
11, XI. - Read Weekly: WORK WHILE IT IS DAY! *


Pronounced- YA-HA - like a breath.                           
      YHH LOVES YOU                                  

         YHH IS THE ALMIGHTY                                   

(If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.)

      Read Proverbs - 8 : 17.                                         

        Read Proverbs - 8 : 32 - 36.                                    

    All of you that think you are saved are delusional. You are about to loose your very soul. 

How can you be saved before you hear from the Messenger of YHH, or before you receive 

the instructions from GOD YHH, HIM SELF?  You need to rethink your position, and check 

out your source of information.

     Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21, and                             

 Read John - 5 : 22 & 23.                                       

In John - 16 : 13, Notice the words, when HE, and HE will.                                                                                              
"WHEN HE THE SPIRIT of truth, is come, HE will guide you to all truth;"                                     

This passage is telling the readers that when the bible was written THE Messiah/Messenger           

of YHH has not yet appeared.                                                                                                                   

John - 16 : 13, also reveals where the message I bring comes from, THE FATHER HIM-SELF.                                                                                                                                               
Notice; John - 16 : 14, tells what THE Messenger will be doing.                                                                        
Notice; John - 17 : 26, confirms that I AM doing exactly what HE sent ME to do.                            

           This brings about a question, why must this be done?                                                                           
One can read the answer in John - 17 : 25, & 21 - 22. In this order please.                                                                            
Read 1st Thessalonians - 4 : 16.                                    

   The SON, and the Messenger spoken of in the bible is THE Arch-Angel. The scriptures tell 

you that no man qualifies. So why are you all following instructions received from  unqualified 


It is written that when I come you will all be dead, because, all of you believed in Jesus Christ, 

and other false gods under the names used by MY brother Satan to deceive all nations..

Read Jeremiah - 31 : 30, Stop at the word iniquity.


                                                 Remember Revelation - 12 : 9.    

                                                 Read Isaiah - 41 : 28 & 29.                      

Isaiah - 56 : 10 & 11.                                  

Jeremiah - 10 : 21.                                      

    There shall be a falling away of people follow religions world wide, however,                              

not all will rise to life everlasting.                                                                                                             

  THE SON OF YHH COME ONCE AT THE END OF THIS WORLD - TO                            



                                                 THE NEW NAME IS,  YHH.

How can you know where you stand with GOD / YHH?

You paid no tribute to YHH, did not support this blog, nor paid your ransom! 

You didn't OBEY MY voice, I GABRYAL AM THE voice OF YHH, and THE Messiah! 

You continue going to the houses of Satan, the churches, celebrating Easter, and celebrating 


   Christmas is a world wide trap established to worship Satan, and destroy all souls.

Read Jeremiah 3: 20. Where the word Israel is written in the bible, it mean all nations.

     The destruction of humans shall not cease. As long as you serve Satan you shall be 


I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger, THE SON of YHH.

                            The Book Of Remembrance is written and sold by,


                                                      Written By THE Angel GABRYAL

                   This is the most powerful book ever written, to warn all nations.

    This is the first and only book given to the world by GOD YHH since Satan came 

amongst the children of YHH in the garden.

   This book is the express way to the land promised by YHH. This is the road map to 

the Kingdom of YHH.

On your TV, go to your you tube channel, search for. Gabryalmission4700, to watch all my

videos on your TV. They will show you the way to the kingdom, the promised land.

Satan has made a lot of you afraid to read MY/YHH'S message of salvation to the world.

Many of you are fearful of knowing the truth.

You are still dyeing, many are sick, you are aging prematurely, and going six feet under in a box.

You aren't suppose to die, because, all of you are gods raped of your GOD/YHH given souls.

Get The Book of Remembrance so you can live forever.

Study post #50, in the blog.

Listen to the videos, all of them, and come alive.

I AM your deliverer, THE Messenger THE SON of YHH.

Read Revelation - 14: 6 - 7. The warning!!!

Read Revelation - 15: 1. The plagues!!!

                                                 YHH IS GOD ALMIGHTY!                     

    Read Isaiah - - 42 : 16.                                  

                                                 Read 2nd. Peter - 2 : 12.          


                                                 Read Revelation - again - 5 : 1, 3, 4, 2 & 7.  

                                                 Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 12 - 19.

                                                 Read 1st. Corinthians - 15 : 33 - 34.

                                                 This is the days of Judgment!!! 


     FATHER Of THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL, and all that live!

 Are you aware that in as many years there has been over 300, Jesus Christs 

claiming to be GOD, and Messiah. They all are hood winkers, deceivers, liars,

soul snatchers, and they all died horrible deaths, or was killed.

                                               Read 2nd. Peter 2 : 1 - 4 & 8 - 12.

                                               PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!!! 
   No one has ever witnessed the death of an Angel - no man can kill GOD, nor his Messenger.                                                                                                                                         
Now remember this;                               

       Read Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21, with                          

Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 4.                                   

You are to come to ME, GABRYAL as little children, so you can be taught, because you know 

nothing about YHH'S message of salvation. Notice the singular use of the pronouns, and adjectives        
when YHH speaks of HIS Messenger. This is because, HE YHH sends only one Messenger.                              
THE Arc-Angel GABRYAL sent at the end of the age - as you say the end of the world.                        

                                              Read Hebrews - 9 : 26.  

Read Isaiah - 45 : 12 & 13.                              

      MY instructions to you is as the following, don't just read the blog, and stop.

Many people discover the true name of YHH  by trying to prove that I GABRYAL AM wrong. 

There is nothing wrong with that. This is your first work, and this is your life - your very soul.

 Believers are deceived, and can be lead astray. 

YHH want you to prove who HE IS, and what HIS NAME IS. Learn how you are to relate to 

HIM, and what you need to do to enter THE Kingdom of GOD YHH.

 1st. Thessalonians - 5 : 21.                     

   So you can be a strong soldier in this spiritual war. Fixed in what you know, and 

immovable. After you come to know who GOD YHH IS, you are to publish this good news. 

To tell what you have discovered to others around you. Publish it on the web, u-tube, and 

other places. This is the work that YHH, and I, GABRYAL ask all to do. 

You must earn your space in the kingdom. There is a ransom to be paid by every soul that 

enters The Kingdom of YHH.

Read Isaiah - 52 : 7 - 10.                             

       YHH want you to do diligence to make HIS NAME known. The work of the righteous is to 

share the knowledge of THE NAME of GOD YHH. 

We all know that faith with out work is dead. Once you have learned what THE NAME of GOD 

IS. Your work is to help spread this good news to the people around the world. To all who want to 

live a righteous life, and they will hear this truth.

Read Hebrews - 6 : 10, below; "For YHH is not unrighteous to forget your work, and                    

labor of love which ye have shown toward HIS NAME, in that ye have shared with                         

the righteous, and do share."  
How can anyone be a supporter?                   

Tell some one about this Mission, Pass out fliers, cards, news adds, T.V. commercials,               

sponsor a billboards, and donate to this Mission. You must do one of these to enter The                       
Kingdom of YHH.

Remember; any thing you do to promote, or support this blog is paying your ransom!

However one must send their name, or names to ME to be entered in to YHH'S BOOK,


Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to Gabryal mission.                    
Remember; this is not about MY PERSONAL gain!!!                  

To answer your question about 
a cash app, I don't have one.                                   

 However, one can send ransoms, or donations to this address.   

 Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065                                             
                        YHH IS THE CREATOR                             

             For more information see;, see 14, videos and

The Book of Remembrance is for sale.

See also videos on face book.



  YHH YA - HA Read Exodus...