special to YHH,

and man. You are also special to YHH , and I, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL.
     Take this scripture that most people see as impossible to accomplish, however, to

YHH, and I, it is accomplished with very little effort.

     All rich people pay close attention to this message from YHH, for this is The 

Law to salvation!!!

Read Matthew - 19 : 24 - 25.                

    After reading this scripture I AM sure that most of you say - why has YHH done

this to us? Why are we the rich shut out of the Kingdom? I, THE ARCH-ANGEL

GABRYAL say to you, NOT SO!!!

    Hear this; for this is how the rich people in the world enter The Kingdom 


every-thing except YHH, and Satan. This bring about a question, why not Satan?

Satan is MY baby brother, He is an Angel. YHH never put brother against brother,

even when one is Satan. 

   The needle; is referring to the name of the gate that lead into the city-during those days 

when that scripture was written. Same as The Law is the gate that leads into the Kingdom 

OF YHH-on the final day of Judgement.

                                   The eye of the needle is a gate. 

    When the camels approached the gate called the needle his head was to high to enter,

and all camels had to lower their heads, or bow at the gate to enter.

    This is Judgment day, and you must obey/bow to YHH/ MY voice by becoming 

righteous, and bear fruit. How does the righteous bear fruit? By supporting YHH'S,

MY, Mission!!! 

   No one enters The Kingdom of YHH with-out supporting this, MY Mission!!!

   The thing that seemed impossible is now made simple so you can live. 

Now you see that YHH love you, and so do I, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL!!!

                                              Back to Lazarus?

    Lazarus is A Messenger; for HE was asked to communicate between the living, and

the dead. 

    Notice; once the rich man had failed, he was conscious but couldn't make

contact with any one. For he had failed to heed to the warning brought to him by

YHH'S Messenger. Had the rich man heeded to the Messenger sent forth by YHH, THE

Messenger/beggar laying at his gate - he would have received salvation - eternal life. 

     Now you that are rich has a second chance to live for ever if you hear ME. For Lazarus



Read Exodus - 23 : 21.

   This is Judgment day, and I AM at your gate asking you to come in to the LAW of YHH, 

and bear fruit so you can live for ever.

Read Proverbs - 8 :  32 - 36.

     Pay close attention to Luke 16 : 26, which reads that;

"there is a great gulf fixed" 

"so that they who would pass from here (there) to you cannot" 

"neither can they pass to us that would come from there."

    Pay close attention to this change in the second quote; for lack of knowledge

the writers changed; there, to here. 

       There are three places spoken of in this verse;

1. Where you are - on earth.

2. Where they are - the place where those that you think has died are.

3. Where WE are - WHERE OUR FATHER, THE CREATOR, and The Angels dwell.

Read Hosea - 4 : 6.

Read Proverbs - 10 : 20.

    I wrote in earlier post which said, "none of your love-ones whom you think is dead has died." 

No one dies with-out being Judged by ME, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL.

At this time I've judged no man!!!

Read John 5 : 22.

   The parable about Lazarus, and the rich man is telling you that - after you leave 

here you will be in a place where all will know their destiny, Heaven, or Hell.

Read Luke 13 : 28. Stop at the word, see. The rest is of human addition.

Read Matthew 13 : 38 - 43. This message is clear that the gathering is done by Angels!!!

                                                 WHO IS LAZARUS?

    Lazarus is a allegory for ME, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL. This verse is written to

warn the rich who think that salvation has eluded them. 

    The reason I lay at your gate is, because, you didn't answer when I knocked on your door.

Read Revelation - 3 : 20.

    I've been knocking almost thirty six (36,) years, and you haven't opened the door to

your heart, nor have you obeyed MY VOICE. Now I, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL,

AM sent by YHH, to lay at your gates until the final day of Judgment!!!

Read Isaiah - 66 : 18. All nations.

    Lazarus is a allegory for THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL sounding the trumpet

to warn the people of the world, that false gods has cast a shadow over the whole 


Read Revelation - 12 : 9.

Read Luke - 14 : 23 - 24.

   Notice; there is no difference in the requirement for any-one to enter the kingdom 

of YHH - rich, or poor. For all must bear fruit by supporting MY Mission, and becoming


       All souls that are saved must be redeemed.

      What will you give in exchange for your soul?

                                  Come back to YHH, for this is Judgment day.

                                                 I offer you life eternal.

                                    Read Revelation - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2, & 7.    

                                    I AM THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL;

                                I appreciate all of you that support MY Mission!!!

               You shall long enjoy the work of your hands, in the kingdom of YHH.

                                                       Don't be afraid to write to ME!

                                                       YHH  IS THE CREATOR   
                                                       There is no other!!!

                                                       I AM in the United States.

  You don't have to die!!!

                                                 Help ME reach out to others.

                                                  YHH  IS THE CREATOR    
                                                  There is no other!!! 

      Only those who write to ME will receive a direct contact, and your name written

in MY Book Of Life.

      Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to,                                    
Notice; Read Psalms - 49 : 7, ransom                         

Ransom = A fine to be paid to YA-HA for redemption of your soul.                                                 

Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to, Gabryal Mission,                                    

and study, study, study!!!                                                                                                                        

        Read Psalms verse - 49 : 10. In the end of it all with out YHH, and I, GABRYAL, 

they will all parish.

      Pay your ransom to YHH, even if you can only afford to donate one 1, dollar, for 

there is no specific amount required by GOD YHH. 

YA-HA never required a specific amount for anyone to pay for their ransom. HE said 

"give from the heart, not grudgingly." For most people 10% of your earnings, is over-

bearing, and it would cause them to begrudge, for it is a burden on their lively hood. 

      There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give

a dime, and save his soul.

"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; 

for God loves a cheerful giver."

Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and their name will be                 

written in MY Book Of Life.                                                                                                                

 Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   

Your name must be in MY Book on that final day of Judgment. You must write to ME                    

and tell what you are doing to support this Mission. If you work or give as a group make                         

sure that all names are listed.                                                                                                                       

Read Revelation - 20 : 12 - 15. Your name must be written here in MY Book of Life.                        

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
 (See also on; you tube @gabryal mission 4700)            

Remember; any thing you do to promote, or support this blog is paying your ransom!

However one must send their name, or names to ME to be entered in to YHH'S BOOK,


        Help ME reach out to others with this truth.     
 Write To Me At:  

                  Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065                                                                        
      Gabryal Mission         

  For more information see;

you tube @Gabryal Mission 4700



  YHH YA - HA Read Exodus...