


Pronounced YA-HA IS GOD           

 YHH Is the one, and only GOD of all. 

   (If you don't have a bible the scriptures can be pulled up on your phone.) 

Malachi 3: 16, GOD'S command, you need a book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance by Alvester Samuel available at,           

Read Psalms - 49 : 7 & 8.           

            Notice; your soul must be redeemed.                        

Pay close attention to these verses.             

Exodus - 23 : 20 & 21.                

John - 5 : 39.  "You think"                

John - 6 : 37 - 40.            

First lets talk about testifying. The true testimony is to tell some one else about what             

you "do know," about YHH.                                                                                                                      

When you grand stand in the temples of the devil called churches; you show that you                

are a fool with out knowledge. You are making a spectacle of your self while creating gossip.                

So don't get angry when you hear your name slandered through out the streets.                                         

Read Isaiah - 6 : 9 - 11. As I said; "The viruses shall continue killing until you become 

righteous, and return to YHH, and I, THE Archangel GABRYAL." 

The weather is a major weapon of YHH against the unrighteous ones. It will continue to 

intensify until you return to YHH and I, GABRYAL.

All religions are a mark of Satan, made with the intent to destroy all souls.

Read Revelation 12: 9. The whole world. If religions were of God then why are you deceived?
Read Matthew - 6: 7 & 8.                

 Notice; you don't speak to YHH with the mouth, but by the mind, telepathy.                                     

  A wise person lives a private life: so be wise and talk to YHH only in secret.                                      

Read Matthew - 6: 4 & 6.                 

Read Deuteronomy - 29: 29. The first sentence only!              

To obey MY voice as in Exodus - 23 : 21;  To obey -                

  Is to hear, to study, and prove what I teach. Come and partake of the last supper.                     

Come sit at MY FATHER YHH'S table, and live.                     

           Read John   6: 33 &  John - 6: 58.                            

Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4: 16.                       

The Messenger only come in the last days, and the message I, GABRYAL bring                   

is The Last Supper. All of you come up to the mountain top, and eat until you are full.                         

Come take your place at the MASTERS table; sup with us, and we will sup with you.                         

Read Proverbs - 8: 22, 23 & 30,            

       with Hebrew - 9: 26.                                    
       The last supper is not some one sitting at a table one female flanked by eleven                                 

chauvinistic males. The writing in the bible has caused you to loose your way. The                                  

image set before you causes one to think that this is some kind of man cave function of a                                   
feast, and females aren't allowed. Females are highly welcome, and invited to partake

of this supper that is host by, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL. I show no favor to gender,

race, or color. Come as you are, so you can learn the truth that has been hidden for so


     The image set before you in the Bible is a allegory written to deceive all readers,

and believers.

Allegory; description of one thing under the image of another; A story in which 

people, things, and happenings have another meaning, as in fables, or parables.

SYN. fable, fiction, metaphor, illustration, parable, and simile.

(Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary; Pg.47 - 48)

      The last supper has nothing to do with food that you eat. This table of YHH

is overflowing with food for the mind, it makes one WISE. This is speaking

of the truth being revealed, to the whole world. This is the last time you the people

will have to receive salvation, the truth of YHH, and live.

      When I GABRYAL have finished MY Mission, the truth will only be hidden to those 

who are lost

       It has been taught that the last supper was held over 2,000, years ago, not so. Those

chauvinistic males along with Jesus condemned all females, and the rest of the world.

It cuts you off from GOD YHH while taking away every opportunity that you

have been given to learn the truth, and live. They called all females woman, and forbid

you to teach or learn the word of  GOD YHH. The truth that is set before you in

this blog is the last supper of YHH. Come one, come all, and fill your heart,

and your minds with the milk, and honey that is given without price.
If the last supper was presented 2,000, years ago, every soul after that time is condemned.

     The door to eternal life into the kingdom would be sealed, and all of you wouldn't have                        
a chance!!! He Satan/Jesus told you boldly that he came to destroy you, all of you.                                                     

Read 2nd. Corinthians - 11: 14 - 15.  Read this again!!!  

NOTICE; Satan's ministers, your preachers!!!                
Read Matthew - 10: 34 - 36.                      

All it takes is the receiving of his name, Jesus to condemn you. This is also the mark                 

that every one has been warned about, and should not take. 
            Read Revelation - 14: 11.                                      

Hear this, the door to salvation is opened only once.                            

Read; Isaiah - 65: 11 & 12.                              

In Matthew - 24: 24, It is clearly written that any one coming in the name Christ,            

or as a Prophet is false.                                                                                                                                      
It is easy to deceive one who is asleep. The Bible is written in  more than 12, different             

ways: past, present, and future tense at the same time. Metaphors, allegories, concision's,                        

abbreviations, euphemism, compound words, fallacious phrases, apt expressions,

similes, parables, and statements with the express purpose to mislead. 

               Only a fool would say that the bible is infallible.
     How would you know which phrase is correct? Which one should be applied to the

verse you are reading? Which one should be eliminated all to gather? You don't know, 

because of the deep sleep. 

    The bible is not the book of redemption, nor the book of GOD YHH, and none can 

rise with the bible, none!!!

    I will take one word and show you just how easily you can be deceived, because

you are the sleeper.


                           A compound word, [woe-man] meaning, a curse.                                                                                          
  Anytime more than one word is used to form a word. The user should search every

word connected to the word formed. Let's take a look at woe. Even though there are

many words, I will use just one,  Woe = affliction, and a curse.

The whole world is deceived, they refer to females as woman. There is no where in

the Bible or YHH'S  message where HE refers to females as woman.

The person of hue has done this to you all. The person of hue, is a sinful person. The

woman spoken of in the bible are male. The same is with Adam, male and female. 

The word man represents the divine among all nations, males, and females.

Genesis - 1: 27.                                           

Genesis - 5: 1 & 2.                                       

Adam, represents the righteous of GOD YHH, male and female.                                                         

Adam had many children, male and female.                                                                                            

Genesis - 5: 3 & 4                                           

The name Adam, represents the whole race of man, from his beginning.                                             

All nations called upon the one and only GOD, YHH.                                                                             

The act written in Genesis - 2: 21 - 22, never took place!                                                     

This is an attempt to discredit the females, and to lay the blame on some one else.

Genesis - 4: 2 - 26                                             

      This whole story is a allegory, having nothing to do with what you have been taught.

Scriptures have been moved from book to book, and chapter to chapter in order to mislead


       There are also many names added and changed in the Bible, such as the names

Enoch, Seth, Moses, yes Moses, Noah, James, Peter, John, Eve, and the list is long.

With out ME THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL, you can in no wise know, what, where,

 when, how, why or which because you are still a sleep.


      When the males started to become wicked, the females remained righteous. They

were the law keepers of GOD YHH. Eve is not a female but a male. The serpent

is a hue-man not a snake. In those days a snake was called an Asps.

The man of [hue] was not in existence at that time
         [Humans] = sinful man, sinful people started with Satan, MY brother.

1. The story  of Adam and Eve is an allegory. Referring to how the righteous

became wicked.

2. The appearance of the serpent is a metaphor. This is an attempt to disguise the

rulers of darkness.

      The result of both is the human stories [hue-man people].

Hue = sinful- man

Remember in the garden, YHH called to Adam and he/they did not answer, why?

Because sin had come between GOD YHH, and Adam/all flesh. Adam had violated

the divine law causing a shield/"a great gulf" to be placed between him/them, and YHH.

     I GABRYAL AM THE one that called to you, not MY FATHER.

That he/they could no longer hear the divine instructions. The same is true of the people in

the world to day.

That is why YHH prepared, and sent ME, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL to bridge 

the gap between YHH, and you.

                   Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4: 16.                             

              I AM YHH'S MOUTH SPEAKING directly to the whole world. 

If YHH HIM SELF, stood on the highest mountain, and called to you, none of you would 

hear HIM.

           Read Isaiah - 64: 4 & 7.                                 

I, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL AM THE MAN-CHILD!!!                      

     There is a gulf between YHH, and you, so YHH sent ME GABRYAL. I AM come to 

rip the vale, and roll away the stone so you can rise from your sepulchers, and live.


  Isaiah - 65: 11 & 12.                   
Isaiah - 66: 4.                            
Matthew - 15: 4 - 9.                    

        Notice the plurality in Isaiah - 66 : 4, such as their, them, none, and they.                              

The woman represents the wicked, the unjust, the deceiver, the cursed, the Devil, and                             
his advocates.

Read -  Genesis 6: 5.                          

 Read - Genesis 3; 12.                           

 Read - Genesis 6; 12.                           
Read - Genesis 6; 11.                          

      Let's see who the woman is in Genesis 3: 12 & 13, and who started the wickedness.

Verse 14, is an attempt to shift the blame to the Asps, and verse 16, is meant to make

females feel less than males. It is demeaning at best, so males can rule over them.

When a male, and female gets married they become one, and are referred to as soul

mates. Your soul doesn't walk behind you - nor in front of you. You are one so you walk

together as equals in every thing at all times.

Read  Genesis - 6: 1 & 2.                         

   Now, lets see who's Angels were taking wives of the daughters of man. The woman

can't be a female, because the females are referred to as the daughters on man.

           Read Genesis - 3: 12 & 13, with,                          

   Revelation - 1: 9,  and                                  
 Genesis - 6: 1 - 2.                                          

      Here we can clearly see who the woman, singular is. We can also see who's angels were

marrying  the daughters of man. The words serpent, and woman are used out of

context to disguise Satan, and his followers/helpers, your preachers.

Serpent = singular, Satan.

Woe-man = singular, Satan.

Woe = Against.  Man = THE DIVINE/GOD YHH!!! 

        The only woman on the earth at this time is Satan, and He corrupted you, all of you!!!

Read Genesis - 6: 11 & 12.                               

      Read  Revelation - 12: 9.                                        

       The serpent is revealed in the same verse.

The woman represent Satan, his advocates, and all the wicked people on the earth,

not females. The woman are leaders, and teachers of falsehood established by Satan.
    Read  Revelation - 17: 3 - 5.                                      

      Read In Revelation - 17: 5.                                         

Tells you that the name written is a mystery.

      Read In Revelation - 17: 7.                                        

    I AM THE ANGEL, telling you that Mystery Babylon is Jesus. Remember the

purple robe in; Revelation - 17: 4.

     Read Revelation - 17: 4. Purple!!!                                           

     Read Go to John - 19: 2. The purple robe!!!               

      What is he dressed in? He never mentions THE NAME YAHWEH in all of his

preaching not once, why? He thought this was the name of YHH

      Satan can not call, or speak THE NAME YAHWAH, which is only a English 

translation IT would destroy Him.  

Now what will happen to those who continue to believe in that name, and personage of Jesus.

            Read  Revelation -17: 6 - 8.                                              

     I AM THE Arch-Angel GABRYAL and I AM telling you the mystery, as is promised in

Revelation - 17: 7.

        Revelation - 17: 7.                                                          

   When this was written the name Jesus did not exist, Satan was here, but the name

was not yet in existence. Yes, He is only in the mind of the deceived, a maid up

personage from the mind of Satan.  

    Read  Revelation - 19: 20, and                                 

     Mark - 13: 19 - 23.                                                      

    These verses plainly tell you that Jesus is false and all of the teachers of Jesus are

false. The writers played a trick on you, they took you for fools. After deceiving the

nations they wrote the truth, just to see how blind you are and to see if any could

recognize the truth.

Study Post - 19 - XIX - THE CROWN OF THORNS                         

Read  Psalms - 37: 28.                                    

   The personage of Jesus is forsaken because he is a impostor, and a wicked attempt

to replace our FATHER YHH and HIS Messenger. This is also an attempt to

destroy all righteous people on earth.

Read  Psalms - 83: 1 - 5.       l                             

     Now Read  Matthew - 27: 46,                                 

 Mark - 15: 34, and                                               

  Read 2nd Timothy - 2: 13.                                    

   If he was God, or sent by God, he would not have been denied, or forsaken.

They had to think up a way to get rid of him, because, He only existed in the minds of the

writers. He is a made up personage, because he never was!

 Now read Revelation - 17:  8.                                 

 Read Psalms - 37: 27 - 29.                                       

     This is why the Kingdom is still vacant. The true Messenger never came 

2,000 years ago. Jesus is not, I GABRYAL repeat, Jesus is not God, nor is he a 

Messenger of GOD YHH, nor could he ever be ME.

  Read  Proverbs - 14: 25 & 26.                                  

        Satan and his advocates are still Angels of YHH , just the abominable ones.   
                                          Notice in Revelation - 17: 7,                   

        An Angel will bring the truth. The Angel will teach about THE FATHER YHH.

Come; and sup with ME, The Arch-Angel GABRYAL. To sup is to help by supporting

this cause, on your own free will. No one is raptured in to, righteousness, or in to

supporting this mission, or the Kingdom of YHH.

     You must get your name in MY book. You must write to ME at the address below.

You must do your work which is your fruit, by supporting this mission. one way or

the other. Your name will not be in MY Book, unless you send it to ME, along with

how you are supporting this Mission.

     Read Matthew 7: 20.         

           Read James 2: 17 - 20.            

Read John - 4: 36.        

Exodus - 23: 20 - 21.    

Proverbs - 8: 20 - 30     

Proverbs - 8: 32 - 36.    


there is no other.             


Psalms - 83; 1 - 5.            

 Psalms - 82: 8.                   


                                                        YHH  IS THE CREATOR      
                                                              There is no other!!!

Only those who write to ME will receive direct contact, and their name will be                 

written in MY Book Of Life.                                                                                                                

                              Don't be afraid to contact ME, for fear will destroy you.                                                                   
        Help ME reach out to others with this truth.                     

                                      Write To Me At:                                                                                 
      Gabryal Mission                       

                                      Contact ME by clicking on the button below
                                        Help ME reach out to others!

            Click on donate below, and send donations for ransoms payable to, 

Gabryal Mission. 

Read Psalms 49: 7.
             Ransom = A fine to be paid to YA-HA for redemption of your soul.

                              Write to me, and send donations for ransoms payable to,                  

Some readers are having trouble when trying to donate, please leave a message.                                  

When you study. and donate, your name is written in THE BOOK OF LIFE.

                                                                                                                                                                                          To answer your question about a cash app, I don't have one.

               However, one can send ransoms, or donations to this address.

               Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065 

 For more information see;, see 14, videos and

The Book of Remembrance is for sale.

See also videos on face book.



  YHH YA - HA Read Exodus...