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Where ever you see the word God in the writings, YHWH was there.
Read Ezekiel - 33 : 15.
Read Psalms - 103 : 18 -20. Notice; Righteousness!!!
Read Psalms - 102 : 18 : 20. Notice; Shall be created!!!
is this so important? So all of you will accept Gods that are not Gods, and seal your fate.
In your present condition you are all doomed. YHH LOOKED, and this is what HE
Romans - 1 : 21 - 23 & 25 - 32.
accepted the enemy of YHH, and the enemy to all of man kind as their god. In reality
Jesus is a false personage in which you claim to be God's only son. Why don't you read
for your selves? MY FATHER YHH has TWO SONS, of which Jesus Christ is not one.
Read Isaiah - 45 : 11 & 13.
Jesus is the name used by Satan, MY brother, to deceive the whole world. This entity
has been denied by MY FATHER, and it came from his own mouth.
The scriptures written below proves that the writers of the bible did not under-
stand MY FATHER'S message that HE left for HIS children, all of you. It also prove
that Jesus wasn't God, or God sent.
a made up personage from the minds of the writers, and a servant of Satan.
Read again - 2nd. Timothy - 2 : 13.
In the following verse, the word Jews is a allegory for the NAME YHH'S, as to
belong to YHH. The word Jew was not in existence at the time that this is written!!!
Read Revelation - 2 : 9.
Romans - 8 : 14, & Matthew - 5 : 45, & Romans - 9 : 26.
In Psalms - 83 : 1 - 5, where THE NAME YHH is removed from HIS message to
the world. At the same time you lost your souls, and eternal life is taken away.
Read 1st. John - 3 : 8.
Read Ezekiel - 33 : 15 & 16.
The son of perdition which you refer to as Jesus Christ. The one claiming to be, and you
accepted as GOD, and Messenger. You are fore warned of this personage in the scriptures.
Read Matthew - 24 : 24.
Read Revelation - 13 ; 14 & 15.
Read 2nd Thessalonians - 2 : 3 - 4 & 6 - 10.
most valuable possession your soul. How can you be so naive? I went to the same schools
as many of you, and studied the same books. You should have known that the word or name
Jesus did not exist before the 16th. century there was no J.
The concept of "religion" was formed in the 16th and 17th centuries, despite the fact that ancient texts like, the Quran, and others did not have a word or even a concept of religion in the original languages and neither did the people or the cultures in which these sacred texts were written.
says about HIS MESSENGER.
Read Isaiah - 42 : 1 - 9.
Read Revelation - 13 : 5 - 9.
This happened to people all over the world. They were forced to take religion or be
killed. As you can see you are raptured in to Satan's religions.
You are bamboozled, deceived, tricked, and hoodwinked by Satan.
Read Proverbs - 14 : 25.
Where are the souls that he claim to have saved? There aren't any souls in the kingdom,
in over 2,000, years, nor the last 400, years of biblical teaching, not one.
Jesus Christ was exempt, not so. It is the name that is used by the master of deception Satan.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 ; 16.
scriptures. This enemy twisted them so you could not understand the message within them,
thus taking away your sight.
Read Isaiah - 64 : 4.
Lets take a closer look at, Matthew - 24: 21 - 28 & 36. Verse - 27, tells you how I will
Read Isaiah - 42 : 2. Not in the street.
Read these verses below in this order only.
first; Matthew - 24 : 25, 21, 23, 24, 26, 22, 27, 31, and 36.
Now watch this Exodus - 23 : 20, & 21.
You see YHWH warned you that some one would come in that name Christ, with a
host of false prophets.
Read Matthew - 24 : 24.
Read Revelation - 12 : 9. The whole world!!!
Their purpose is to deceive you, to destroy you, to steal YOUR birth right, and to take
away your life. The scriptures between Mat. 24 : 21, and Mat. 24 : 36, that are not listed
is just trash. They are written strictly to deceive the readers.
Read Matthew - 12 : 39,
Read Matthew - 16 : 4, and
Read Mark - 8 : 12.
You can see the enemy's finger print in all three verses. All prophets are false, and
the letter J, didn't exist.
generation seek after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it."
These verses tells you all that any one coming in the name, Jesus Christ is false,
and so are his teachers.
on almost every street corner, for they are called churches.
Read Jeremiah - 5 : 25 - 27.
This Angel also gathers the elect of YHH.
Read 1st. Thessalonians - 4 : 16.
The dead in Christ only rises at MY, THE ARCH-ANGEL GABRYAL'S coming. You
are told that Christ is false, and every one that believe in Jesus Christ is dead. As for the
last sentence in that verse! You will not be the first to rise! That position doesn't belong
to you! Many of you will perish with the enemy. You are like the fish that takes the bait.
and can't turn it loose.
Read Exodus - 23 : 20, & 21.
written, THE NAME YHH belongs there.
Now and forever: YHH/YA-HA
There is no stated amount from YHH for one to give, for even a beggar might give
a dime, and save his soul.
"Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion;
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Your name will be written in MY BOOK OF LIFE.
However, one can send ransoms, or donations to this address.
Gabryal Mission P. O. Box 65603, Orange Park, Florida 32065
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